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Snežana Joksimović - 13.11.2018
Nia S. Amira - 05.7.2018
*Nia Amira, is a distinguished author, journalist and linguist from Indonesia. She writes on cultural, international affairs, multicultarism and religious studies. Her articles have appeared in over thirty newspapers that are published in Europe, Asia and United States
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PROLOG Čovječanstvu!
Ova ugodna, melodično kratka i britko jasna imenica u sebi sadrži, introvertno nosi a ekstrovertno emituje, svoje misli nekome tamo daleko unutar crnih rupa geografskih širina i dubina svemirskih obzorja. Šalje ih nekome blizu, nekome šapatom, nekome dodirom, a svakome dobrotom svoje poruke. To je priča o ljudskoj vrsti kao jedinoj, unikatnoj, prekrasnoj, satiričnoj, sanjivoj, melanholičnoj, sjetnoj i odvažnoj vrsti Malih Prinčeva. To je priča o čovječuljcima koji živjahu i žive obitavajući i dijeleći jednu božanstveno prekrasnu planetu nazivajući ju domom svojim. Dali su si i nadjenuli ime LJUDI. To ime je nastalo iz jedne neuništive energije, jedne izgarajuće zvijezde usred vrtloga bespuća, jednog mračnog i crnilom ispunjenog bestežinskog prostora. Ta neuništiva energija i snaga se zvala LJUBAV, i upravo ta ljubav udahnjuje ŽIVOT pa čak i onome što i koji je na izmaku tako što se ona neprestano širi, koagulira i putuje jer se nevidljivim kanalima, crvotočinama i linijama kreće dajući fragmente sebe onome čemu se približi. A to je velika čast i ogromna sreća onome i onima koje i koga ona dotakne. Tako se ona ponaša, tako ona postoji kao jedina iskrena i dobronamjerna osobina, emocija i struja unutar tih čovječuljaka, i njihove božanstvene planete. Na tom putovanju ona mijenja i svoj oblik, svoj izgled i lik; ona se prilagođava i udomljava tamo gdje boravi dobrota kao njena sestra. Osjetila je da bi jednoj takvoj planeti ona bila najpotrebnija, jer je htjela da se proširi i nastavi širiti unutar jednog velikog svijeta. Tako je i nastao mali princ, udahnuo ju je i kombinovao njeno ime LJUBAV i njeno prezime DISATI, uzevši par slova i imena i prezimena dajući joj univerzalno ime LJUDI. Taj malen dar im je dat, i oni odlučiše da taj Mliječni Put jednog univerzuma, jedne galaksije nastane svojim i njenim uzdasima, svojim koracima, svojim umovima. Njihovi uzdasi se pretvoriše u opojni zrak, njihovi koraci ostaviše trag po pješčano baršunastom tlu njihovog novog i jedinog doma, a njihovi umovi stvoriše čaroliju kreativnih ideja i djela unutar bajke jednog života. Ozarenih pogleda i usplahirenih misli ta ljepota, ta veličina jednog grada, jedne države, jedne planine i rijeke njihovog doma ih ostavi bez daha, ustuknule i zatečene. Osjećali su se kao odabrani, kao važni i posebni, kao najjači i najslabiji pred gorostasnom punoćom i širinom njihove zemlje, njihove vode i njihovog čistog i svježe omamljenog zraka. Došli su ni otkud. Bez riječi, bez jezika, bez patvornih i lucidno opsesivnih misli, bez gladnih uzdaha, bez iskvarenih vizija. Došli su noseći pregršt netaknuto čistih i kristalno jasnih snoviđenja. Poželjeli su da svojim prisustvom ostave značajan trag, kako sebe tako i njihovih saputnika, braće, sestara i dragih prijatelja. Po čemu su posebni, pitaš se? Ta mala bića se nazvaše Ljudi. Bilo ih je raznih visina, oblika i izgleda. Neki su imali velike, radoznalo iskrene oči kojima su upijali svu ljepotu koja ih je okruživala, gledali su i posmatrali svaku prašku, svaku zraku sunca, svako spuštanje jesenjeg lista, svaku pahulju na tlu s toliko pažnje, predanosti i ushićenja da im je svaka nadolazeća vizija i saznanje izazivala osjećaj nevine i naivne radosti koja se jasno ocrtavala i isijavala iz bistrih zjenica njihovih pogleda. Neki su imali duge ruke s elegantno nježnim prstima, koje su slobodnim pokretima i prefinjenim gestama plesale i milovale neke zapregnute i stegnute strune akustične gitare, valovito ugodne harfe, vapajno sjetne violine u neko indijsko ljeto, uz ugodni povjetarac svirajući i stvarajući najnježniju, najljepšu i najglasniju melodiju popraćenu pjesmom slavuja i ćuka. Neki su imali velike glave u kojima su nosili sazvježđa raznolikih i pametnih dosjetki, misli, ideja, nekih frekvencija koje su ih vodile ka jasnim i praktičnim primjenama istih. Njihov mozak je bio jedan konglomeratno obilan spektar raznih strujanja duž galaksija njihovih misli. Oni su bili vješti u otkrivanju i razumijevanju boja, temperatura, oblaka i oluja, vremenskih prilika i nedaća i godišnjih doba. Vremena obaviše i obukoše planetu u vrtloge nebeskog plavetnila, u mrenu gustih i mračnih oblaka kreirajući tople suze koje su se obrušavale na tlo iz tužnih i usamljenih pjenastih jastučića u vidu vodene reakcije zvane kiša. A tlo je te suze nebeskog svoda toplo primalo upijajući svaku kap ne dozvoljavajući im da okončaju, da svojim padom izdahnu i krikom da odjeknu do u vasionu nekog drugog svijeta. Tlo kišu pretvori u grudvasto čvrstu masu jednog sjemena koje izraste u najkrasniji cvijet. I taj cvijet postade dio te planete, postade sastavni član te porodice jednog doma. Postao je ukras pustoši i usamljenosti tla, i ubrzo svojim opojnim i osvježavajućim mirisom oslika po ulicama, po gradovima, po zraku svoj autentično posebni razbuđujući šareni osmijeh na licima onih kojima je nosiće dotakao i udisaje upotpunio. Neki su imali duge i snažne noge kojima su čvrsto koračali po bijelim prekrivačima tokom tupo hladnog godišnjeg doba koje bi svojim jutarnjim mrazevima stvaralo ledene oklope štiteći onaj unikatni cvijet i njegove saputnike od zimskog sna. Njihove noge su mogle da izdrže i podnesu svu snagu prvih vjetrova promjene, jačinu i oštrinu pješčanih oluja, mogle su da svojim Ahilovim petama ostavljaju čvrste i jasne tragove i otiske svog bivstvovanja. Kao takvi su tog jednog dana Velikog Praska u sazvježđu galaksija stigli ti mali, veliki putujući džindasi. Svojim prisustvom su kreirali okolnosti u kojima su živjeli, i samim time otkrivajući sebe, svoje mogućnosti i svoju suštinu. Svojim dahom, svojim pogledima, nevinim i naivnim gestama su naseljavali brdovite poljane, učeći i podučavajući jedni druge, otkrivajući raznovrsne igrarije njihovih talenata. Učili su da uspravno koračaju zemljom koju su zavoljeli, štitili i branili od vremenskih nepogoda i zlih nedaća. Štitili su ju grleći ju osmijesima, cvjetnim ogrlicama i zajedničkim molitvama. Bilo ih je mnogo, bilo ih je više no i u jednoj galaksiji, bilo ih je mnoštvo u jedinstvu njihovih različitosti. Bili su jednaki u tome što su svoju ljudskost čuvali i njegovali, nesebično ju međusobno dijeleći. Željeli su da svoj dom poboljšaju i unaprijede. Stoga odlučiše da svojim rukama zaplešu po modro-crvenoj i svježoj zemlji izvodeći najunikatnije i najendemičnije plesne korake praveći krugove i spuštajući sjeme onog istog cvijeta koji je opstao usljed jake i snažne oluje uzrokovane Zeusovim munjama i gromovima. Ubrzo naučiše da svoje tlo, svoja vrijedna zrnca zemlje unaprijede istražujući i iznjedravajući nove i svakojake vrste zelenog bilja. Shvatili su da jedino mogu opstati i sačuvati svoj dom surađujući hrabro, vješto i iskreno, ne uzurpirajući previše svoj dom. Zajedno su rasli, stasali u pametne, virtuozno kreativne umjetnike, naučnike, skulptore i sportiste. Herkulova snaga im bijaše nus pokretač i oni odlučiše da svojim rijekama očvrsnu korita, da svojim planinama prošire pluća i da svojim umovima i mislima daruju riječi, rečenice artikulisane u najljepše izričaje njihove kulture i civilizacije. Svom imenu dodaše nadimak homo sapiens. Prometej im nesebično darova vatru da im služi kao vječno svjetlo i ugodni ogrjev usljed okrutne i sniježne zimske idile. Naučiše da ta ista vatra u sebi sadrži više no plamen znanja. Pretvoriše ju i u struju koja im omogući da osvijetle puteve svojih svjetonazora usred obzorja i pejzaža životnog unaprjeđenja, kako sebe tako i svog neposrednog okruženja. Svoja jutra su provodili marljivo radeći poput pčela koje su im bile inspiracija da svojim odlučnim, predanim i zajedničkim angažmanom naprave najukusnije obroke, začinjene najslađim medom koji je svojim ljekovitim učinkom održavao, hranio i njegovao njihove plemenite umove. U njihovom okruženju su boravili i radišni mravi koji su svojim kolonijama pospješavali gradnju i izgradnju jednog ugodnog, odvažnog i iskreno požrtvovanog društva. Njihovi stanovnici unutar Mliječnog Puta malih čovječuljaka su mogli obaviti neograničenu količinu posla jer su bili organizirani i pritom su pošteno i ravnopravno dijelili obim dnevnih obaveza jedni s drugima. Zato su, iako veoma sitni po svojoj građi, bili izuzetno uspješni u ostvarenju njihovog zajedničkog cilja tj. unaprijeđenja svog doma, svojih građana i svog postojanja. Naime, Mali prinčevi su svoju planetu, svoj skromni dom ugodno dijelili i sa jednim drugim svjetom, svijetom životinjskog carstva u kojemu je, kao i u njihovom, carovalo drugarstvo. Unutar svijeta naših čovječuljaka nije postojao niko ko se mogao ili trebao zvati Vođa grupe. Postojali su oni kao predstavnici jednog vođe, kao predstavnici svoje vrste. Tu ulogu su uspješno jedni drugima prepuštali jer nisu htjeli da se iko odvaži ili izolira iz grupe obzirom da su imali jednak i jedinstven cilj, zajedničku misao vodilju, da ponosno i punog srca opravdaju ime ČOVJEK. Vjerovali su jedni i u druge vođeni bezuslovnom ljubavlju, poštovanjem i odanošću. Dijelili su jedno srce uobličeno u jednu okruglu veselu loptu po kojoj su gazili. Ta lopta se nazvaše planeta Zemlja. Disali su istim plućima, uobličena u nepregledne aleje zelenih stabala omirisane i uljepšane najljepšim granama i plodovima onog prvog im cvijeta koje se rodilo i odraslo iz onog prvog im sjemena, iz onog komadića zemlje natopljenog im onom kapljicom suze nebeskog svoda. A pitaš se od kuda su onda stigle te pčele i mravi? Vidiš dragi čitaoče, dragi dječače, draga majko i oče, dragi druže moj, obzirom da je njihova planeta, onim velikim praskom nastala iz jedne blještavo sjajne zvijezde koja je sebe na svom izmaku nesebično podijelila želeći svoj čisti, nevini sastojak ostaviti, u nadi da će nešto mnogo i ljepše i jače nastati, ona se odluči formirati u onu veliku plavu loptu. A budući da je ta prelijepa i savršena lopta na svom tlu napravila nešto tako zanosno, te male prinčeve i putujuće džindase koji su bili tako pitomi, prirodni, iskreni i požrtvovani, oni su u svoj svijet pustili i jednu novu vrstu, životinje. Zvali su se životinje, jedna jako lijepa imenica inspirisana i vođena onom ljubavlju koja je udahnula i ljudima život svojim sadržajem. Njihovo ime je bilo ŽIVOT a prezime INJE. Imenicu ŽIVOT si već upoznao dragi prijatelju. Život je ono srce koje boravi na onoj lađi koja plovi oceanima radosnih suza koje žive u očima bezuslovne gospođice LJUBAVI. Njihovo prezime INJE je nastalo kada je ledeni prekrivač zimskog bjelila prekrivao prostranstvo njihovog nenamještenog doma. I vremenom kako su mali prinčevi svom domu dodavali cvjetne krevete, mirisno zelene travnate ćilime, baršunasto plišane bumbarske lampice, taj ledeni prekrivač su ravnomjerno raspodijelili unutar svojih gradića, državica i susjedstva. Ublaživali su svoju zimogrizu vanjštinu dodajući si nijanse ledenica boje dana, sitnih ukrasnih kamenčića boje suza i u konačnici su dobili sitne molekule prohladno ugodnih kapljica koje su se zvale INJE. Ono je bilo shodno svojoj svrsi jer je štitilo one cvjetove od konačnog smaknuća. Životinje, kao i ljudi odlučiše da im ne trebaju podijele jer su oni također stvoreni i nastali iz one unikatne i jedinstvene energije LJUBAVI, pa i odlučiše da je najbolje da imaju jedan univerzalni naziv ŽIVOTINJE, opet kombinujući ljubav kroz jedan dio nje koji se zvao ŽIVOT i onog drugog, neophodnog za regeneraciju INJE. One osjetiše toplotu iznad planete čovječuljaka, ugledaše svjetlo njihovih bumbarskih lampica, osjetiše miris njihovih porodičnih doručaka, osjetiše kihot i neiskvareni smijeh patuljaka, koji su udisali prve talase ljubavnog napitka i naprosto poželješe da im se pridruže. Obzirom da su mali ljudi vrata svog doma ostavljali otvorena, otključana pa čak i ukrašena toplim riječima dobrodošlice uobličene u izraz LJUDSKOST, oni su bez oklijevanja ušli. Zakoračivši svojim malim nožicama na onaj mekani čilim, dotaknuvši tvrdokorno smeđe izbrazdane patose, sjednuvši na udobno krošnjaste fotelje osjetiše neopisivu sreću i zahvalnost. Neki su ostali da borave zauvijek u malim kućama i kolibama porodične idile unutar zidova porodica koje su tu živjele. Vidiš, dragi čitaoče, naši mali prinčevi su postali i talentirani arhitekti koji su naučili kako da od one zemlje koja je cvijet iznjedrila naprave i čvrstu stambenu utvrdu da ih štiti od snježnih pahulja Zeusovog neba. Ono im je dalo i tople i prohladne periode da uživaju i u njegovim mislima-SUNCU, a i u njegovim osmijesima SNIJEGU. Neki su nastavili da se upoznaju, da istražuju, sada već i njihov dom one velike loptaste planete. Postojalo je također i VRIJEME, vrijeme koje se mjerilo u satima i minutama, a služilo im je da mjere svoje dnevne zadatke jer se nisu smjeli mnogo umarati da ne bi pogrešno zasadili onaj cvijet ili da ne bi zaboravili nahraniti jedni druge. Vrijeme su dragocjeno koristili i raspoređivali. Svako jutro su uredno objedovali, hraneći i njegujući svoje pametne, dječje umove i misli jer su htjeli da porastu i da se razviju u što bolje ljude jer su trebali da opravdaju ono zajedničko ime koje im je ljubav dala i udahnula svojim prisustvom. Trebali su da DIŠU LJUBAV. I disali su i udisali iz dana u dan, iz godine u godinu, iz stoljeća u stoljeće. Svaku ideju, svaku misao, svaku opasku i šalu su nesebično dijelili jedni s drugima jer su shvatali i uviđali da je bezuslovna ljubav onaj glavni sastojak da bi oni svi imali sve što požele i sve sto dosanjaju. Držali su se za ruke dok su koračali hrabro u jednu kućicu u kojoj su boravili njihovi stariji drugari i učitelji. Oni su ih podučavali, vjezbali s njima crtajući, recitujući, dijeleći i razmjenjujući razne priče iz svojih misli koje su živjele u njihovim umovima. Držali su se za ruke uvijek, ne ispuštajući svoje prstiće ni u jednom trenu. Zajedno su planirali idući korak, osmišljali su svojim mislima ideje koje su dijelili jer je ta ista ideja pripadala svakome, istom tijelu, uzdahu i istom imenu : LJUDI. Spoj njihovih osobnosti ih je činio kompletnim prinčevima. Ali jednog jutra se, nakon dubokog zimskog sna u njima pobudi neka veoma strašna, jeziva i sablasno tmurna emocija. Više nisu u carstvo svojih snova ulazili otvorenih i otključanih brava na vratima svojih kučica. Njihovi prsti više nisu bili isprepleteni nježnim nitima ljubavnih vibracija. Njihove okice nisu održavale vedrinu i osmijeh njihovih ozarenih lica. Njihove glavice višee nisu imale anđeosko plavu kosu, njihove kovrdže, nevine i čistog sjaja, su osjedile. Aura, nastanjena u oazi nekadašnjeg mira i smiraja njihovih umova je vidno blijedila i nestajala . Njihovom planetom protutnjaše i zaplamtješe lavine užarene vatre vulkanskih promjera jer su nemarno počeli da ju kaljaju i narušavaju pretjeranim kretnjama, žurbom i zanemarivanjem. Njihove rijeke koje su pili nabujaše od oguljenih i vještačkih materijala i svoju bujicu vapajnih suza počeše da prosipaju po kućama, tušeći i gušeći sve na svom putu. Pokidaše i cvijet i maramicu njihovih disajnih puteva, potopiše kolonije marljivih mrava, raskidaše domove radišnih pčela. Zgasnuše njihove baršunasto bumbarske svjetiljke, navukoše mrenu na svoje poglede zatočivši onaj bljesak prvog praska zvijezde na izmaku. Zeus, Hera, Posejdon i ostala djeca titana se obrušiše na planetu zemlju. Prouzrokovaše i kažnjivo kreiraše zlotvorsku kugu, gnusno pohlepne reakcije u ljudima koji su svojim nemarom razočarali, iznevjerili i pregazili ljubav, nijihov iskon, njihovu suštinu i njihovo porijeklo. Sada mali prinčevi, ljudi, mi robujemo i obitavamo na pocijepanim ćilimima ništavila, sjedimo i obitavamo pod skeletnim krošnjama pluća kojima smo disali. Sada grcamo u sopstvenom dahu, lupom tražimo pokojeg mrava da nam udijeli komadić svojih marljivih radnji, tražeći prekidače onih oku ugodnih svetionika baršunastog odsjaja. Sada usamljeno i poput stepskih vukova sjedimo u svojim ustajalim odajama abisa i ponora pogubljenih, pogaženih i izgubljenih zakletvi živeći na otocima Ničije zemlje. Životinjski svijet nas je pretekao svojim organiziranim i disclipiniranim suživotom i sada smo poput tirana ukliješteni u nervoznu potragu za zlatnim runom. Naša beživotna tijela su nagrižena zubom vremena, odjela ne mirišu na poljsko cvijeće, lica su poprimila boje sivila vantjelesne projekcije koje se očituje i odražava u i pri našem hodu, pognute i neuredne posture i neartikulisanih pokreta i manira. Zašto nam se to desilo? Desilo se jer smo zaboravili onu najvažniju i jedinu istinu koja nas je ponosno i hrabro na svijet dovela, odgojila, čuvala i oplemenjivala; zaboravili smo da volimo LJUBAV. Suštinu života smo tražili, nesvjesno živeći u zabludi prestiža i globalnog ludila. Nismo shvatili da je ljubav najjača i najbogatija sila neophodna za ispunjen i kompletan duh naših osobnosti. Ljubav smo samo romantizirali i positovjećivali sa muško ženskim začinom i napitkom, a zapravo smo tu emociju prestali širiti i dijeliti zrakom, vodom, krošnjama i osmijehom. Vjeruješ li u njihovo ozdravljenje dragi čovječe? Ja vjerujem. Vjerujem da ni u trenutku našeg konačnog udisaja, ni u trenutku kada nam se rasprsne u njedrima, u srcima ona posljednja iskra ugasle zvijezde, da ni u trenutcima sablasno grozničavih i bolesnih misli nam ta smrt neče uništiti najzlačanije snove, jer ''čista se ljubav ugasiti neće ni pod koprenom vječitih snjegova''. Možda smo sebe, ljubav izgubili, ali ona nije nas. Ona je neuništiva! Ozdravit ćemo Mali Prinče, to ti obećavam, jer će nesebična marljiva matica onog nam pčelinjaka podijeliti posljednju kašičicu meda sa zemljom koja ju je iznjedrila. Ljubav je i početak , a i početak novog početka, uz ljubav se ne dešava konačna smrt. Pretvorivši se u animalizirane mazohiste ljudi su se spasili, jer su pokrenuli životinjski instikt u sebi besciljno napadajući i onu posljednju kost drugarstva. A životinje, sestre, očevi i majke će balansom animalizma i ljudskosti u sebi opravdati jedinstvenu misiju i cilj LJUBAVI. Bez te ravnoteže jin-a i jang-a, ljudi bi prestali misliti, osjećati i živjeti. A živjet ćemo, tako mi meda, tako mi mrava i tako mi LJUBAVI. |
Humanity- The Prologue!
People: this subtle and melodiously clear noun contains so much in itself; it reticently carries and extrovertly sends its thoughts to someone far away beyond the depths of wide Black holes above the horizons of the Universe. It sends them to someone close, it spreads them by whisper, by breath, by touch but it resides in all of them with the benevolence of its message. It is a story about the human race as the only species so unique and majestically beautiful, so wonderfully satirical and resolute living organisms called Little Princes. This is a story about small people who had lived and have been living and sharing this divinely glorious planet calling it their home. They named themselves PEOPLE. The name was formed from an indestructible energy of a dying star living in the midst of the vortex of nothingness where only darkness and emptiness had resided. This indestructible energy was called LOVE, and this very love breathes life to everyone and anything, even to the one who is standing on the verge of abyss. It gives life in such a manner that it constantly spreads itself, coagulates and travels through channels and wormholes leaving traces, pieces and particles to whatever and whoever she touches. And it is such an honour for those who have been touched by her. This is the way she behaves and exists- she is the only true and benevolent virtue, emotion and a fluid in these small people and their divine planet. On this journey love changes its form, appearance and shape; it adapts and nestles where goodness, her sister, dwells. One day she sensed that a certain planet needs someone like her because she wanted to continue spreading inside such a large world. Little Prince was born, inhaling her and letting her in his heart and his womb, activating his senses and embracing her fully. This small gift has been given to him and his siblings and they decided to inhabit the part of the universe, of their galaxy- Milky Way with love and princes' breaths, footsteps and minds. Their breaths and sighs transformed into a pungent air, their footsteps left the trace on a sandy soil of their recently discovered home, and their minds gave magical spectrums of creative ideas and deeds within the fairy-tale called life. With their curious eyes and their restless thoughts such beauty, such vastness of the city, of the country, a mountain and a river surrounding their home left them breathless, taken aback and startled. They felt as if they have been chosen in being the strongest and the weakest ones standing in front such an enormous wideness and firmness of their land, their water, their clean and tipsy air. They arrived from nowhere san language, san word, san hypocrisy, san obsessive thoughts, with no greedy breaths, and rotten thoughts. They arrived bringing nothing but a bouquet of impeccably clean and crystal clear dreams. They only wanted to leave a meaningful trace with their presence, their own trace and traces of their fellow travellers, brothers, sisters and dear friends. What makes them so special you may wonder? These small creatures named themselves People. There were many of them-of various heights, shapes and looks. Some had big, curiously honest eyes that immersed and absorbed all the beauty surrounding them, gazing and watching each drop, each sun ray, each landing of the autumn leaf, each snowflake falling on the ground with such care, attention and anticipation that each upcoming vision and epiphany caused them to feel naïve and youthful while sharing this joy that was extremely visible in their pupils. Some had long arms with elegant and soft fingers that danced and fondled freely and gently those harnessed and fastened strings of acoustic guitar, harp, caterwauling and wistful violin during an Indian summer accompanied by a light breeze. They were playing and creating the gentlest and the loudest melody followed by the sweet and sorrowful song of a nightingale and the little owl. Some had big heads inhabited by constellations of witty puns, assertive ideas and some frequencies that directed them towards clear and practical manifestation and application. Their brain was a conglomerate spectrum of different vibrations along the galaxy of their thoughts. They were experienced in finding and understanding colours, temperatures, clouds and storms, weather changes and seasons. Natural weather surrounded and dressed the planet into limitless blue sky, thick and dark clouds creating warm tears. They transformed themselves into sad and lonely water reaction called rain drops that were falling from the sky. Dry ground accepted and welcomed these tears, absorbing each and every drop preventing them to vanish into air of some other world. The ground turned the rain into a heard and stiff substance, a crop that grew into the most amazing flower. And the flower became a part of this planet; it became a constituent part and member of the family. It decorated nothingness and empty space and it soon started to spread its authentic and unique smell waking the smiles of those whose noses it touched and their breaths fulfilled. Some had long and strong legs. They stood firmly on the ground and were able to walk along white ground during harsh but protecting winter. The cold whiteness protected that flower and its fellow citizens by putting them into a winter sleep and cover. Their legs could bare and stand the power of winds and storms painting clear and strong Achilles footprints of their own existence. As being so mighty, fragile and wise in their own existence there arrived these small and big travelling species. They created the circumstances in which they lived revealing to one another their abilities and capabilities and their purpose. They inhabited mountains and lands with their looks and innocent and naïve gestures teaching each other and learning from each other, discovering many playful and interesting games and talents. They learned to walk straight and to protect the land they learned to love and defend from angry weather changes and disasters. They protected their land by hugging her with smiles, flowers and joint prayers. They were large in number, as in no other galaxy, they were unified in their diversity. They were equal because they cherished and looked after their humane part which they shared unselfishly. They wanted to improve and enhance their home. Therefore, they decided to use their hands and start dancing on their home ground making the rarest dance movements building circles and dropping seeds of that same flower which survived the harsh winter coldness and strong Zeus’s storms. Soon they learned to preserve their land by searching for new and various families of green plants. They realized that the only way to last was if they collaborate with courage, determination and honesty without usurping their turf too much. They were growing up together, becoming intelligent and virtuous creative artists, scientists, sculptors and athletes. Hercules’s strength was their driving force and they decided to improve river banks, to broaden the lungs of their mountains and to give their thoughts words, sentences articulated in the most beautiful manner worthy of their culture and civilization. To their name they added a surname homo sapiens. Prometheus gave them fire to serve them as a light and to keep them warm during seasons of cold weathers. They learned that this fire is far more than just a flame. They turned it into electricity which enabled them to light up their roads in the middle of beautiful natural scenery of their existence. They spend their mornings working like bees. They inspired them to use their decisive and dedicated engagement in making the most delicious meals spiced with the sweetest honey that fed their noble minds. Among bees and humans there were also some other species called ants that helped in building and improving the making of a comfortable and safe living environment for them all. They were able to do unbelievable amount of work in such a short time due to their implacable e organization skills and their rightful division of choirs. In fact, little princes’ have comfortably shared their planet with another world, the animal world where only friendship resided. There was no need for a particular leader because they were all united, and did not feel any emotional outcries such as greed in deciding who plays the leading role. This role was rightfully appointed to each and every man in due course. They had the same goal, they shared similar viewpoints and thoughts which were to justify and be proud of their strong name Humans. They trusted each other, they believed in each other guided by unconditional love, respect and devotion. They shared a common heart wrapped into a gigantic vivacious ball called Earth. They breathed through the same lungs, together they inhaled the fresh greenness of trees which grew from that first seed they planted. You are probably wondering where bees and ants have come from? You see dear reader, dear father and mother, dear friend, their planet, which came to life after that big bang, after that trace of a dying star, has channelled the love; it then decided to settle in a shape of their current planet Earth. And love only attracts love, so the warmth of humans planet drew the ants and bees in and opened its door to them as well because they too were the creation of love. It is all about laws of attraction. These new creatures were called animals. Similar to people, they too decided they do not need divisions because they as well have been created from that unique and special energy of love, so they realised they need a universal name Animals. They felt the warmth coming from and emitting itself from the planet earth, they spotted those small and gloomy lights of their bumble-bee lamps, and they sensed the smell of their family breakfasts and the innocent baby laughter and wished to join them. The doors were wide open because little people always kept them open because there was no fear or the lack of trust among their citizens. So animals entered with no hesitation. They felt exhilarated and happy beyond words once they stepped on the soft green carpet, touching the wooden floors and nesting their tiresome bodies in armchairs of joy. Some even decided to stay forever in one household. You see my dear reader our little people grew to be great architects who learned to use the very essence of their home, its soil to build monuments and houses to protect them from the snow storms of Zeus’s limitless sky. Some of them continued to explore their environment and familiarize with the animal kingdom they embraced. There was also Time which was measured in days, hours and years; it served them as a reminder of how much light they are left with within a day to do their work once the sun closes its eyes. They spent their time wisely and carefully. They ate breakfast every morning feeding their bright and hungry minds and thoughts because they wanted to grow into strong and good people to eat, drink and breathe as much love as possible. They shared each idea; each thought each joke with each other because they knew and understood that the only way for them to have their wishes and dreams come true was if they did everything in the name of love. They always held hands on their way to school which was this small house inhabited by their older friends and teachers. They taught them many interesting things, they drew pictures together, they painted together, and they shared stories that existed in their minds and hearts. They talked about the essence of nature, their home, they talked about everything they imagined or felt- honestly and openly. But one morning, after a deep winter sleep a horrible, creepy and eerie emotion was woken up and felt among them. They no longer entered in their kingdom and dreamland with open arms and unlocked doors. Their fingers were no longer intertwined and warm. Their eyes were no longer emitting brightness and curiosity. There were no curly blond d locks covering their heads, they turned grey as death. Their planet was suddenly surrounded by horrible fires and thunders because they started neglecting it and killing it softly with their rush movements. The rivers they drank turned red and took the shape of invisible water creature flooding their homes, their plants, their fellow neighbours-ants and their flowers. The lights on their lamps turned black. Zeus, Hera, Poseidon and other children of Titans threw their deadliest weapons and strike their lightings upon the planet earth. They punished them by spreading the plague; punishing them for their gluttony, betrayal and the absence of love in them. They were furious because people disappointed and broke their oath to love. Today, little people, we became slaves of our own existence; we are sitting on torn and ragged carpets of nothingness, lying naked under shades of skeleton trees craving for their lungs. We are choking on our own words with the hope we will spot at least an ant to give us a piece of their own well-earned bread. Now we sit alone like wolves in our stuffy rooms of bottomless space of our broken promises living on no man’s islands. Animal world has outdistanced and outdid us with their organized and disciplined cohabitation. Now we are caught in nervous pursuit, running for the Golden Fleece. Our lifeless bodies are bitten by the tooth of time, our suits and clothes no longer smell like roses and daffodils, our faces express nothing but greyish memory of once proud and unified mankind. Our bodies stoop while walking, with no posture and Achilles steps. Why have we allowed this? It all happened because we stopped loving Love- our essence, our birthmother and our protector. We searched for the essence of life through false wealth and global madness. We have not realised that love itself is the most powerful and the strongest force we need in order to complete ourselves and our lives. We stopped spreading it, courting it and smiling with it. Do you believe in our healing dear reader? I do. I believe that neither in the moment of our final breath when the last sparkle of that dying star stops shining nor in the moment of our darkest hour will death destroy our golden dreams because pure love will never light out not even if buried alive. Perhaps we have lost ourselves and love, but love has not given up on us yet. It is indestructible! I promise you dear Little Prince that we shall be cured because the unselfish queen bee will share with us a spoon of that honey it made on the land that gave it life. Love is the beginning, and it is also the beginning of a new beginning. There is no death where there is love. We shall live!
Osjetiti ljepotu očima nekog drugog
Sposobnost da gledamo, obzerviramo , da omirišemo i okusimo, da dodirnemo sva zemaljska zadovoljstva, da se šećemo ulicama koja nemaju imena, da koračamo po pločniku naših života i samo se na trenutak zaustavimo, pogledamo oko sebe i udahnnemo svježi povjetarac nekog nam ponedjeljka ili nedjelje nam donosi i oslikava osmijeh na lice. Mi, ljudske figure, ova unikatna i nevjerovatna zemaljska vrsta imamo sposobnost da osjetimo Ahilovu snagu u našim nogama dok koračamo po vrelim pješćanim plažama daleke Australije, osječajući i upijajući ugodnu senzaciju vreline. Također smo jako spretni i vješti s našim dugim i nježnim rukama. Kreiramo, gradimo čarobne i izuzetne strukture i kreativna čuda ostavljajući tragove genijalnosti naših karaktera oslikavajući linijama mostove, gradeći stambene utvrde, uljepšavajući područja koji odišu arhaičnim vremenom postojanja ljudi na zemlji putem egipatskih piramida, putem hramova u Baganu, putem Visećih vrtova u Suzhou ili Babylonu. Mi smo svjetski putnici; živimo i boravimo u jedinstvu naših mnogostrukih različitosti. Rezonujemo i upijamo sve ono što naš zamišljeno-daleki pogled uhvati milinom svojom u jednom momentu realizacije naše svijesti kada primi čulom svojim takvu očaravajuće zasljepljujuću ljepotu koja nas ostavlja bez riječi, ustuknule i zapanjene. Oči su naše najveći dar koji smo mogli ikada poželjeti. Omogućuju nam da doživimo i osjetimo agonije i ekstaze; suznom vodom bivaju umivene i okupane u trenutcima kada se susretnu ili slučajno primjete ljepotu tako jasnu i živopisno sanjivu da naprosto moramo upiti sve sastojke. Ali ljepota se također može i osjetiti- osjetiti iznutra, to je ona urođena senzacija naših ogladnjelih i uznemirenih srca. Razgovarati i pominjati nešto tako očaravajuće- grad koji oslikava, emituje, odiše i ugniježdava koncepte i poimanja bezvremenske i bezuslovne ljubavi-Verona- se u potpunosti može osjetiti i spoznati kroz duboki i iskreni razgovor s ulicama tog grada, prirodom, arhitekturom a povrh svega s njenim stanaima, građanima i prijateljima ljudima. Nismo svi baš u mogućnosti da fizički putujemo i svoje tijelo odvezemo ili ploveći premjestimo u tu sanjivu dolinu rajske ljepote , ali možemo uvijek uživati bar djelimično u iskustvu nekog drugog, slušajući njegove priče i doživljaje pri susretu s tim i takvim očaravajućim zemaljskim čudima. Možemo zamisliti, i u mislima si predočiti, ali i ugledati Ajfelov toranj bojama utisnut na platno umjetničkog akta nekog nam dragog prijatelja koji je tako duboko dirnut njegovom grandioznom veličinom. Odnosno, možemo pogledati sliku dvoje razdraganih i živahnih mladih ljudi čija je sreća uhvačena u skoku tamo negdje u pozadini Rio De Janeiro karnevala i u momentu se transformišemo u nekog obojenog šarenog veselog pauna ili Flaubert-ovu papigu plešući i leteći po ogromnom kraljevstvu veselja u Rio-u. Ipak, ljepota ne boravi nužno i isključivo u ekslpicitnoj formi sebe ili u galerijsko-izložbenom eksponatu ili nekom predmetu; ona je također prisutna u jedva primjetnoj vidljivoj 'vidljivosti i dostupnosti' sebe. Ljepota je u oku posmatrača. Ona je u oku koje vidi daleko i mnogo dalje od očitog, do u beskrajni prostor duž horizonta i linije ovozemaljskog svijeta. Ljepota Grand Canyon-a seže i proteže se izvan i preko Rocky planina. Ljepota njihovih pješčano vatrenih boja, kamenja duboko uklesanih u tle koje svoje ruke širi grleći nježnu prašinu svojih žarkih promjera. Neopisiva ljepota Taj Mahal-a nije jedino u veličanstvenoj završnoj mramornoj konstrukciji i nijansama uspomena i sjećanja; ljepota je ta priča koju zidine oslikavaju, priča koja ju je izgradila, riječi koje su uobličene u značajno, svrsi shodno, snažno, uzvišeno i elegantno držanje. Razmijenjujemo utiske , uzdahe i priče protkane iskustvima koja održavaju duh starih vremena živim, dozvoljavajući im da vječno obitavaju u našim mislima, u historiji i u našim skromnim i otvorenim srcima. Mi kreiramo svoj dom, našim sugrađanima i podstanarima. Mi smo nosioci historije, pripovjedanja i epova unutar naše mašte. Mi tragamo; neočekivano se susrečući i posmatrajući ljepotu u svemu što postoji, u svemu što nas okružuje. Svi imamo svoj vlastiti način na koji postajemo svjesni nekog božanstvenog jesenjeg lista, koji se nježno rastaje od svoje majke koja ga ispraća pogledom ka dolje, rukom gestikulirajući svoje poslijednje zbogom. A neko pak drugi će se s istim prizorom susreti dok se lutajućim korakom šeće po Manhattan parku, uživajući u ugodnom povjetarcu nedjeljnjeg jutra. I tog jutra naiđe na taj isti savršeno oblikovan list koji golo leži na zemlji. Može osjetiti radost posmatrajući njegovo šaroliko lice obojeno nijansama lave i vrtlozima zlatno žutog sjaja. Udahnuti neuobičajeni, nekušani i neobični svjež zrak znači otvoriti svoje teške vodom ispunjene očne kapke i postati svjestan kreveta na kojem ugniježdeno ležiš u nekoj staroj ali toplom dobrodošlicom ispunjenoj sobi koja je nagrižena zubom vremena, negdje u vinogradima Toskane. Otvorih oči, i potpomognuh staru sobu da prolongira svoj poslijednji uzdah grleći pospane i snene jastuke, nježno otpetljavajući noge iz vlažnih i zgužvanih plahti: Prilazim napuklom i zamagljenom prozoru da ga otvorim i raširim utrnule ruke da bih prigrlila jutro, da bih upila svijet. Umila sam lice dugim i očaravajućim prizorom upijajući polja koja se nebom spajaju na horizontu pred mojim očima. Zelena polja glatke i živahne trave mi poželješe dobrodošlicu u svojoj jutarnjoj mirnoći i simfoniji zvukova laganog povjetarca. Trepnuh nekoliko puta i nastavih da uživam u toj priči koju je neko podijelio sa mnom, uhvativši svu ljepotu fotografskom slikom, dozvolivši mi da vidim ono što su drugi vidjeli. Njihova ljepota postade i moja. Udahnula sam i omirisala zrak, okusila hranu svojim usnama i izgladnjelim pogledima, dozvolih jeziku da se poigra dragonskom vatrom meksičkih specijaliteta noseći sombrero na uzavreloj glavi, učinivši ga ličnim zaštitarom, poklopcem moje večere. Zahvaljujem im se svima na njihovim putovanjima, i što su me prislonili uz svoje besmrtne slike, i što me uvedoše u svoje odaje. Hvala im svima što su istetovirali vječni osmijeh na mom licu i što vjerujem da će doći i taj dan kada će moj urođeni avanturistički duh prerasti u realnost ostvarivši moje najdublje želje. Hvala vam!
Seeing the World through Others Eyes
The ability to see, smell, taste, touch the earthly pleasures, to walk along the streets that have no names, to step on the sidewalk of life and just stop for a moment, look around and inhale the fresh breeze of a certain Monday or Sunday brings nothing but smile to a person’s face. We, the humans, this unique and awesome species has the ability to feel the strength of Achilles in their feet when walking along hot sandy beaches of Australia, experiencing that comfortable sensation of heat. We are also quite capable and skillful with our long and tender hands. We can create miraculous structures and wonders leaving traces of genuineness of our character by drawing lines, building monuments, garlanding sights which exude ancient history of our existence through pyramids of Egypt, through temples of Bagan, through the Lingering Garden of Suzhou, or the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. We are world travelers; we live, visit and reside in the unity of our diversities. We perceive and voice what our gaze captures in an instant epiphany of a beauty when stricken by the awesome new discovery leaving us speechless, taken aback and mesmerized. Our eyes are the greatest gift we could ever ask for. They enable us to experience agonies and ecstasies; they make us cry once we encounter or stumble upon a beauty so clear and vivaciously stunning that we simply must take it all in. But beauty can also be sensed, it can be felt from within, it is an innate sensation of our famished and eager hearts. To talk about something as marvelous as the city that reflects, transmits, breathes and nestles the concepts and notions of eternal and unconditional love, Verona, can fully and completely be known and experienced through an insightful and pure interlocution with its streets, its nature, its architecture and above all its people. Not every living human thing can have the opportunity to experience all these sensations, impressions or loveliness, but we can always enjoy in at least a fragment of someone’s experience by listening to their stories, their observations and encounters with a certain memorable place. We can envision and clearly imagine the appearance and the glory of The Eiffel tower printed on and sewn onto a canvas of an artistic expression of someone so deeply touched and captured by its sight, or we can look at the photo of two vivacious people jumping up in the air in the background of the Rio Carnival and instantly transform ourselves into a colorful and festive peacock or Flaubert’s parrot dancing and flying around an enormous kingdom of festivity. Yet, beauty does not only reside in an explicit or exhibited form, shape or object; it is also present in small and barely visible ‘visibility and openness’ of itself. The beauty is in the beholder’s eye. It is in the eye that sees far and beyond the obvious, far and beyond the horizons of lines and conglomeration of the world. The beauty of Grand Canyon goes and stretches far and beyond the width of Rocky Mountains. The beauty of its eye-catching redness, the stones carved deep into terrain that opens its arms, embracing soft dust of its cries. The awesomeness of Taj Mahal is not only in the final touches and nuances of memories, but the story that gave it life, the words that are shaped into a meaningful, purposeful, strong, dignified and elegant poise. We share impressions, we share breaths, and we share stories keeping the spirit of ancient times alive, allowing them to stay ever present in our memory, in history, in our humble and open hearts. We create our home, to our fellow citizens and tenants. We are bearers of history, of sagas of bard-ism of our imagination. We seek; we unexpectedly find and observe the beauty in everything that exists, in everything that surrounds us. We all have our own way and manner in which we become aware and conscious of a certain glorious autumn leaf, softly parting from its mother who is looking down waving him his last goodbye. And someone may see the same action as he is walking and wondering barefoot along the Manhattan Park, enjoying the soft and smooth breeze of a Sunday morning and experience the joy of stumbling upon a perfectly shaped leaf lying naked on the ground. He may feel the joy of looking at its colorful surface painted with nuances of lava and vortex of yellowish golden glaze. To inhale a distinct, novel and unusual breath of fresh air is to open your heavy and watery eyelids and realize you are settled and nested in a bed of an old but welcoming room that has been cut and bitten by the tooth of time, somewhere amidst the vineyards of Toscana. I opened my eyes and helped the old room to prolong its final breath by hugging its dreamy and sleepy cushions, by gently untangling my legs from sweaty and wrinkled bed sheets: I approached the cracked and steamy window to open and widely spread my numb arms to embrace the morning, to feel the world. I washed my face with a long and bemused gaze absorbing the endless fields of earth meeting the sky in front of my eyes. The green fields of smooth and lively grass welcomed me into its morning calmness, peace and symphony of sounds it was producing conducted by the light breeze. I blinked several times and continued enjoying the story someone told by capturing this memorable and everlasting moment in time allowing me to see what others have seen. Their beauty became my beauty. I smelled the air, I tasted the food with my luscious lips and famished eyes, I allowed my tongue to play with dragon fire of Mexican specialties wearing sombrero on my head, making it my private protector, a lid of my pot-luck supper. I thank all of them for having me on their voyages, for having me in their immortal photos, for having me in their rooms. I thank them all for tattooing the eternal smile on my face, and for believing that a day will come when my adventurously innate and magical desire will become a dream come true. I thank you all.
Čovjek je Produkt Duha
Proteže se i uzdiže poput sjene bunila savršeno skrojene 'normalne' lucidnosti. Kreira oblake iznad oboda šaroliko obojenih misli u šeširu u kojem su spojene i nastanjene sve njene misli, osjećanja i snaga Noine arke. Obavija se i umotava toplotnim talasima i vapajima koji ju očajničkim glasom dozivaju iznutra, kazuju joj, pipkaju je otkucajima želučane gladi, kazuju joj a ona ne čuje, ne osluškuje i ne reaguje. Ćutljivo se hrani milinom i beskrajnom očaravajućom ljepotom dana, udiše vjetar promjene strpljivo čekajući svoj trenutak koji će doći. Doći će jer ona umije da čeka, ona umije da obrani i napoji svoje snove iznjedravajući zemljom korake kojima će čvrsto gaziti tom istom zemljom, tim užarenim tlom okrutne betonske džungle. Bori se protiv goropadnih i oštrih bridova vjetrenjača svojim žustrim i konkretnim pogledima, svojim jasnim, srcem iskrenim nadanjima koji će svojim glasom pripitomiti i te vjetrenjače sa ili bez Sancha Panse. Njen Pansa boravi u svkoj pori njene kože, u svakom zamahu krila leptira koji joj uljepšava, njeguje i štiti onu auru koja će vječno da svijetli putem njenog oka. Ona se ne pita, ona je svjesna da su ljudi zli koliko su i plemeniti, ali kako smo saznali i otkrili da smo zli nego svojim užarenim vulkanskim lavama koje potekoše iz naših usta i nozdrva. Hranili ih i napajili koristoljubljem, sebičnošću i neglektnim manifestacijama onog nam blaženog jin i janga u nama. Zar nije jasno da je univerzalni osjećaj želja, htijenja i nemara iluzija i nagovještaj onoga što naša duša priželjkuje i traži kroz čovjeka, uz čovjeka i za čovjeka?! A čovjek je vječni konundrum poput morske struje čiji inicijativni i primarni izvor ne vidimo ili je pak smišljeno i s namjerom skriven od nas? Ljudska sila, ljudska draž i ono što nas čini misaonim bićima potiče i prilazi nam od nekuda, iz Nepoznatog izvora. Ta sila koja objedinjuje sve naše uzdahe, poglede, riječi, emocije, mudru šutnju, univerzalnu ljepotu kojom su jednako i neodvojivo povezane sve čestice i djelići je ono Jedinstvo naše karakterne individualnosti. Ta sila kojom mi i dišemo i kojom prisustvujemo aktivno u životima svojim, koja je dostupna svakome ne samo da je dovoljna i savršena u svakom času već i sve što pogledamo i okom svojim upijemo, sve što biva upijeno i pomilovano iskrom naših očiju, vidovnjak i posmatrač, subjekat i objekat unutar nje je zapravo ono-Jedinstvo. To jedinstvo unutar naših intuitivnih postojanaj je ono što nas održava i čini čvječnim, jer bez Nus pokretača bismo si ubilježili kobni ishod po samom rođenju. Mi posmatramo svijet dio po dio, vidimo sunce, mjesec, predmet, životinju, stablo; ali cjelina koja objedinjava sve te partikule je naša duša. Svaka od ovih činjenica i od ovih istina vodi ka jednom- naša duša nije organ, ona animira i upravlja tim organima; ona nema praktičnu funkcija kao memorija kojom poredimo i upoređujemo stvari i pojmove, računamo i sumiramo događaje, brojke i slova, one su njene noge i ruke, njena motorika. Bilo izvana ili iznutra jasno je da svjetlo obasjava stvari kroz nas i čini nas svjesnim da smo mi zapravo ništa, a ta aura, to svjetlo koje nas štiti i obasjava nas bljeskom je sve. Naše tijelo, ono što mi smatramo ‘’ljudskim bićem’’- objedovanje, konzumiranje likvidnih okusa, sađenje, brojanje i računanje, hodanje, čovjek kakvim ga poznajemo ne predstavlja zapravo Čovjeka u punom smislu. Mi vrjednujemo zapravo njegovu dušu, čiji je organ Čovjek. Kada nam duša diše našim intelektom ona je genij, kada diše njegovom voljom postaje vrlina; kada protiče emocijom postaje ljubav. Duša zatvar taj krug, ona je i početak i kraj prstena koji uobličava i daje formu, izgled i život našim tijelima. Naš život je zapravo jedan krug koji se samostalno i neovisno formira iz niza manjih karika I prstenova ka većim i čvršćim do u nedogled i do u beskraj. Krugovi se mjere, broje i pružaju do u beskonačnu nedoglednost njihovih blagih i krkih kontura. Oko kreira taj primarni prvi krug,a horizont koji stvara je drugi kružni potez; i putanjom prirode i njenog svijeta ta početna figura se ponavlja do u beskraj. Ono predstavlja najveći emblem unutar kruga svijeta. Jer priroda nije fiksna pojava koja ne prihvata izmjene. Ona se stalno kreće, mijenja i sazrijeva iz vlati trave u cvijet i kad taj cvijet okonča svoj boravak otpuštajući poslijednju laticu svojim slobodnim padom, priroda i prirodni process stvara i kreira jednu novu orhideju regeneracijom iste. Pogledajmo grandiozne grčke skulpture koje se otapaju osunčane vremenom kao da su sagrađene od leda; tu i tamo ostaje neka usamljena figura ili njen dio dok posmatramo kroz blage sniježne nanose zubom vremena nagrižene ostatke po planinskim stijenkama u julsko doba. Jer genijalni um koji ju je kreirao sada možda stvara nešto drugo ali sastojci su isti, iz istih materija ali iz nekog novog vremena koji upotpunjava taj krug. Grčko pismo i grčka slova možda traju malo duže ali već i u ovim momentima prelaze i prelamaju se protkane riječima u druge rečenice, i polagano padaju pod istu rečenicu u ponor koju stvaranje nove misli otvara za sve ono što je staro, orunulo, dotrajalo i arhaično. Novi kontinenti se grade na ruševinama stare planete; u prirodi se nove vrste hrane na kompostu minulih listova, latica i rosom omamljenih obamrlih korjenja. Nove i novije umjetnosti uništavaju stare. Osvrčući se svuda oko sebe pogledom grlimo I upijamo gigantsko moćne nebodere, divimo se toj grandioznoj prikazi koja se svojom visinom obrušava nad nas. A ne divimo se onoj ruci koja ju je izgradila, ona je najvrijednija i najblještavija i najmoćnija. Ona ju je napravila a mi ju ne primjećujemo osim tog užarenog pogleda upućenom ka tornju bezbrojspratnice. Sve oko nas izgleda trajno dok mu ne spoznamo istinu, dok ne otkrijemo tajnu. Formiramo krugove našim koracima, inspirišemo ih našim mislima i jasnoćom naših pokreta. Nepredvidivošću mjerimo obim, jačinu i punoću kružnih rotacija. Oduvijek smo htjeli da živimo, da udišemo zrak našim snažnim plućima, da ne obezvrijedimo istinu, da ne izgubimo sebe. Ono neprevodivo u riječi u nama postoji, a duša se zove. Ono nerazumljivo u svojoj jednostavnosti nas čini neustrašivim jer smo motivisani iznutra da riješimo tu zagonetku zvanu život. Kako? Tako što ćemo njegovati i hraniti dušu da bismo s njenog izvora mi pili, da bismo u njenim odajama mir pronašli, da bismo njenim čulima živjeli. Da kružnicu života proširimo šireći obim svojim dobrim djelima protkana srcem i čovječnošću. Budimo ponosni stanovnici duše u dubinama naših pogleda.
The man is The Over-soul
It approaches me, it elevates above her as a delirium shadow of a perfectly tailored ''normal'' lucidity. It creates clouds above the brim of colourful thoughts in a hat where all her thoughts are run-together words and are settled there; her emotions and the strength of Noah’s ark. It encircles and enfolds her by an upward current of a warm air and caterwauls which desperately call her name from deep within, speak to her, touch her with the beats of her gut; they speak to her but she hears not, listens not, and reacts not. She silently feeds on the sweet and endless beauty of a day; she inhales the fresh air of the wind of change patiently waiting for her moment, her time. It will arrive because she knows how to wait, she knows how to protect and feed her dreams creating steps in order to walk on this land, this incandescent ground of this concrete jungle. She fights with the raging and sharp edges of windmills with her nimble and clear look, with her clear and heartfelt hopes which are able to tame the windmills with their voice with or without Sancho Pans. Her Pansa resides in every pore of her skin, in every spread of butterfly wings that adorns, cherishes and protects that aura which will eternally radiate through the look in her eyes. She does not question but rather is aware of the cruelty of people, but how did we realize that we are this malicious but by the incandescence lava that started running out of our mouth and nostrils. We have been feeding them with selfishness and personal gains and negligent manifestations of that serene jin and jan in us. Isn’t it obvious that the universal emotion of our desires, our impulses and our neglect is but an allusion of what our soul covets and searches through a man, with the man and for the man?! And a man is an eternal conundrum like a sea current whose initial and primary spring we see not or it is hidden from us? Human power, human charm and all that makes us attentive and thoughtful beings come from an unknown source. This power which unites all our breaths, looks, words, emotions, wise silence, universal beauty to which every part and particle is equally related –the eternal One of our individual characters. This power we breathe in and use to actively participate in our lives, which is available to everyone is not only sufficient and perfect in every moment but everything we look at and absorb with our eyes, everything that is gently touched by our sparkling gaze, the seer and the observer, subject and an object within It is that Unity. This unity within our intuitive existence is what keeps us and makes us humane, because without the nus drive we would sentence ourselves to fatal outcome upon our very birth. We see the world in pieces, we see the sun, the moon, an object, an animal, a tree; but the whole which unites all the particles is our Soul. Each of these facts and truths leads only to one. Our soul is not an organ, it animates and governs our organs; it does not have a practical function like our memory which we use to compare things and ideas, calculate and sum up experiences, numbers and letters- these are nothing but her arms and legs, its mechanical parts. Be it from the inside or from the outside, the light shines through us upon things and makes us aware of the fact that we are nothing, but the aura, this light that protects us and warms us with its flashes is everything. Our bodies, the part we consider ''human being''- What we commonly call man, the eating, drinking, planting, counting man, does not, as we know him, represent himself, but misrepresent himself. Him we do not respect, but the soul, whose organ he is, would he let it appear through his action. When it breathes through his intellect, it is genius; when it breathes through his will, it is virtue; when it flows through his affection, it is love. The soul completes this circle, it is the beginning, the end of the ring that gives it a form and shape and life to our bodies. Our life is actually one circle which independently forms itself from smaller rings towards bigger and stronger ones to infinity. These circles are measured, counted and are stretched to endless spiral line. The eye is the first circle; the horizon which it forms is the second; and throughout nature this primary figure is repeated without end. It is the highest emblem in the cipher of the world, because nature is not fixed in its essence and does accept alterations. It constantly moves and floats and grows from the thread of grass into a flower, and once this flower ends its short stay on earth by surrendering its final petal by its natural fall then nature and natural process creates and forms another orchid regenerating the fallen flower. Let us look at those grandiose Greek sculptures- They are all melted away, as if they had been statues of ice; here and there a solitary figure or fragment remaining, as we see flecks and scraps of snow left in cold dells and mountain clefts in June and July. For the genius that created it creates now something else, but with the same ingredients and same material from a more modern time which completes this circle. The Greek letters last a little longer, but are already passing under the same sentence and tumbling into the inevitable pit which the creation of new thought opens for all that is old. The new continents are built out of the ruins of an old planet; in nature new species are fed on the composite of ancient flowers and roots that have been bathing in the sun throughout times. New arts destroy the old. By Looking around ourselves we hug and absorb gigantic and powerful skyscrapers, we are mesmerised by their glorious appearance that falls upon us with its majestic shadow, but we do not admire the hand that built it, the hand that has the most power and is worthier than this luxurious concrete ship. Everything looks permanent until its secret is known. We form these circles with our footsteps; we inspire them by our thoughts and the clarity of our moves and gestures. We measure the circumference, the strengths and the fullness of these rotations by our unpredictability. We have always wanted to live, to breathe the air with our lungs in order to value the truth without losing ourselves. The thing which is impossible to translate into words is our Soul. The thing uncertain in its simplicity makes us fierce because we are inspired from the inside to solve this mystery called life. How? We can do it by feeding and properly nourishing our soul in order to drink from its spring, to find peace and calm in its chambers and to live through her senses. To complete the circle of life widening the circumference by our good and noble deeds embroidered with heart and humanness. We are the proud inhabitants of the soul in depths of our looks.
Intelekt i Istina
Intelektualno osnaženo biće je mentalno kompatibilno pri urođenom rezonovanju svakodnevnice i kompleksnosti ove blažene jednostavnosti zvane Život. Intelekt je ona supstanca negativno naelektrisana koja parira , odgovara i pospješuje one pozitivno obojene elemente u sazvježđu emotivno-razumnog sistema koji prouzrokuje reakcije unutar međusobnog odnosa ljudskih metala i nemetala. Intelekt je poput zraka koji raspršuje vodu, intelekt je poput vode koja rastapa i rastvara drvo. Intelekt rasplamsava vatru, gravitaciju, zakone, metode, pa i one najistančanije ljepote savršeno organizirane prirode unutar atmosfere koju udišemo. Intelekt živi prekriven genijalnošću , koja je pak konstruktivna manifestacija tog istog intelekta. Mozda bih se i 'intelektualno' odvažila da kazujem, pišem i govorim u cjelosti i isključivo o intelektu, ali kako da pišem o nečemu što je neopipljivo, transparentno i neuhvatljivo?! To je moć koja prethodi svakoj akciji ili konstruktivnom poimanju i reprezentativnosti iste. Ono što intelekt kreira, stvarajući vizije sebi svojstvene nisu poput onih vizija vidljivih samo unutar i putem organa vida, već ono stvara uniju i jedinstvo svega što vidi, svega što mu je poznato vidljivom nevidljivošću urođene apstraktne istine njegovih vizija. Poimanje i razumijevanje termina vremena i mjesta, tvog i mog prisustva ovdje na zemlji, razočarenja i dobitka tiraniziraju i psihički napadaju ljude i veći dio njihovih umnih sklopova. Intelekt razdvaja i raščlanjuje činjenice koje su razmatrane, koje se uzimaju u obzir pri pojednostavljenju kompleksnih poimanja smisla života, univerzuma, čovjeka unutar tog haotično uređenog društva. Rastvara ih i razlama na proste faktore kao da svaki član postoji samostalno i za sebe. Heraklit je osjećanja, ponašanje, govor i pisanje shvatao kao guste i obojene magle misaonih realizacija. I u toj gustoj magli dobrih loših emocija teško je čovjeku hodati pravolinijski i u smjeru koji ga svojim dahom vodi ka sebi. Intelekt ne udomljava emocije i ne vidi stvari, predmete oko sebe onakvima kakvi su na svijetlu nauke- hladni i emotivno nepovezani. Intelekt isplivava i napušta naša tijela, lagano se odvaja od nas plutajući nad našom osobnošću i individualnošću i posmatra ju kao činjenicu a ne nešto Tvoje ili Moje. U prirodi su sve stvari povezane i međusobno ovisne jedna o drugoj, a intelekt raščlanjuje I razmotava tu formu, preskače zidove i otkriva izvornu intrinzičnu privrženost među pokretnim stvarima i smanjuje sve do u molekulu. Intelekt je urođena magija unutar čovjeka i njegove mudrosti manifestovane putem njegovih jasnih usmenih formacija. Pjesme, stihovi, matematička rješenja kompleksnih životnih zadataka leže unutar olujnih plima i oseka oceana ljudske mašte i čovjekove mudrosti Svi smo mi mudrošću obdareni, a razlika među ljudima nije u količini snage njihove mudrosti već u načinu prikazivanja, osjećanja, percepcije i artikulacije misaonih poimanja inspirisanih tom mudrošću. Razlika je u toj umjetnosti načina na koji ju komunicira, širi, šalje putem frekvencija ćelijskih idejnih metafora. Da susretnemo danas James Joyce-a ili Aldous Huxley-a ne trebamo se osjećati intelektualno inferiorni, čak štaviše jednaki. Oni su posjedovali nesvakidašnju vještinu klasificiranja I uobličavanja činjenica što možda nama nedostaje. Taj konstruktivni intelekt proizvodi pjesme, rečenice, planove i sisteme. Da bismo intelektom govorili, komunicirali trebamo ga oživjeti unutar sebe. Trebamo ga uobličiti u sliku ili u opipljiv predmet, senzaciju euforičnog doživljaja i snoviđenja. Moramo naučiti da govorimo jezikom činjenica jer i kada zraka sunca prođe kroz svemir postaje vidljiva tek kada se spusti na neki predmet, na neko mjesto ili na tle. Tek tada postaje istina. A intelekt je istina. Istina i valjanost naših misli kad realizirana na iskren način oživljava naš intelekt. Udahnjuje mu život i čini nas mudrim. Riječi često pokvare i iskrive misao ako izgovorene radi puke želje da se nešto kaže; poprimaju formu lapurlatizma i zubom vremena nagrizaju čistu misaonu konstrukciju našeg genijalnog intelekta. Šutnja je znak pažljivog slušanja, odobravanja i prihvatanja mudrosti drugog. Šutnja kreira plodno tlo našim mislima da na jedan svrsi shodan način obasjaju riječ i formiraju smisaonu repliku, odgovor unutar interlokacije s našim sagovornikom. To je tada istina, iskrena komunikacija i razmjena riječi jezikom intelekta, jezikom činjenica, jezikom Platona, Kanta, Hegela, Spinoze. Veliki filozofi su govorili pisanim riječima a slušali šapatom. Možda su oni samo pospješili I potpomogli našu šutnju da bismo ju napojili i nahranili njihovim ne-larpurlatizmima, da bismo evocirali svoje ideje iz gnijezda istine. Istina oslobađa intelekt, a intelekt je ključ kojim otvaramo vrata spontane logike i aritmetike intuitivnih principa metode šutljivosti koja je vrlina. Šutnja je instinkt koji trebamo ćutljivo pratiti prije no što uputimo misao u usnu duplju vokalne manifestacije iste. Taj put ka komunikaciji je ispunjen prvo instinktom, pa mišljenjem, pa znanjem, baš kao i biljka koja ima korijenje, pupoljak i plod. I trebamo vjerovati instinktu do kraja iako ne možemo razumom ga pojmiti. Budimo strpljivi u iščekivanju spontane epifanije. Vjerujući instinktu ono će sazrijeti u istinu i znat ćemo tada zašto vjerujemo. Najteže je na svijetu razmišljati. Tragamo za istinom putujući ponedjeljcima, januarima, godinama u susret tom cilju. Hvatamo svaku zraku sunca u nadi da je potraga za našom srećom uspješno opipljiva i prisutna u tom ponedjeljku, januaru i toj godini. Ali sreća je u istini, u istini kada smo sami u tišini svojih misli; svi odgovori su već u našim intelektualnim rezonima poimanja svijeta, ljudi, prirode koji i koja nas okružuje. Mi smo i pjensici, i umjetnici, i kreatori svojih života. Svoju sreću spoznajemo u trenutku kada jasno posložimo i konstruktivno objedinimo naše ideje u jednostavne i svrsi shodne rečenice. Tada kormilarimo svojim mislima i pronalazimo svog Moby Dick-a u oceanu introspektivnih valova nad našim osobnostima. Zovite me Ishmael…
The Intellect and The Truth
An intellectually strong human being is mentally compatible and able to grasp, to voice and to perceive everyday circumstances and the complexities when simplifying Life. Intellect is negatively charged substance that suits and initiates positively coloured elements in the constellation within the system of affections and reason. The system causes reactions within mutual relations between the noble and harsh elements of periodic system of human life. Intellect is like air that dissolves water, it is like water that melts and dissolves wood. It dissolves fire, gravity, laws, methods and even those deeply refined beauties of perfectly organized nature of the atmosphere we breathe. Intellect lives, resides and dwells covered with genius as the constructive manifestation of itself. Perhaps I would 'intellectually' dare to speak, write and talk entirely about the intellect, but how can I tackle and discuss about something that is impalpable, transparent and elusive?! It is a power that precedes each action or every constructive comprehension and representation of itself. What intellect creates by forming unique and authentic visions is nothing like the ideas or things our eye sees and catches, but rather the unity and union of everything it puts its glance at, everything familiar to it by the visible 'invisibility' of an innate abstract truth and validity of its visions. Perception and understanding of the notions of time and place, of your presence on earth and mine, of gain and disappointment tyrannize and psychologically attack people and the major part of their mental constitution. Intellect divides and analyses the facts in question while simplifying complex notions about the meaning and purpose of life and living, of universe and of a man inside this chaotically arranged society. It dissolves and refracts those to simplest particles as if each exists independently and for itself. Heraclitus felt that emotions, behaviour, speech and writing were like dense and coloured mists of thoughts and realizations, and in this thick and fogged mixture of positive and negative emotions it is hard for a man to maintain a straight line leading him towards himself. Intellect does not settle emotions and does not perceive things and objects around it as they are in the light of science- cold and emotionally unbound. Intellect emerges upon the surface of our bodies, leaves them and slowly parts from us floating above our personality and individuality and sees things as facts and not like something yours or mine. All things in nature are interconnected and dependent on each other, and intellect divides and unveils the form, leaps over the walls and discovers intrinsic attitude between portable things shrinking and summing them all up in a molecule.. Intellect is an innate magic inside a man, it is his wisdom that is manifested through his clear and concrete outspoken expressions. Poems, lines, mathematical solutions of complex life lessons are settled within stormy tides and ebbs upon the ocean of human imagination. We are all gifted with wisdom, and the difference between people is not in the amount of the power of their wisdom but in the manner and art of revealing, perceiving and feeling the thoughts inspired by wisdom. The difference is in this art he possesses when communicating, spreading, transmitting it through the frequencies of cellular metaphors of ideas. If we stumble upon James Joyce today or Aldous Huxley we should not feel intellectually inferior to them, but rather stand equal, side by side. They possessed strange skills in classifying and shaping facts into magical sentences and explanations which might be something we lack. This constructive intellect creates poems, sentences, plans and systems. In order to speak with our intellect we must breathe life to it by forming it into a picture, into something touchable, into a sensational euphoric experience in the moment of epiphany. We must learn to speak the language of facts because when a ray of sun passes through the universe it becomes visible only when it touches the ground, a certain object or a place. Then it becomes the Truth. And intellect is the truth. When we manifest the truth and validity of our thoughts in an honest and truthful manner it revives our intellect. It breathes life to it and makes us wise. Words often spoil and distort the thoughts if we pronounce and speak them for the sake of talking only; they become''l'art pour l'art" [1] . They become bitten by the tooth of time and hurt our genius and intellect. Silence is a sign of careful listening, approval and acceptance of the wisdom of someone else. It creates a convenient ground for our thoughts to explain and give a meaningful response. Then it becomes truth, an honest exchange of words in the language of the intellect, of facts, of Plato, Kant, Hegel or Spinoza. Great philosophers have spoken in written words and listened with whispers. Maybe they only improved our silence in order for us to feed it with their anti ''l'art pour l'art'' to evoke our ideas from the nests where truth resides. The truth frees our intellect, and intellect is the key to spontaneous logics and arithmetic of intuitive principles of method of silence which is a virtue. Silence is an instinct which we should follow prior to directing our thoughts towards their vocal and oral manifestation. This process of communication is initiated by an instinct, then by opinion, by knowledge- similar to plants that have their roots, their buds and their fruits. And we should trust our instinct until the end even when we cannot reason it entirely. We must be patient while anticipating the moment of epiphany. Trusting our instinct it will develop and grow into a truth and then we shall know why we believed. The most difficult thing in the world of men is to think. We seek the truth by travelling on Mondays, Januaries, years towards that goal. We hold on to every ray of light hoping that this pursuit is achievable and tame and present in each Monday, January or a year. But the happiness is in the truth and in the silence of our truthful thoughts; all answers are already present in our minds. We are poets, artists and designers of our own lives. We realise, see, feel, taste and smell our happiness when we clearly organize and constructively gather our ideas and form them into simple and purposeful sentences. Then we use our oars and we paddle the ship of our life. We find our Moby Dick in the ocean of introspective waves of our personalities. We are all Ishmaels… ---------------- [1] "Art for art's sake"
My Heart is My Home
Is it a gift or only a fact that within each and every man there exists something which makes him special and unique in his being? Are we all only a reflection, a silhouette and portraits of each other or just wanderers walking along the cessation of existence? Is that calmness of heart, that serenity and tranquillity of our spirit an expression of our thoughts? I have always voiced myself through the power of my thoughts, and I have always directed and focused my attention on positive and purposeful realization of their manifestation. Because our thoughts are what we truly and deeply are. Being peacefully calm does not necessarily mean to walk slower or to watch our every step, nor it is visible only through distant and absent looks when evoking past memories and accomplishments. This calmness, arrangement and clear order of our thoughts is deeply forged within our brain cells of our character. They create and form an inherent connection with our heart, and as such are the most beautiful and the most precious jewel of wisdom. Peacefulness enters our mind and is a result of self-control and patience. Its presence is inspired by clear results of our effort, our dedication and by staying true to yourself. In order to achieve this level of calmness and to be able to walk and step on the ground that is everything but pleasant, fruitful and tame we need to understand ourselves first. Everything is supposed to be easy but it is not. Everything is supposed to be so straightforward and clear but it is not. Everything is supposed to be organized but it is not. Humanity surges with uncontrolled passion, is tumultuous with ungoverned grief, is blown about by anxiety and doubt which crawls into the fortress of our hearts through tight and narrow channels. Only the wise man, only he whose thoughts are controlled and purified, makes the winds and the storms of the soul obey him. To reach these heights which are necessary in order to practise and develop the proper life we need to cherish and look after our realistic visions, ideas and dreams. We should allow our thoughts to be dreamed without allowing them to vanish into air. Let us not walk too small or too high under the stars because our dreams, our deepest desires shall lead us towards our final destination, it being in accordance with our thoughts and our hearts. Dreamers are the savours of humanity. But people either fear dreams or they place them too high under the stars. Given the fact that physical, real world, whose main actors are human beings, is guided by the invisible presence of force, so men, through their trials and tribulations are nourished by the beautiful visions of their solitary dreamers. Humanity cannot forget its dreamers; it cannot let their ideals fade and die; it lives in them; it knows them as the realities which it shall one day see and know. On this day shall dreamers revive through the maturity of the man into the wise one. The world is beautiful because it was built and decorated by the steps and traces of dreamers who did not allow their ideas to vanish with the first hint of a stormy cloud above them, without them labouring humanity would perish. Painters, poets, prophets and sculptors are the makers of the after-world, the architects of heaven. He who cherishes a beautiful vision, a lofty ideal in his heart, will one day realize it. Columbus cherished a vision of another world and he discovered it. Copernicus fostered the vision of a multiplicity of worlds and a wider universe, and he revealed it. And I believe in Love, I believe it heals us and makes us better people. I believe that without love there is nothing. Without love directing us towards our desires and wisher the world would be deserted place governed and inhabited by plague and Black Death. But people do exist; their ideas shall live as long as they use their hearts to think and their mind to silently love. Love strengthens our spirit, our spiritual world of pure beauty and perfect peace created for all of us, and we should all enter this sensational feeling of endemic tranquillity. I will never cease from listening to music and melody played by my heart, I will never stop looking and feeling the beauty of my mind because these emotions and threads of thought are fundamental force in creating congenial environment of heavenly beauty. If we possess enough strength and will power within us , enough faith and hope and love for our ideals and dreams, if we stay true to them all our world will at last be built. My vision is a promise of what I will one day be and become; my ideals are prophesies of what I shall reveal. Each success, each accomplishment was inspired by someone’s dream which was cherished and guided by angels. Dreams are the seedlings of reality and of life for which we are responsible. If we maintain this attitude, if we believe in all these qualities, if we listen to our hearts we shall find our place under the horizon of life, we shall arrive home. Home represents that undying and everlasting connection with a certain place, with a certain feature of some old town where one might feel the safest and the most secure to be in. A home can also be related to a piece of land, a bench in a park, a metro station, a tree where we feel calm, peacefully enjoying the warm breeze and the smell of fresh leaves piled on the ground. A home may seem as a place where we are alone in being the only portraits of our character, our personality and oneness, but never alone. But home is non-existent if you are not in agreement with your heart. To have a place you can call your home, first you have to feel it as such, and in order to feel it you have to hear it, and the heart is the only part of your body that hears the beats and impulses of our deepest desires. A heart defines a home, it breathes life to a home with our vivacious or calm personality, a heart ignites our wish to stay, our desire to create, make and keep the home. But how can we trust the heart in this pursuit for belonging somewhere, be it a home or that final destination which yet again is our final boarding station leading us to home? The answer is to keep our heart alive by being sincere, honest and true to ourselves. The heart is too sensitive and yet too important muscle within our body to be neglected. Benevolence, goodness and sympathy are fundamental and crucial food substances for a gregariously brave heart which is inevitable and necessary in order to create and build a home for us. And a home is where your heart is. And my home is inside me because my heart is telling me that it has not found its nest yet, where love only resides, but it makes more than only something- it is everything, because love creates, makes and builds dreams, builds life. And each secret desire is inspired by love. So I can only say that I am living my dream because I am surrounded by everyone and everything I love. I thank Copernicus and Columbus and I thank my heart for forever spreading the most precious and heartfelt symphonies of my life. Thank you LOVE!
Srce je Moj Dom
Da li je dar, blagodat ili samo činjenica da unutar svakog čovjeka postoji ono nešto što ga čini posebnim, jedinstvenim u svom bistvovanju? Da li smo svi samo odrazi, siluete i obrisi jedni drugih ili smo na sebi svojstven način lutalice u bespuću srca koje obitava i hrani nas iz nas samih? Da li je ta mirnoća srca, taj spokoj i smirenost našeg duha odraz i naših misli? Oduvijek sam sebe izražavala putem svojih misli, oduvijek sam svoje misli usmjeravala i pažnju im okupirala pozitivnim i svrsi shodnim rezultatima istih. Jer naše misli su ono što mi zapravo jesmo. Smirenost se ne odražava nužno i isključivo kroz nečije duže ili laganije korake, kroz zamišljene poglede ili razgovore unutarnjih monologa bez riječi. Smirenost je jasno ucrtana u našim moždanim ćelijskim obrisima idejnih realizacija naših karaktera. Smirenost i uređenost naših misli koje sklapaju neraskidivu vezu s našim srcima su najsjajniji i najčišći dragulj mudrosti. Ta smirenost nastupi i dolazi rezultirana dugim i strpljivim trudom samokontrole nas samih. Njeno prisustvo je proizašlo iz jasnih rezultata našeg truda, našeg rada i naše dosljednosti sebi samima putem balansa i samokontrole. Međutim da bismo dosegli taj stadij, da bismo u potpunosti bili zadovoljni i mirni dok boravimo u našim ljudskim oblicima, hodajući i gazeći po zemlji koja je sve samo ne ugodna, plodna i pitoma, trebamo prije svega razumjeti sami sebe, sami sa sobom i sami u sebi. Sve bi trebalo biti tako jednostavno a nije. Sve bi trebalo biti tako transparentno i konkretno, a nije. Sve bi trebalo da je organizirano , a nije. Čovječanstvo se vodi nekontroliranom strašću, generalnom i sveopćom konfuzijom, neredom i nekontrolisanom tugom i boli. Čovječanstvo je okruženo panikom i sumnjom koja se uskim kanalima kreče i dopire do najstabilnije utvrde, tvrđave našeg srca. Jedino mudar čovjek, jedino onaj čije misli su pod kontrolom vlastite purifikacije je u mogućnosti, je sposoban da upravlja i smiruje vjetrove unutar svoje duše. Da bismo dosegli taj stadij snage neophodne za razvoj i praktikovanje umijeća življenja trebamo čuvati i njegovati svoje realne vizije, ideje i snove. Trebamo dozvoliti našim mislima da se odasanjaju ali ne dozvoliti im da poput Dedala i Ikara iščeznu i nestanu zarad previsokih i predalekih aspiracija. Ne hodajmo ni prenisko ali ni previsoko ispod zvijezda jer naša snoviđenja, naše najdublje želje će nas naposljetku i dovesti do konačnog cilja, a cilj je onakav kakve su nam misli i koliko smo toga pohranili unutar našeg srca. Sanjari su spasioci čovječanstva, samo sto se ljudi plaše snova, ili ih smatraju isuviše visoko ispod zvijezda. Obzirom da se fizički, stvarni tj. realni svijet, čiji su glavni akteri ljudska bića, vodi onim nevidljivim prisustvom tvorca istog, isto tako i ljudi, kroz svoja iskušenja, kroz svoja pozitivna Ili ona manje pozitivna, neplemenita djela, se njeguju i održavaju putem genijalnih vizija svojih usamljenih sanjara koji su neodvojivi dio svakog čovjeka. Čovječanstvo ne može nikada da zaboravi niti da opovrgne ili pokuša ismijati mudrog sanjara, ne može dozvoliti nikada da njihovi ideali iščeznu ili izblijede jer ono živi na tlu tih ideala, korača tim ulicama, pluta po tom oceanu i uživa u toj prirodnoj ljepoti koja ga okružuje. Čovječanstvo, ljudi spoznaju te ideale tih nam sanjara kao realnost koju će jednog dana uvidjeti i prepoznati. Tog dana će sanjari oživjeti kroz sazrijevanje čovjeka u mudraca. Svijet i jeste lijep jer su ga izgradili i uljepšali koraci i tragovi sanjara, koji nisu dozvolili da njihove ideje nestanu prvim nagovještajem olujnog oblaka iznad njih; i bez njih bi konzumentsko društvo nestalo. Slikari, pjesnici, profete, kompozitori, vajari relizacijama svojih misli i lijepih ideja slikaju, opjevavavju, proklamišu i rukama vajaju svijet. Onaj ko njeguje svolju viziju lijepoga, taj uzvišeni ideal u svom srcu će jednog dana realizirati taj isti san. Kolumbo je osjećao, sanjao o novom svijetu i otkrio ga je. Kopernik je promovisao ideju o heliocentričnom svijetu i beskonačnosti svemiru pa ga je i otkrio. A da, Ja vjerujem u ljubav i u činjenicu da ona liječi, njeguje i čini nas boljim osobama. Ja vjerujem da bez ljubavi ne postoji ništa. Bez ljubavi usmjerenoj ka našim idejama, snovima, vizijama svijet bi bio samo jedna ogromna pustinja po kojoj bi se širila i harala kuga. Ali ljudi postoje, njihove ideje će živjeti i zaživjeti dok god srcem misle a umom ćutljivo vole. Ljubav jača naš duh, naš spiritualni svijet one čiste ljepote i savršenog mira u koji bismo svi trebali s radošću ući i obgrliti taj endemični osjećaj u nama. Neću prestati da slušam muziku i melodiju koju svira moje srce, ljepotu koju svojim mislima kreiram, onom ljupkošću koja niže i plete jedinstveni prekrivač oslikan tim sjajnim snovima. Jer iz tih i takvih osjećaja i misli će proizaći svi brižljivi uvjeti neophodni za kreiranje nebeskog okruženja. Ako u nama postoji dovoljno snage, vjere i ljubavi u naše ideje, u naše snove, ako ostanemo dosljedni istima će naš svijet naposljetku biti izgrađen. Moja vizija je obećanje onoga što ću jednog dana postati i biti; moji ideali su proročanstva onoga što ću na kraju otkriti. Svaki uspjeh, svaki ostvareni cilj je inspirisan nečijim snom; i tim snom, i tom vizijom upravlja i kormirali anđeo ozarenog lica. Snovi su sjeme realnosti i života kojim upravljamo mi sami. Vođeni ovakvom mišlju, slušajući srce šta nam kazuje otkucajima svojim ćemo konačno pronaći svoje mjesto pod okriljem istog neba, stići ćemo domu svom. Dom predstavlja onaj neuništivi i beskrajni osječaj povezanosti za neko mjesto, za neku znamenitost starog grada gdje se čovjek osjeća nasjsigurnije i najzaštičenije. Dom također može predstavljati neki komadić zemlje, to može biti neka klupa u parku, metro stanica, stablo ispod kojeg osjećamo mir, spokojno uživajući u toplom povjetarcu i mirisu svježeg lišća nagomilanog na tlu. Domom nazivamo i mjesto gdje postojimo samo mi kao jedini predstavnici svoje osobnosti, svojih karakternih crta, svog jedinstva ali nikada se kao takvi ne osjećamo sami. Ali dom ne može postojati ako nismo u saglasnosti sa svojim srcem. Da bismo neko mjesto prihvatili kao dom svoj, neophodno je da ga osjetimo, a da bismo ga osjetili trebamo ga čuti, a srce je jedini organ našeg tijela koji sluša, i svojim otkucajima i impulsima šalje i širi naše najdublje želje i skrivene nade. Srce definira dom, udahnjuje mu život našom veselom ili umirujuće dražesnom osobnošću, ono poreče našu želju da ostanemo, da kreiramo i održavamo dom. Ali kako vjerovati srcu u toj potrazi za pripadanjem, bilo da je riječ o domu ili našoj konačnoj destinacijji životnog voza u kojem boravimo? Mislim da je odgovor u srcu koje trebamo održavati na životu hraneći ga iskrenošću i vjerom u sebe. Srce je preosjetljiv mišić a opet jako važan da bismo ga zapostavljali. Dobronamjernost i suosjećanje su glavni I osnovni hranjivi sastojci hrabrog srca koje kao takvo je neophodno pri izgradnji svoga doma. I dom jeste tamo gdje je srce. A moj dom je unutar mene jer srce mi kazuje da još nije svoje gnijezdo pronašlo, gnijezdo u kojem živi i obitava samo ljubav, a to samo je Sve, jer ljubav kreira, stvara i ostvaruje moje snove, vizije i najdublje želje. A svaka od tih želja je protkana jednom postojanom vizijom a to je ljubav. Stoga mogu reći da ja živim svoj san jer sam okružena svima onima i svim onim što volim. Hvala Koperniku, Kolumbu i srcu mom koje će vječno svirati i širiti najljepše i najsrdačnije simfonije života kojim kormilarim. Hvala ljubavi! |
Izgubljeni Raj ili Povrat Sreće?
Da budemo dobri u svom ludilu je paradoksalno kontradiktorna indikacija jedne vjekovno postojane istinitosti, a to je ISTINA. Od trenutka kada nam je udahnuta misao u naša beživotna tijela, otkrili smo u velikoj mjeri samo licemjerno iskvarenu funkciju procesa realizacije tih nam misli. Takav talenat, taj izuzetan dar nam je dat, sposobnost da mislimo, razmisljamo, kreiramo slagalice unutar naših bistrih intelektualnih moždanih čelija; a mi ih stravično zloupotrebljavamo i koristimo u svrhu manipulacije ljudskim poimanjima i svjetonazorima. Masovna ljudska manipulacija unutar planetarne globalizacije dovodi i dovela je do sveopće anarhije bića. Više nismo maleni ispod zvijezda, sada nam je nebo tik iznad naših visokih čela dok Pinokijevim nosevima paramo i ubijamo naše zvijezde vodilje. Međutim, postoje endemi u mnoštvu žutila i površinskog omotača naše atmosfere. Postoje endemi zvjezdanog svoda, najstarije zvijezde rođene iz onih lakših elemenata peridongog sistema hidrogena i helijuma, koji se postepeno formiraše u teže, jače i čvršće atome neophodne za održiv i dugotrajan život. Postoji i u nama, u našim mislima, u našim srcima doza te neuništive sile, te zdrave kombinacije lakših i težih elemenata, postoji u nama nuništiva snaga ljubavi. Ne mogu ljudi ubiti, uništiti, iskorijeniti, istrijebiti nešto tako snažno, nešto tako moćno i smopostojano kao što je dobrota ljubavi. Činjenica jeste da vrijeme, vremena u kojima živjesmo i živimo iziskuju i neophodno iznuđuju iz nas neke primjese sivog i podmuklog bunila unutar atoma te sile, te gostoće tog ljubavnog napitka; ali u konačnici, ako je primarna misija dosljedna našim srcima uspjet ćemo da budemo, postanemo, i opstanemo Sretno Sretni. Kako? Možda da se prisjetimo našeg ranog djetinjstva, one sreće koju smo osjetili kada smo kušali prvi sladoled, pogledali prvi film u kino dvorani, sjedeći ispred ogromnog platna oslikanog trzajima i pokretima džinovskog Paćin-a, ili Gable-a, stupajući u iskrena prijateljstva s Bogartom. Nije to samo i isključivo duh vremena, to je duh koji se generacijama, stoljećima i besmrtnim postojanjem regenerira . Duh koji niti tijelo niti bore na licu ne mogu pretvoriti u eterični povjetarac uspomena. To je uspomena prošlosti u sadašnjosti. To je elan, to je energija koja je neuništivo postojana u svakom sadašnjem, budućem ili tom pluskvamperfektnom momentu našeg postojanja. Ne trebamo reći da se prisjećamo, već da se vraćamo, koračamo i krećemo ka sebi iznova i ponovo. Ne trebamo reći da živimo u prošlosti već da je protekli momenat jedan djelić puzle u slagalici naših života kojem se, s vremena na vrijeme trebamo vratititi i prići mu da bismo pronašli onaj koji nam nedostaje da upravo sada utisnemo taj isti, koji je već u ovom trenu dio tog proteklog, u sadašnjem trenutku. Volimo, patimo i plačimo jer smo Živi. Ostavimo trag svojim osmijehom, izumom, bilješkom ili bojama na platnu našeg imena i prezimena. Budimo, Samra, Milan, Marko, Dragan...budimo ljudi, jer mi nismo mašine koje kad ih rastavite, pa ponovo sklopite mogu da funkcionišu na isti način kao kad i kupljene. Ali kada secirate žabu, kada uništite nečiju auru navalentno beskrupuloznom i verbalno negativnom reakcijom odraženom i izraženom pogrdnom mišlju, kada mutilirate nečije tijelo demonskim reakcijama u sebi realizovane fizičkim zlostavljanjem, taj i takav čin se ne može zašiti operativnim zahvatom da biste ga oživjeli. On umire. Ljudi nisu mašine, mi nismo zamjenski dijelovi, mi smo ljudska bića koja bi trebala jače i češće da srcem misle a mozgom da ćute. Mi smo vrsta koja je intelektualno, rekla bih, otrovala srca koja su genijalna u usporedbi s našim umovima. Um je intelekt, wow i kao takav nas čini sposobnim, vještim i uspješnim predstavnicima ljudske vrste. Ne, nismo mašine, kažem Ne. Srce je osnovni i jedini pokretač svih naših misli. Ono nam otkucajima svojim hrani misli i napaja ih tekućinom koja je čista, nezagađena i postojano održiva. Poslušajmo s vremena na vrijeme šta nam ono otkucava. Otkucava nam vrijeme koje uludo trošimo na utrku sa svemirom, sa otkrićima finansijskog dobitka, koje, kao takvo je kratkoročno jer je sebično i ćutljivo; boravi samo u jednom mozgu, u halapljivom i gnusnom cerekanju i podsmijehu izgladnjelih vapaja cerebruma. Podijeli misao, podijeli uzdah, zagrljaj i poljubac i materijalno će postati i ljudsko i srdačno praštanje, uzimanje i davanje bez primjesa zavidnog, čangrizavog, oholog dejstva otrova koji je nekoć i onomad bio plač, prva rijeć, prvi korak nas samih. Smiješno je, nestvarno je, nepostojano je? Da je smiješno, nestvarno i nepostojano zar bi nestvarno ''postojao'' glagol DIJELITI? U redu je da mislimo na sebe, svoju sigurnost, da se borimo da ne budemo gladni i žedni, ali da bismo bili siti i sretni trebamo se bodriti, potpomoći jer u konačnici naša sitost, utaljena žeđ, finansijska sigurnost ''ovisi'' o drugima. Kada kažem Ovisi pokušavam reći da je ispunjena i isprepletena tragom drugih osoba, samo molim vas da je iskrena i dobronamjerna, jer kao takva jedino može biti dobitna za sve nas. Za onu slagalicu strave ili ljubavi, za onaj Ajfelov toranj, za onu Auroru Borealis, za onaj komad, neću reći ni kruha, somuna, hljeba, iako već izustih, reći ću svojom rječju, komad sreće uz koji jedemo, dišemo, upijamo i udišemo ezoterično luksuzni osmijeh uspjeha, uspjeha kao osobe, uspjeha kao ljudskog bića, uspjeha kao Selme, Dzejlane, Marka, Ivana,uspjeha naših ličnosti koji se vrednuje po količini osmijeha, komada kruha, hljeba, somuna ili sreće koji smo udijelili jedni drugima. Ja vas molim da budemo Dobri jer ako nisam ja dobra, ljudi u mom okruženju, moji drugari i drugarice, moji najdraži ce biti unesrećeni, mutilizirarni, ušiveni i mašinski programirani na rok trajanja. A takav ishod može biti samo gubitak... Ne dozvolimo, ja Vas, ja Nas i ja Sebe molim da tako ne bude. Kao što je Dr. Martin Luther Junior vjerovao i ja vjerujem da će nenaoružana istina i bezuslovna ljubav imati posljednju riječ u stvarnosti čovječanstva. Ljubav, ta krhka a pak duboka i besmrtnavoda, komad kruha i ispunjena sreća će preživjeti. Molim nas!
Paradise Lost or Happiness Regained
To maintain and preserve goodness within our own madness is paradox and a contradictory indication of an ancient and honest condition and that is TRUTH. Since the very moment a thought has been injected into our lifeless bodies we have discovered only the hypocrisy and a spoilt function of its realizations. Such a talent- this exquisite gift has been given to us, the ability to think, to understand, to create puzzles and jigsaws inside our intellectual brain cells, but we misuse them and abuse them by mass manipulation of our notions and perceptions of life. This mass human manipulation and globalization leads and has led to general anarchy of human race. We are no longer short or small when walking under the stars; the sky is now so close above our high foreheads; our Pinocchio noses are scratching and killing stars that used to guide us through darkness. However, there is endemism in the midst of all the yellow pages and superficiality in the atmosphere of life. There are endemic stars in which the lighter elements of the Periodic Table, such as hydrogen and helium, are gradually converted into the heavier and most powerful atoms that are essential for a long-lasting life. There exists, in us, in our thoughts, in our hearts a dosage of this indestructible force, this driving force, this healthy combination of lighter and heavier elements and it is called Loving. People are not able to kill, destroy, and eradicate a thing as strong, powerful and self-sustainable as pure goodness and unconditional Love. The fact is that time, and times in which we used to live and still live require and necessitate certain amount and a slight trace of greyish inconsistencies of that truth; but in the aftermath of it all and with our primary pure mind-set being true to our hearts we shall become, stay and survive in being Happily Happy. How? Maybe we can try by reminding ourselves of our childhood, those reminiscences of a moment when tasting our first ice-cream, enjoying in our first visit to the cinema, sitting in front of a gigantic white sheet that welcomes Pacino or Gable, while befriending Bogart. It is not just a spirit of time; it is a spirit that immortally regenerates with each decade and each century. A spirit which neither our body nor our wrinkled skin can turn into etheric breeze of memories. It is a past memory existing in present. It is élan, energy that is imperishable and existent in each present, future or that past perfect moment of our successive earthly life. Let us not use the term remembering, but rather pronounce and utter a phrase returning and moving towards ourselves once and again. Let us not interrupt the chain of speech by saying that we live in the past, but rather realize that the moment gone by is only a piece of a life puzzle which we, from time to time, address and look back to find the missing ingredient in order to grab the piece we need in present, which is there to be regained and rediscovered someday. We are the world and the world is us, interconnected. Let us feel the joy, love, grief and sorrow, it is a proof that we live, we breathe, we feel. Let us leave traces of our smiles, inventions, flashes of lightning of our bright minds, of our colourful names and surnames. Let us be Samra, Milan, Marko, Jovana, Dzejlana...let us be human, humans and people. We are not machines which we can dismantle and assemble back into its original form that still operates correctly and smoothly. But if you dissect a frog, if you destroy someone's aura by over assertive and unscrupulously negative reactions reflected and created by the outspoken thought, when you mutilate someone's body by conducting demonic actions of physical abuse, these and such acts are not able to be sewn back into its original and healthy status and shape by surgical operation and still remain alive. The body dies. Human beings are not mechanically powered apparatuses, we do not hold replaceable or spare parts, we are humans who should, from time to time, use their hearts to think and their brains for silent conversations. We are the species who, I would dare to say, have intellectually poisoned our hearts that are genius and splendorous compared to our negative thoughts. The faculty of our consciousness, thoughts, reasoning and objective understanding is an intellect. Wow! In being such a strongsensation it makes us capable, skilful and successful. No, I say no. A heart should be the fundamental and primary driving force of all our thoughts. It feeds our brain, our intellect and our mind with its beats. It supplies it with pure, unpolluted and existent liquid. Let us listen to its beats. It ticks and strikes the time we use carelessly by racing the space, by pursuing the golden fleece of financial gain, which,as such is short-term due to its selfishness and secretive silence; it resides in the mind of a man, within the gobble-like and gruesome chuckling echoes of hungry caterwauling of human cerebrum. Share and spread a thought, share a breath, a hug, a kiss and material necessities will become both- human and kind forgiving, giving and receiving with no envious or conceited effect of the poison which used to be our first cry, our first uttered word, and our first step. It sounds ridiculous, unrealistic and non-existent? If it was ridiculous, unrealistic or non-existent would there exist a verb TO SHARE? It is quite and perfectly fine to think about and take care of ourselves, our safety, to struggle for having a good life without being either hungry or thirsty. But in order to be nourished and happy we must do it together, we must help each other because, after all, our pleasure, our safety ''depends'' on others. When I say ''depends'' I mean it in such a way that it is intertwined, interconnected and filled with traces of other people's breaths, tear drops and joys. I only beg you to make it a true, honest and benevolent intention and dedication; only such effort can have a positive and humane outcome for us all. Do it for that eerie puzzle or for love, for that Eiffel Tower, for that Aurora Borealis, for that slice of bread, of happiness that we eat, breathe, and take the esoteric, luxurious smile of success of accomplished person, human being, successful Selmas, Dzejlanas, Markos, Ivanas, success of our characters and personalities valued and measured by the amount of laughs, pieces of bread or joys we share with someone. I beg of you for goodness because if I am not good to another human being, to my friends and family, they are doomed to eternity of misfortunes in life, they are doomed to being mutilated, sewn and stitched and mechanically programmed to expiration date. And such an outcome can only be a fatal loss. I beg you, I beg us and I beg myself to stop that and prevent it from happening. As dr. Martin Luther King Junior believed I myself believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. Love, that fragile but deep and immortal drop of water, a piece of bread and eternal happiness will survive. Please! |
Kaleidoskop smo svojih misli
Ljudi! Ta lijepa, skladna, jednostavna, dubokomna, , povučena, otvorena bića se odijevaju i umotavaju u gorostasno zmajevo odjelo, ne maskirajući se niti prerušavanjem skrivajući, već odijevanjem u đavolju kožu isplivavaju na površinu sebe samih bljujući dragonsku vatru. Ne želim da ovu čeličnu, čvrstu i jedinstvenu imenicu ljudi upotrebljavam u kontekstu koji je sve samo ne dio nje- koji je sve samo ne LJUDSKI. Moje srce mi govori, moje misli mi govore, moji prsti plešu po tipkama uzdisaja i izdisaja portabilnog uređaja trenutno udomljenog i sklupčanog na krilu mom, a ja ih pažljivo slušam. Govore mi da ljudska plemenitost postoji, dobrota postoji, ljepota postoji, ljubav postoji, odlučnost postoji, odsustvo sebičnosti postoji, empatija postoji, u nama samima, a kroz nas i u nekom drugom. Lijepe Misli uzrokuju osmijeh, Naši Snovi zabljesnu i blješte u našim pogledima, Nježnost se osjeti u slučajnim dodirima drage nam osobe koja nam nevidljivim molekulama šalje dio nas. Dobijamo sebe dajući se osjećajima srca otkucanih tim mislima. Ne! Neću nikada da povjerujem u nepostojanje istih, ne prihvaćam figmente mašte, već stremim ka realizaciji mojih snova i vizija mojih aspiracija. Neću svoje misli predati, iznevjeriti i dozvoliti im da nestanu iz mog uma, mog bića, iz mene. Jer moje misli sam Ja, ono sto osjećam u srcu sam ja. Čovječanstvo, naša planeta je samo množina svih naših pojedinačnih a zajedničkih Ja. Spoznati sebe znači upoznati sebe, naše želje, htijenja i ciljeve. Upoznati sebe kroz žrtvovanja, kroz snove i kroz individualna, kreativna, konstruktivna i konkretna razmišljanja, jer mi zaista JESMO spoj i zbir naših MISLI. Introvertna saznanja nas samih nas vode ka univerzalnoj ekstrovertnosti uspjeha. Samorefleksija, introspekcija i unutarnji monolozi sa sobom nam čiste um, liječe dušu, i uljepšavaju naša tijela pospješujući, insistirajući na i pokrećući pozitivne misli samonkontrolom naših unutarnjih turbulencija. Ali zašto onda taj osjećaj blaženosti naših misli nestane, izblijedi u vrtlogu ulica našeg sna? Zato što u velikoj mjeri radimo ono što drugi očekuju od nas, a ne zapravo ono što nas uistinu pokreće. Ovo saznanje jeste teže primjeniti nego epifanizirati u realnom i intelektualnom životu ali ono nam iskristalizira jasnu i vidljivu razliku između vrline i zlobe. Stoga se naše spoznaje pobune i gube harmoniju svoga sklada jer čovjeku je lakše živjeti unutar svijeta vodeći se njegovim pravilima dok u svom kutku mirne samoće obitava po svome. Ali velik je onaj čovjek koji uspijeva usred i unutar gomile homo sapiensa da održi savršenom slatkoćom neovisnu mirnoću samoće. Uznemireni balans vrijednosti, unutarnja previranja i svjetski nemiri su rezultat naše nedoslijednosti pri prezervaciji naših plemenitih misli odjevenih u naše vrline. Ne izgovaramo te misli od straha da budu neshvaćene. Pitam se da li je uopće loše biti neshvaćen? Svi veliki umovi su bili neshvaćeni, geniji svojih era; Kopernik, Galileo, Newton; svačiji čisti i mudri duh biva neshvaćen ili pogrešno shvaćen. Ali ja biram sebe, i vraćam se sebi dajući fragmente svojih spoznaja drugome da bi ih dobila natrag upotpunjujući krug. Moj kaleidoskop je spektar boja sazviježdja i galaksija. Vrijeme i prostor su samo fiziološke boje koje oko stvara pogledom svojim, ali je duh i naša unutarnja duševna mirnoća ono svjetlo, onaj sjaj zvjezdanog neba vasione naših umova. Pratim ga. Krivimo nekog drugog za svoja nezadovoljstva, opravdavamo okolnostima u kojima živimo svoje lična zavaravanja, svoje gladne i pohlepne ciljeve, a zapravo u nama se skriva naš život koji vapi i žudi za aktivnom i praktičnom primjenom sebe uobličen i izgrađen u glagol živjeti. Kontradiktorni smo- revoltno se borimo sa efektom njegujući ga i ne dozvoljavajući da otkrijemo uzrok unutar sebe, a ne u drugima ili negdje ''tamo''. Jer čovjek jeste i uzrok i posljedica neprijateljskog prijateljstva sebe i vice versa. Shvatam da su okolnosti kompleksno isprepletene sa stvarnošću u kojoj obitavamo, svjesna sam da je misao duboko ukorijenjena i shvatam da se sreća i poimanje iste razlikuje od osobe do osobe. Ali ne shvatam koliko je čovjek inertno otupljen, bojažljivo pasivan i sebičan kad ne želi sebe da sa sobom podijeli, a kamoli s drugim?! Čovjek ustukne, uplaši se i biva zatečen okolnostima dok god živi u uvjerenju da je on stvorenje, kreacija i plod ovozemaljske vanjštine i okoline. Ali kada shvati da je on zapravo kreativna moć koja u svom umu ugniježdava i njeguje svoja anđeoska krila, u svojim rukama Herkulovu snagu , u svom glasu Apolovu melodiju, u svom pogledu plemenitog Strijelca, u svom stavu Aresovu odlučnost, u svom držanju Algaeinu ljepotu, u svojoj kosi Samsonovu snagu, u svojim stopalima Nikinu moć , u svojoj utrobi Nus pokretač i da kao takav kontroliše i snagu i brzinu i determiniranost kreirajući te okolnosti, će naposletku sjediti na Olimpu svog Zeustva. Da li je onda čovjek toliko neandertalno ''pametan'' i ''vidno'' slijep kada ne uviđa da isključivo materijalna snoviđenja , otrovna korumpiranost njihovih umova pruža samo prividna zadovoljstva kratkoročne slave i imućstva?! Takav, čovječe, si nesrećan! Žrtva si bolne i kontinuirane pohlepe koja te izjeda, osamljuje i zdravstveno ugrožava preparirajući te u novu vrstu latiniziranog naziva Homo gluttonicusa . Umireš a nisi mrtav; pa čak i tada bi rado da bar' pridobiješ i otuđiš koji novčić upisivanjem u rječnik stranih termina. O, čovječe, ne shvataš, ne osjećaš prisustvo sebe unutar svog vidljivog JA, u obrisu, u fizičkoj manifestaciji svog karaktera. Pogled ti je upućen desno, lijevo, gore, dole, a nikada pravo. Nismo mi robovi niti sluge jednog tiranina poput tebe, mi smo tirani sebe samih. Jednina kreira množinu univerzalnog singulara čovječanstva. Mi sa svojim dobrim mislima kreiramo i stvaramo dobre stvari. Ako su naše ideje i snovi odlučna, smirena i odvažna artikulacija asertivnosti naših misli desit će nam se samo dobre stvari. Čuvajte i njegujte svoje vizije, ali ih ostvarujte gledajući u vidljivom smjeru, pravo; njegujte svoje snove jer i najveća dostignuća koja su svijet unaprijedila su bila nečiji san, nečija, vizija i nečija čista misao i nečiji san. Ne dobijamo ono što molimo, i što žudno i beskrupolozno želimo , već ono što neovisnom pravednošću zaslužimo, jer naše želje, htijenja, nadanja i molitve se ostvaruju samo kada su u skladnoj harmoniji i odnosu s našim mislima i ponašanjem. Ako su naše misli protkane njeznošću, ljubavlju, dobrotom, kulturom, kurtoazijom , plemenitošću očekujmo rezultate takvog sna, ideje i misli. A naša duša je najvažniji sastojak naših misli koja privlači ne ono sto želimo već ono što JESMO. Ona privlači onaj brod, one vjetrove, ona strujanja, one refleksije, koagulacije i prelamanja koja skriveno i potajno usidrava u luci svog mentalnog univerzuma. Okolnosti nas ne čine osobom koju predstavljamo svojom individualnošću. One nas otkrivaju nama samima. Upoznaj se kontrolom i refleksijom svojih misli i bit ćeš to sto želiš, kormilar kaleidoskopa svojih misli!!! Voli, pati, posrni, zaplači ali ne dozvoli da kada plodni momenti pokucaju na vrata da zaboraviš ko ih je tu doveo, i da harmoniju sebe poljuljaš. Ostani svoj, ne prodaji ljepotu i krasotu duha svoga, ne trči za vjetrenjačama ako nisi u pratnji svog Sancha Panse, ne prkosi vjetru i munjama gromoglasnim krikom nezadovoljstva; učini da oblaci nestanu uviđajući svjetlost, snagu i sjaj Zeusove munje. To su tvoje kiše, to su tvoje oluje, to su tvoji gromovi o čovječe Zeuse. Budi mudro strpljiv kada pogled upućuješ ka sebi!
We are our own Kaleidoscope
People! These exquisite, harmonious, simple, insightful, introvert and extrovert human beings dress and rap themselves in gigantic dragon suits with neither masking nor disguising, but rather openly garnishing and covering themselves with dragon skin emerging onto the surface of their own selves spitting, ejecting and breathing out fire. I have no intention to use this strong-as-steel and unique noun people in any context but its own-pure, clear and humane. My heart speaks to me, my thoughts address me, my fingers dance around and upon this keyboard of agonies and ecstasies, of breaths and gasps of this portable device currently nested in my lap, and I listen to them carefully. They tell me that human kindness exists, that goodness exists, that beauty exists, that love exists, that determination exists, that selfishness is completely absent, that empathy exists in us and within us, and through us they exist in someone else as well. Noble and pleasing thoughts create smiles. Our dreams intermittently flash and shine in our gaze, tenderness is felt through accidental touches of a dear and loving person who emits and sends small and invisible molecules towards us. We gain ourselves by giving in to emotions of our heart that beats and ticks our thoughts. No! I shall never believe that they are nonexistent, I reject and I refuse to accept figments of imagination; I rather chose to make my dreams and visions of my aspirations come true. I will not renounce these thoughts of mine, I will not betray them or allow them to evaporate and vanquish from my mind, from my being, from myself. My thoughts are who I am, what I feel in my heart is Me. Humankind; our planet makes plural of our entire joint singular ’’ I’’s. To know thyself means to get to know yourself, your desires and wishes. Know yourself through sacrifices, through dreams and through individual, creative and constructively concrete reflections, because we truly are what we think. Introvert discoveries direct us towards universal extroversion of success. Self-reflection, introspection purify our mind, cure our soul and beautify our bodies insisting on and initiating positive thoughts by controlling our inner turbulences. But why is it that this blissful feeling disappears and fades away in the vortex of our dreams? Because quite often we do what others expect us to and not what we actually and truly feel. This realization is more difficult to apply than simply to experience epiphany in real and intellectual life, but it crystalizes a clear and visible difference between virtue and vice. This is why our thoughts and discoveries become discordant because it is easier to live in a world guided by its principles while in the corner of peaceful silence a man resides and lives by its own rules. Disrupted balance of values, inner confusions and world turmoil are a result of our inconsistencies in preserving our noble thoughts clothed in our virtues. We do not pronounce these lovely thoughts out of fear of being misunderstood. Now I wonder, is it a bad fortune to be misunderstood? All great minds were misunderstood, geniuses of their time; Copernicus, Galileo, Newton; each pure and wise spirit is about to be misunderstood or wrongly understood. But I chose myself, and I go back to myself sharing fragments of my realizations with others in order to complete the circle. My kaleidoscope is a spectrum of various colors of constellations and galaxies. Time and space are only physiological colors created by the eye, by the gaze, but the spirit and inner spiritual calmness create that light, that sparkle of starry sky upon the universe of our intellect. I follow it. We blame others for our personal discontent, we justify our personal misleading, our greedy goals by the circumstances in which we live, but the truth is that inside us all resides and exists our own life which cries and yearns for active and practical implementation shaped and formed in a verb 'to live'. We are contradictory- we struggle in revolt with the effect, looking after it, caring for it without allowing ourselves to see and perceive the cause within us, not in others or somewhere else. A man is the cause and effect of befriended enemy of himself and vice versa. I am quite aware of the fact that the circumstances are complexly intertwined with reality in which we exist and live, I am aware that the thought is deeply rooted and I understand that happiness and the notion of it differs from a person to a person. But I do not understand why is a man so inertly numb, deprived of power of sensation, passive and selfish, and refuses to share his own thought with himself let alone with someone else?! A person gets taken aback; he becomes afraid and caught in the midst of the circumstances as along as he lives convinced that he is a creation and the result of earthly appearance and environment. Once he realizes that he is a creative power who nestles and nourishes in himself and in his mind the angelic wings, in his hands the strength of Hercules, in his voice Apollo’s melody, in his look a noble Sagittarius, in his attitude Ares's determination, in his poise Algaia’s beauty, in his hair Samson's strength, in his feet Nika’s endurance, in his womb the Nus driving force and as being such a master he controls the speed, the strength and firmness of purpose shaping and creating circumstances himself, shall he in the end sit at the Olympus of his Zeus-ism. Is a man then as smart as Neanderthal and visibly blind when he does not realize that material revelations, poisonous corruption of his mind offers only seemingly real pleasures of short-term glory and wealth?! Oh Man, you are not happy like this! You are a victim of painful and continuous gluttony which eats you up, secludes and isolates you, makes you unhealthy, turning you into a new species of Latin expression Homo gluttonicus; you would rather take one more coin and get glory by entering the dictionary of Latin phrases. Oh Man, you do not realize, you cannot feel the presence inside of you, in the shadow, in the physical manifestation of your character. Your look is directed right, left, down but never straight. We are no servants or slaves to a tyrant such as you, we are our own tyrants. Singular creates plural in universal singularity of Mankind. When being in a company of our pure and good thoughts we create good things. If our ideas and dreams are determined, calm and assertive articulation of our thoughts only good things will come out of them. We should keep and cherish our visions, but we should also realize them by directing our gaze straight; cherish our dreams because the greatest discoveries that brought prosperity to people were someone's dream, someone's vision and someone's pure thought. We do not get what we pray for, or what we desirably and unscrupulously want but what we independently and fairly earn, because our wishes, our hopes and prayers become alive only when they are in a harmony with our thoughts and behavior. If these thoughts are inspired by gentle feelings, love, benevolence, manners, kindness we shall taste the results of such a dream, idea or a thought. And our soul is the most important ingredient of these thoughts which attracts not what we want but who we are. It attracts that ship, those winds, those reflections and coagulations secretly anchoring them in a harbor of its mental universe. Circumstances do not make us who we are, they reveal us to ourselves. Know thyself; control and reflect your thoughts and you will become and be whoever you wish to be, a steersman of your lively kaleidoscope! Love, suffer, stumble upon life obstacles, cry but do not allow the fruitful moment to make you forget who brought you there. Stay true to yourself, do not sell your beauty and the uniqueness of your soul, do not run towards windmills without your Sancho Panza, do not defy the wind and thunders by loud shrieks of your discontent; make the clouds disperse and disappear seeing light, and strength of Zeus's lightning. These are your rains, these are your storms, these are your thunders, oh Man, oh you Zeus!!! Be wisely patient when directing your look towards yourself! |
Poimanje Ljepote nekada i sad- Prošlost ili buduće 'sada'!
Moderno ili 'pak ne?! Svijet napreduje time što se radi, ili se radilo na realizaciji i ispunjenju jedinstvenog cilja ovozemaljskih stanovnika ljudskog izgleda, a to je da se unaprijede i poboljšaju uslovi života te da se promovišu i primjenjuju osnovna ljudska prava, od kojih je jedan od fundamentalnih pravo na život. Međutim dešava se to da ono sto neki smatraju modernim, drugi opovrgavanju i smatraju apsurdnim i nepotrebnim. Moje pitanje je: ''Kada moderno prerasta u bezukusno, derogativno i augmentativno izražavanje aktivizma i revolucije budućnosti života i vremena u kojem živimo?!'' Prije nekoliko godina, dok sam nestrpljivo stajala tik uz semafor, u iščekivanju uličnog Godoa, poznatijeg kao malenog, vatreno crvenog čovječuljka, da mi signalizirajući ZELENIM raspoloženjem i izrazom svog lica dozvoli prelazak na drugu stranu ulice, mi je jedna jednostavno elegantno odjevena gospođa prišla u želji da svoju trenutnu misao podijeli s nekom bliskom osobom ( bliskom u ovom slučaju bar kad je riječ o udaljenosti između osobe A i osobe B). Spomenula mi je da su se ljudi nekada odijevali tako da su bili prepoznatljivi po tome što su bili sofisticirano moderni, elegantno privlačni i zavodljivi svojom posturom, stavom i jasnim energičnim pogledom koji se ispoljavao putem njihovih radoznalo bistrih očiju. Namjera mi nije da sežem do u krajnost, ali po mom mišljenju to ne predstavlja krajnost; nešto što je postojalo davno prije nas, i naših sveznadersko introspektivnih poimanja modernog. Ono što želim reći je da, generalno i globalno posmatrajući, nekada kada biste sreli ženu tj. damu, njen parfem, njena pojava, njena gracioznost poput gazele bi vam oduzimala dah. Muškarac je nekoć bio galantan, markantan i džentlmen pri ophođenju ne samo sa ženama već i unutar svojih prijateljskih kuloara. Zar nije ironija da se trebamo vratiti unazad da bismo išli ukorak s vremenom?! Iako sam pripadnica nježnijeg pola- kad kažem nježnijeg mislim na konture same muskulature tijela- smatram da su većim dijelom i žene i muškarci danas prerasli u najjadnije i najmizernije oblike homo sapiensa kad je riječ o međusobnim odnosima pri osnovnoj verbalnoj komunikaciji, ne samo u relaciji muškarac-žena, vec i vice versa. Tu sada moderno ne predstavlja isključivo izgled i odjevni stil, koji je individualan i jedinstven svakome ponaosob, i naglašava ono što se želi istaći. Verbalna komunikacija je izgubila poštovanje prava na mišljenje, jer i kad se ne slažemo s mišljenjem drugog treba da poštujemo njegovo ili njeno pravo NA mišljenje, pravo na viđenje i razumijevanje određene situacije ili tematike. Ali ne, danas se a priori odbacuje sve što nije u skladu sa stavovima osobe koja je jedan od interlokutora datog dijaloga. Ja, ja i samo ja. Zar je tragedija upoznati nekog drugog, i nečije stavove i, možda uzeti u obzir da je neko drugi, ne nužno u pravu, već da je tu da nam u sazvježđu endema ustupi mjesto. Ljepota ne predstavlja samo fizičko viđenje i poimanje iste, već i onu auru koja je smještena tik iznad naše glave, a jasno vidljiva u oku posmatrača koji želi da ju uvidi i vidi. Ljepota je jedna Audrey Hepburn koja je, s jedne strane, svojom vanjštinom plijenila pažnju svakog prolaznika, na jedan sofisticiran i sebi svojstven način, dovoljan da pobudi interes svjetski najpriznatijih i najrenomiranijih kreatora svijeta mode Hubert de Givenchy-a , a s druge strane je ljepota njene misli koju je uspješno dokazala time što je nagrađena predsjedničkom medaljom Slobode kao rezultat njenog rada i angažmana u ulozi ambasadora dobre volje. Ili jedna Maya Angelou, oličenje savremenog historičara, pjesnika, vaspitača, aktiviste u borbi za ljudska prava, glumice, dramopisca kojoj Riječ predstavlja ljepotu življenja. Ili naše majke. Moja mama koja nije toliko poznata kao Maya, Nikola ili Audrey, ali koja svojom vjerom u dobro odgaja svoje dijete. Jedan beskućnik koji prosi a ne krade. Ili jedan Nikola Tesla koji je sa svijetom podijelio, između ostalih otkrića, struju , ili jedan grčko-mitološki Prometej koji je čovječanstvu donio vatru. Pokušajmo biti i Audrey i Maya i Nikola i Prometej pri izgradnji i unaprjeđenju sebe samih, pri pospješivanju i poboljšanju međusobne komunikacije, jer ako bar ne pokušamo, naša djeca – predstavnici i nosioci nasih prezimena, naše DNK će smatrati da je moderno biti glup, i da je moderno koristiti se neukusnim vokabularom i rječnikom, i da je u redu ne prepustiti svoje sjedište u tramvaju starijoj osobi, i da je u redu mučiti životinje i bacati kamenje na pse lutalice, i da je u redu ismijavati i zbijati neslane šale na račun onih koji su slušno, verbalno ili vizuelno osiromašeni i onesposobljeni. Možda će pojedinci reagovati ili će ovaj i ovakav put ka ljudskosti shvatiti kao Utopiju Thomas Moore-a, ali zašto Utopija kad su moji roditelji mene odgajali upravo u ovakvim ubjeđenjima i vođeni ovakvom kulturom življenja, naravno uz primjese i onog što je dobro i onog što je loše da bi mi na taj način prepustili da tada sama uvidim šta je u redu a šta ne. A oni nisu ni svjetski proslavljeni pjesnici, niti politički korumpirani ljudi; niti bolji niti gori od jednog taksiste, pekara ili svakodnevnog prolaznika; niti bolji niti gori od izgubljene generacije Hemingweyevaca i Gertruda već samo i isključivo jedni, nadam se ponosni, roditelji koji bi trebali biti konglomerantno poznati po svojoj osobnosti i ljepoti koju nose. I na tome im veliko HVALA.
Jubilarni broj...Jubilee issue No. 20. DIOGEN pro art magazine..15.3.2012.
The Perception and Intrinsic Nature of Beauty
I have always strongly believed that the world has been progressing towards an overall goal, this being a desire to achieve the most unique victory which involves Us- inhabitants, residents and citizens of the planet Earth, the achievement being the upgrade and improvement of livelihood emphasizing and promoting basic human rights, most importantly, the right to life. However, what happens is that some people have different perceptions of what represents modern. This diversity in opinions is quite visible in understanding the word modern. To some people a certain ‘modern trend’ may seem absurd or irrelevant while to others it relates to the latest and most current trends. So, my question is: ’At what point does a modern turn into distastefully unpleasant, derogatively and argumentatively absurd and unnecessary proclamation of activism and revolution of future life and our future presence in time?! Several years ago, while I was standing at the traffic lights, waiting in anticipation for the street Godot, to others more familiar as the angry, red, inflamed little man, to allow me to pass the street by turning green, a woman approached me, dressed in humble and unpretentiously elegant clothes and made a comment addressing it to me, as if she wanted to share this thought with someone closest to her, at least distance related. She mentioned that people used to dress up in a distinctively simple, elegantly attractive and appropriately desirable clothes. Their posture, their uniquely assertive attitude and perceivably clear look reflected their inner beauty which was so visible in their curious eyes. My intention is not to align myself with extreme adversity because in my personal opinion I consider it to be something far from the extreme- where IT stands for something that has existed long before us and our omniscient and introspective notions of what modern is. Generally speaking there used to be time when upon encountering, noticing or passing a woman by one would become aware of her and experience all the sensuality she conveys: the smell of her perfume, her delightful aesthetics, and her gazelle-like elegance in movement would leave the spectator’s eye mesmerized, hypnotized and breathtakingly astound. Men used to demonstrate their manliness by being charmingly attentive, imposing and courteous in their behavior towards women. This unique approach and attitude was also visible in their interpersonal relationship with people in general. Isn’t it ironic that we are constantly going backwards while struggling to go forward?! It seems to me that, nowadays the majority of men and women have grown into morosely sorrowful, wretchedly unhappy primate species to which humans’’ belong to’’, having and showing nothing but disrespect towards one another. I say this being well aware of the fact that I myself am a member of these genders, the more delicate female one - ‘delicate’ in relation to female physical features. Verbal communication has lost the essence- it being a feeling when we respect someone’s opinion even when we disagree with it; we respect that person’s right to HAVE an opinion. But no, the situation today is that people a priori discard all that which is not in accordance with their individual opinion and shortsightedness. We are being too selfish, paying attention only to ourselves. Is it a tragedy to give us a chance to know someone else, to listen to their thoughts, value their opinions, and at least try to take into consideration the possibility that, perhaps, these people want to share the same endemic ground of understanding. Beauty does not stand for only the physical comprehension and acknowledgement of itself but it also involves and contains that aura which is situated right above our heads, and is clearly visible in the beholder’s eye that yearns and longs to see it. Audrey Hepburn is an embodiment of this particular beauty, a woman who on one hand, draw people’s attention in a sophisticated and distinctive manner which was sufficient enough to excite the curiosity of the most prominent, acknowledged and skillful designers such as Hubert Givenchy, while on the other hand the beauty of her thoughts proven to be worthy of being awarded with Presidential Medal of Freedom in recognition of her work as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador. Maya Angelou is an embodiment of such beauty as well, a personification of a contemporary historian, poet, and educator, activist in the fight for human rights, an actress, and a play writer. A woman, who values, understands, appreciates and unselfishly shares spoken words and considers them to be representation of unique culture of living. Our mothers are embodiments of this Beauty. My mother is a living proof of a walking human beauty, person who is not famous or known worldwide, a person who, in being benevolent, honest and goodhearted raised me properly. A homeless person is an embodiment of beauty, a person who would rather humbly ask for food or money than steal it. An embodiment of this Beauty is Nikola Tesla who, among other things, brought electricity to the world, similar to Prometheus, a demigod of Greek mythology who gave fire to the human race. Let us try to behave and think in the same way Audrey, Maya, Nikola, our mothers, colleagues did when it comes to our own personal development and growth; let us try and work some more on improving mutual communication because if we do not at least try to do so our children may grow up thinking that it is fine and modern to ‘be stupid’ and foolish, that it is fine to use impolite vocabulary, that it is fine to leave an old lady standing in the tram while they sit, that it is fine to torture and throw rocks at animals, that it is fine to mock and make fun of people with special needs. Now, maybe some may react that this is a Utopian way of thinking- but why Utopian when my parents raised me in this particular spirit and with these particular convictions, accompanied by the stories and lessons on what is good or bad, what is human and what is not in order to allow me and enable me to make decisions for myself. And they are not either famous scientists or politically corrupted people but only, and most importantly, proud parents I hope. They should be distinctively famous for their personality and inner beauty they carry, have and share. And they are only humans, just like Nikola, Maya or Audrey, neither better nor worse than other inhabitants of our planet; neither better nor worse than someone who was unable to pursue their career by getting a university degree and yet he or she is well literate and has successfully graduated from University of Lifelong learning; neither better nor worse than a taxi driver, baker or lost generation of Hemingway and Gertrude Stein, neither better nor worse than you and me. And I thank them for that. |
Definicija je konačni kraj spoznaje i otkrića
Misli, fragmenti i partikule unutarnjih stanja ljudske psihe plove putem dubokih strujanja, prelamanja, refleksije, akumulacije, koagulacije zvukova, glasova da bi se naposljetku formulisale u jasne izričaje našeg bivstvovanja. Misli, ideje, spoznaje nas samih su najjači odbrambeni mehanizam pri suočavanju sa surovo-okrutnom stvarnošću. Kada bismo samo pokušali posvetiti jedan period našeg jutra sebi; onom momentu kada žedno i žudno ispijamo prvu šoljicu kafe pozivajući se na buđenje iz stanja usnule hibernacije, aktivirajući vrškom, kafom aromatiziranog jezika, tu bujicu sanjivo uspavanih i usporenih misli. Naviknuli smo se na siguran smjer, uljuljani u ustaljenu rutinu negativno osvijetljenih misli da će ''i to stanje proći''. Ali neće proći, neće promjena ušetati u naš život tražeći nas, jer Mi smo ta promjena. Mi smo kreatori naših života, i neustrašivi smo. Neka se Život uplaši nas i naših odlučnih, konkretno transparentnih idejnih otisaka na platnu Mliječnog Puta. Mi smo ti koji biramo naše lidere i naše predsjednike. Mi u množini i JA u jednini. Naši umovi su enciklopedija misli, činjenica i vječnih i neopozivih istina. Plodovi koji nas hrane, države koje posjećujemo, planine koje pripitomljavamo, vjetrenjače koje pokrečemo, leže sklupčane u gnijezdu naših umova. Svaka spoznaja do koje dođemo je iskra svjetlosti našeg unutarnjeg Ja koje moramo spoznati da bismo poboljšali svijet, nas dom, nas izvor zraka koji udišemo. Možda nas plaše sati koji protiču našim životima u odnosu na vrijeme koje se mjeri stoljećima ali bez našeg prisustva?! I zašto smo u situaciji sveopće bojaznosti u anarhiji bića? Zato sto zanemarujemo sebe i one misli, glasove i unutarnje turbulencije agonija i ekstaza definirajući ih, dajući im imena, podijele, nazive, poziciju bez imalo doze samopouzdanja i vjere u sebe, u nas koji smo im udahnuli život u momentu kada smo te iste misli pretvorili u izjavne, upitne ili uzvične rečenice. Plašimo se i šutimo pred onima ' na pozicijama', na onim istim pozicijama čija smo značenja mi definirali, plašimo se onih 'lidera' a svjesni smo da su i oni ljudska bića poput nas. Definirali smo imenicu 'vođa' kao nekoga ko usmjerava i promoviše prava naroda, prava pojedinaca, pa i prava tog istog vođe. Imenica 'pravo' je plod stabla znanja u nama, u čovjeku, u historiji postojanja homo sapiensa- opisuje slobodu izbora, opredjeljenja i postojanja. Mi smo si sami krivi. A krivi smo jer smo isuviše sebični u kratkovidnosti i egoizmu da bismo izašli iz tog začaranog kruga ograničavanja i suzbijanja unutarnjeg Ja. Ranjavamo se i jezivo se zavaravamo artificijalnošću prestiža kičastog bogatsva . A gdje su one misli, one čiste, dobronamjerne koje su imenicu Pravo utisnuli na goblenu ideja, onih ideja koje smo istetovirali u pogledima svojim?! Zabljesnula ih je zvjerska glad, olajavanje, beskrupolozno ogovaranje i poremećeni balans vrijednosti. Izgladnjelo skačemo na svaku dobronamjernu kost, komadamo ju, pakujemo u epitete samo ne one koji su plod naših humanih ljudskih misli i razmišljanja. Danas se rađaju i vode revolucija tehnologije, a ne revolucije ljubavi, rađaju se definicije 'život u oblacima' a ne život u dobrom, iskrenom i pristupačnom okruženju unutar zemlje koja pripada ne samo meni već nama; rađaju se podjele na prijatelje i neprijatelje a ne formira se grupa članova ljudske porodice čovječanstva. Da li smo prekršili zakletvu koju smo izgovorili u sebi , ili smo ju zloupotrijebili? Oni sati, ono vrijeme koje teče tokom mog bivstvovanja unutar perioda predodređenog za moj boravak tu i mene plaše. Plaše me jer se užasavam potencijalne mogućnosti da neću uspjeti u svojoj nakani da postanem i budem sto bolja osoba prema sebi a time i prema drugima. Plaši me nedostatak minuta u tom istom vremenu da svoju zakletvu održim, zakletvu na: jedinstvo, pravednost, uzajamno poštovanje, izbjegavanje trača i ogovaranja, otvoreno i nesebično darivanje svog znanja, saznanja i bogatstva s drugima, neovisno traženje istine, borba protiv predrasuda, skromnost a ne uobraženost, poniznost a ne hvalisavost, kooperativnost a ne suparništvo, povjerenje a ne sumnjičavost, bezuslovna ljubav, lojalnost, dobronamjernost, zaštita planete od ratnog zla, uzrok reda a ne anarhije. Ne, ja ne živim na Guliverovim plutajućim ostrvima.. Krenut ću od sebe, pa do slijedećeg lista, pa do pupoljka i cvijeta, do aleje stabala; park ću uljepšati s nekoliko, riječima obojenim laticama, jer sam dio u mnoštvu orhideja; pa malo po asfaltu izgubljenih i pogaženih zakletvi, pa do armije mladica, disciplinovanih osmijeha, pa malo putem pisama (da ..onog oblika komunikacije kome se potajno podsmjehujemo); pa malo putem vazduha, pa do poruke u boci bačene u ocean suza našeg izvora postojanja. Definicije, imena ubijaju misli ako ih se uplašimo kad ih izgovorimo. Ne trebaju nam podijele na imenice, zamjenice, brojeve. Treba nam jednaka i jedinstvena energija koja upravlja i usmjerava te definicije ka riječima umotanim u iskrene i značajne rečenice. Prije no što smo postali doktori bili smo pojedinci, prije no što smo definirani kao pjesnici bili smo individualci, ali tamo ispod zakletve, ispod ništice, ispod ledenjaka pobudilo se zvjerstvo našeg animalizma. Nismo se trebali prepustiti tom momentu slabosti, trebali smo ispraviti to, a ne dodati mu nijanse lave i vrtloge sivoga da bismo sve to gurnuli pod absintno-pogubni ćilim svog unutarnjeg Ja. Naši učitelji, revolucionari, transcendentalisti, mali prinčevi su uspjeli shvatiti da je svaka revolucija prije svega bila jedna misao, ideja unutar mentalnog sklopa pojedinca. I kada su ju međusobno podijelili, pa ju posuli po parku, poslali putem pisma dalekom oceanu ona je prerasla u ključnu pobjedu njihove ere i vremena u kojem su obitavali. Mi smo svi članovi iste porodice, JEDINSTVO U RAZLIČITOSTI naših osobnosti. Toliko nas ima s razlogom. Da je trebalo biti drugačije onda bi svijet, nas dom bio vrt u kojem bi živjela ili Eva ili Adam, a oboje nikako. Ljudska bića u sebi nose, a neki sramežljivo skrivaju, spektar različitih i raznovrsnih kvaliteta, ali nažalost naglašavamo samo one najgore da bismo, pod uticajem zavisti ili pukog sebičluka obeshrabrili, i uništili nečiji duh. Ali ja vjerujem da se taj duh regeneracijom nikada neće predati!!! A kako održati ili probuditi iz zimskog sna taj duh? Tako sto ćemo KONAČNO shvatiti da smo množina, čak i u momentima kada ispijamo jutarnju kafu ili kada noćima bdijemo nad gladnim djetetom. Održat ćemo tako sto ce naša jedinstvena energija biti uzrok dobrih djela i otkrića naših misli a ne definicija. To može biti jedan iskren osmijeh, pozdrav ili lula pomirenja. A to će u konačnici prerasti mozda u naučno otkriće, ili uspješnu terapiju smijehom i postati herojski čin naše ere. Naša era je puna heroja, naučnika, pjesnika i političkih vođa. Heroja- naših očeva, mog oca koji je braneći svoju planetu od ratnog zla spasio svog suborca koji nije bio niti iste vjere niti istog imena. Nosio ga je čvrsto na svojim ramenima, kilometrima koračajući ka onom parku, onoj šumi stabala čijim plućima mi dišemo, noseći mi u ruci pregršt crveno obojenih latica. I zato ne odustajem. To je osjećaj, to je moja lična i svečana zakletva MIRU. Dok god svoj unutarnji glas čujem, poštujem, cijenim i dijelim putem balansa svog razuma i emocija svečano se zaklinjem da spoznaje i otkrića svojih misli neću ubiti definicijom!
Definition is the death of discovery
Our thoughts, those fragments and particles forged deep within our psyche flow and float by combining and intertwining themselves into deeply intense streams of our consciousness. They propagate, refract, reflect, accumulate, coagulate into sounds and voices to eventually become and form a unified simphony of sentential expressions of our existence. The thoughts, the ideas, the conceptions and realizations represent the strongest, the most powerful weaponry and machinery sufficient and adequate enough for coping with the hard truth of everyday present circumstances. If we could only try to devote a small fragment of our morning time to ourselves; to that moment when we yearn for that first cup of coffee. Our fingers pressing the cup, holding it firmly while slowly taking in small moutfuls of our precious drink, waking our senses, waking them from the hibernation mode, moving our caffeinated tip of our tongue to start the engine of our sleepy and irresponsive thoughts. We have become accustomed to saling in familiar direction, lulled by our pessimistic and unwelcoming thoughts- having so little strength to even barely whisper :’’ This too shall pass on its own.’’ But it will not just simply go away and vanish into air. The change will not walk into our lives asking for our attention, because We are the change. We are responsible for our lives, and we are supposed to be fearless. Let Life be afraid of us and our determined decisions and thoughts, may it be afraid of our resolute, outspokenly conceptual ideas imprinted onto a canvas of our Milky Way. We choose our leaders and our presidents- we in Plural and I in Singular. Our minds are enciclopedias of thoughts, facts and eternaly irrevocable truths. The fruits of the Earth, the food we eat, countries we visit, mountains we tame, windmills we build are nestling and squating within our minds. Any realization, clarity or awareness our mind becomes concious of is a ray of light of our inner Self which we must see in order to be able to improve the world, our homeland, the source of the air we breathe. Perhaps we are taken aback by the relation between the hours of our life and years or centuries of time without us?! Why are we constantly in a state of general discontent and anarchy ? Because we neglect ourselves and those thoughts, voices and inner turbulent agonies and extasies, dressing them in definitions, names, titles, categories, statuses without adding even a spoon of confidence or belief in ourselves, those same Us who made them alive the moment we formed them into affirmative, interrogative and exclamation sentences. We fear and we refrain ourselves from speaking in front of those ‘’in positions’’, occupying the same positions we once gave definitions to, we fear those ‘’leaders’’’ while being aware of the fact that they are nothing but human beings, similar and equal to us regardless of their positions . We defined the noun ‘leader’ as someone who directs people and promotes their rights, including the rights of that particular leader. The noun ‘ right’ is a result of abstract thoughts born within us, born in men, in history of homo sapiens’ existence. It refers to freedom to choose, to commit and to live. We are to blame. We are to blame because we are too selfish to distant ourselves from this vicious circle of boundaries and subjugation of our inner Self. We hurt each other; we gruesomely deceive ourselves with materialism, with artificial prestige, kitsch and wealth. And where are those thoughts, those pure, benevolent ones that embroidered the noun ‘right’ on a canvas of needlework ideas? Where have those deeply tattooed thoughts fled to? They have been flashed and stricken by the greed, hunger and by disrupted balance of values. We are famished, we reach for every kind bone, we disfigure it, and we wrap it in everything but bows and garlands. Today we have technological revolutions instead of love revolutions, we use phrases such as ‘’life in clouds’’ rather than life in good, honest and homely environment within a country that belongs to all of us; today we have categories of friends and enemies instead of unified inhabitants belonging to the family of humankind. Have we renounced our oath which we solemnly undertook, or have we misused it? The hours, the time that runs while I keep on residing and existing within the predestined and predetermined lifespan seem as horrendous to me as to you, because I fear I will fail in pursuing the wish to become the best person I could ever be. I feel frightened by the fact that there are not enough minutes within my time to hold on to my oath when I pledged to: unity, fairness, mutual understanding. When I said I will avoid gossip and rumours, and to openly and unselfishly share my knowledge and experiences with others, seeking truth independently, overcoming prejudices, promoting modesty not vanity, humility not boastfulness, cooperation not rivalry, trust not suspicion, unconditional love, loyalty, benevolence, protecting planet from war evil, be a cause of order and not anarchy. No, I do not live on Gulliver’s floating islands. I will start from myself, and move towards a leaf and touch a bud, onto a flower, walk along the meadows. I will decorate parks with petals coloured with words because this flower belongs to the same orchard garden. Then I will continue along the sidewalks of lost and forgotten oaths to the army of young men with disciplined smiles, send letters; and then through air towards the ocean stumbling upon a disposed message in the bottle bathing in the ocean of tears. Definition is the death of discovery. It kills the thought if we become frightened when pronouncing it. We do not need noun, pronoun or verb categories. We need a unified energy that will guide it towards the words wrapped in honest and meaningful sentences. Prior to becoming doctors and poets we have been single people, but down there under our oaths, under nothingness, under icebergs of our personalities the beast of prey was awakened. We should not have given in to this moment of weakness; we were supposed to improve things without adding nuances of lava in the vortex of grey shoving it all under absinthe-deadly carpet of our inner selves. Our teachers, revolutionists, transcendentalists, little princes have been insightful enough to understand that each revolution was at first a thought, one thought inside our brain, and upon sharing it with each other, leaving traces around parks; wrapping them in letters, sending them through oceans it brought them victory and not the end of their era. We are all members of the same family, UNITY IN DIVERSITY of our characters. A great number of us reside here and are born for a reason. If it was meant to be differently our world, or home, our garden would then be inhabited by either Adam or Eve, not by both of them. Human beings carry in themselves a spectrum of different and various qualities, but unfortunately we only emphasize the worst in us in order to, being under the influence of envy or sheer selfishness, intentionally hurt someone else or discourage and destroy their spirit. But I strongly believe that the spirit cannot be ruined or shattered! And how are we to keep this spirit alive? We should do it in such a manner by thinking in plural, even in those moments when we are sipping our morning coffee or when we are looking after our hungry child. We shall preserve the spirit by allowing our unified energy to be the cause of good deeds and discoveries of our thoughts and not only definitions. It can be a simple smile, or a greeting or a peace offer which will eventually evolve into a scientific discovery or a successful laughter therapy and become a heroic act of our era. Our era has a large number of great heroes, scientists, poets and political leaders. Heroes are our fathers, my father who, defending our country and our planet from evil saved a life of his fellow soldier, who was of a different origin, religion and a name. He was holding him firmly and carrying him for miles walking through that park, that tree forest whose lungs we use to breathe, bringing me a handful of bloody petals in his other arm. For this reason I refuse to give up. It is a feeling; it is my personal and solemn PEACE oath. As long as I listen to my inner voice, as long as I respect, cherish and share it by balancing my reason and emotions I solemnly swear that I will never allow my thoughts and discoveries to be crushed and killed by definitions!
Umiranje i izumiranje humanosti?! -
Kategorično NE Ova apstraktna imenica, kad izgovorena, iziskuje i zahtijeva određenu dozu aspiracijskog dostojanstva pri samom položaju našeg organa govora. Imenica mržnja nikada ne može zvučati tako graciozno a opet skromno, tako dostojanstveno a 'pak iskreno, tako melanholično a opet jasno i glasno kao humanost. No, nažalost, danas i svakodnevno sve intenzivnije čujemo, posmatramo, a većina ''moderne'' populacije i učestvuje u riječi mržnja i njenim produktima. Taj isti ''moderni puk'' se hrani mržnjom i plasira ju, u početku jako blago i politički korektno kroz diplomatsko- platonsko poimanje humanosti i složnosti, a zatim tu prvu od pet virtualno-stvarnih životnih servi plasira u nasuprotni teren da se neko Ini sa njom suoči. A taj neko je možda ničim izazvano na svom terenu primjetio tu istu mržnju i nesvjesno ili svjesno odlučio da su uključi u igru, jer, pobogu, to je ''u trendu i takvo je vrijeme došlo''. Otkada su ljudi prestali biti ljudi i prerasli u '' humanizirane mrzotvorce''??? Ovo se pitam već dugo i svakodnevno, jer u životu oduvijek težih ka onoj lijepoj kulturi življenja, čak i u najtežim periodima grozničavo sablasnih dana svog života, pa sam i tada željela ne osvetu, već da budem i ostanem čovjek. Neprestano se borim da ne odustanem u cilju prezervacije i njegovanja osnovnih ljudskih vrijednosti - a to je biti čovjek. U engleskom jeziku riječ Human, kao i u prevodu na sve svjetske jezike, znači izražavanje boljih kvaliteta čovječanstva kao sto je osjećajnost, a slično tome riječ humane izražava suosjećanje i dobročinstvo. Ja se pitam, vođena svojim ličnim ubjeđenjima, da se svaki čovjek rađa sa istim NUS urođenim kodovima koji su sačinjeni od naših emocija, emocija dobrog - naše vrline, i emocija onog manje dobrog - naše mane, zašto sve manje vidim dobroga a više zla i netolerantnosti? Prema kineskoj filozofiji, a posmatrano s aspekta psihe, emocije su predstavljene kao jin i jang. Naizgled spoj dvije nespojive sile prirode od kojih se jin povezuje sa simbolikom ženskog načela usmjereno i usredotočeno ka unutrašnjosti, dok se jang povezuje s muškim načelom i usmjeren je ka vanjštini, što u konačnici predstavlja odnos dobra i zla. Svi smo svjesni ovih unutarnjih turbulencija u nama, i vječne borbe dobra i zla, borbe makijavelističkog i anđeoskog Ja, i svi mi smo sasvim intelektualno i emotivno upoznati s činjenicom da smo i loši i dobri u svom ponašanju i ophođenju s drugim ljudima, ali zašto dozvoljavamo da je negativno sada u redu i da je to sasvim ''normalno''. U sta se pretvaramo? Veliki ljudi, veliki mislioci - kada kažem Veliki smatram ih humanistima jer su njegovali i propagirali samo Humane-izm unatoč užasavajućim dešavanjima proteklih decenija i stoljeća, su se bavili ljudskom psihom oduvijek, jer su, po mom mišljenju većim dijelom željeli da ustraju u svojoj nakani da spoznaju sami sebe, i time unaprijede kako svijet tako i njegove stanovnike, nas, obične smrtnike. Prema Freude-u ljudska psiha, kao strukturalni model, je podijeljena u tri segmenta aparatusa psihe , i to id, ego i super ego. Id se sastoji od neorganiziranih dijelova same strukture ličnosti koja obuhvata osnovne porive, i ono djeluje na osnovu ''principa zadovoljstva'', u težnji da se izbjegne bol, nezadovoljstvo ili nelagoda potaknuta i uzrokovana porastom instiktivnih tenzija. Po definiciji id je nesvjesna reakcija. Ego se vodi ''principom realnosti'' i predstavlja organizirani dio strukture ličnosti sa obrambenim, perceptivnim, intelektualno kognitivnim i izvršnim funkcijama. Super ego teži ka savršenstvu i spoju svih ličnih ego- ideala, spiritualnih ciljeva i svijesti. Da li je to kontradikcija ili ne, to je jedna druga tema i priča'! Danas se dešava da su se ljudi uznemirili i izgubili kontrolu nad tim blaženim balansom između dobra i zla, i samim tim uzburkali Konradovo Srce Tame, Zaratrustino dobro i zlo i pretvorili se u Aristotelovu tragediju. Uprkos činjenici da su ljudi - svjesni svih ovih i definicija i teorija, dozvolili i dozvoljavaju da zlo sve više uzima primat nad dobrom. Postajemo sve više sljedbenici svega onoga što je i historija i čovječanstvo deklarativno i kategorički odbilo jer nije dobro za ljude. Nije kriv zapad, istok, sjever ili jug, nije kriv napredak tehnologije, nisu krivi mobiteli ili internet, krivi smo MI. Krivi smo mi što ne njegujemo sebe i svoj identitet, svoj karakter i svoju pripadnost, krivi smo mi jer dozvoljavamo da se naš glas, naš stav i naše mišljenje vodi inercijom većine, potajno vodeći unutarnje monologe sa sobom, govoreći: ''Pa ne mogu ja sam/a promijeniti nista''. Ali možemo promijeniti, možemo se pokajati, možemo reći Izvini i posvetiti se nekome drugom osim samo sebi, i vjerujem da ćemo tada imati i više no što imamo i više no što nam je ikada trebalo. Imat ćemo bogatstvo- i ono unutarnje i ono materijalno- koje nam je neophodno za ovaj život. Ali ne tražimo više no što nam uistinu treba. Volimo svoje ideale, vjere i religijska opredijeljena, ali poštujmo i tuđe. Budimo zadovoljni onim što imamo jer ćemo, vjerujte, tako dobiti sebe, i tek tada biti uistinu sretni, zadovoljni i ispunjeni. Možda ne razmišljamo svi kao moja malenkost, jer ne smatram da ono materijalno predstavlja ispunjenje mene, mojih ideala, želja i ciljeva, ali u svojoj koži, i u dnu samih sebe svi želimo samo jedno, a to je biti sretan i zdrav dok boravimo u ovom tijelu, u ovom fizičkom obrisu, ovoj silueti nas samih. Stoga ne dozvolimo da gledamo a ne pokušamo pomoći. Možda nismo u mogućnosti, ali bar pokušajmo time što ćemo se odnositi prema drugima na način na koji bismo željeli da se oni odnose prema nama. Ne birajmo brži i jednostavniji izlaz iz svih problema tako što ćemo krasti, lagati i ogovarati, ne budimo takmičari već kooperativci. Moj otac mi često kaže:'' Svakom problemu pristupi polako, smireno i strpljivo, jer ne postoji nerješivo, samo treba sve rastaviti na proste faktore'' , a problem većine je naći vremena za sam proces rješavanja, jer svi nekud žure, svi bi nešto odjednom, preko noći i na brzinu. Tada sam, kao ne baš vješt matematičar, i sama bježala i tražila kraći put ka rješavanju matematičkih zadataka, vjerujući da mi matematika neće mnogo trebati u pronalaženju same sebe, jer nije se, naizgled, mnogo dovodila u vezu s mojim željama i ciljevima moje potrage za srećom, onom srećom koja nekome simbolizira potragu za zlatnim runom. Ali, ubrzo shvatih da je matematika itekako prisutna svuda oko nas. Dobro+loše=ravnoteža, dobro+dobro= vjera, loše+loše= propast. Stoga biram humanost jer ne želim da odustanem od činjenice da ja kao individua nisam otok i da jedino mogu funkcionisati unutar svijeta balansom svojih emocija, svog jin-a i jang-a, svog id-a, ega i super ega, jer iako se razlikujemo možda od nekoga, jedinstveni smo u tome što smo svi ljudska bića. Ne želim da posustanem, jer smatram da i taj neko ko želi da me privuče u svoj zlikovački čopor materijalizma i svakodnevnih trivijalnosti je nekada bio i human i humane. Stoga ću da pišem i ''sita'' kao sto sam nekoć ''gladna i žedna bila'' a ostala uvijek ista. No man is an island[1], i zato nasmij se, nemoj se smijati, nasmij se jer nikada ne znaš kome tvoj osmijeh može uljepšati dan, i ko se može zaljubiti u taj osmijeh! __________________________ [1] Nijedan čovjek nije ostrvo.
The Fading Face of the Humaneness
NO A certain amount of aspirational dignity is necessary and is inevitable prior to even pronouncing this marvelous abstract noun termed as Humaneness. The noun 'hatred' could never sound so gracious and yet humble, so worthy of respect and yet honest, so melancholic and yet as clear and loud as Humaneness. It is a sad truth that now days we hear, we observe and, the majority of ‘‘modern young adults'' even actively participate in the word hatred and its outcomes. When have people stopped being humans and turned into humanized masochists?! I have been asking this question for a very long time, because I have always strived for that gentle culture of living even in the hardest time periods of those feverishly eerie days of my life; and even then I asked not for revenge but rather hope to stay and continue to be human. I have been fighting constantly not to give up on preserving and cherishing the basic human right- being humane. It is generally known and accepted that in English language the term human when translated to all world languages means showing the better qualities of human kind such as sensitivity. Similar to that the term humane stands for compassion and benevolence. And I keep wondering, guided by my personal convictions that every man is born with identical innate codes comprised of our emotions, our virtues and vices, why is it so that there is more trouble and negativity and less goodness and sympathy?! According to Chinese philosophy and viewed from the aspect of psyche, emotions are represented by jin and jang, seemingly two unrelated forces of nature, where jin is more connected with the symbol of female principle and is directed to and focused on the inside, while jang is related to the male symbolism and is directed to and concentrated on the outer part of a being, which, in the long term, represents the relation between good and evil. We are all well aware of these inner turbulences within ourselves, and this eternal fight between good and evil, this struggle of Machiavellian and angelic 'self', and we are all, intellectually and emotionally conscious about the fact that in our essence we are both good and bad in our behavior and our relations with others. But why did we allow and approve the negative to be something ''modern'' and usual? What are we turning ourselves into?!! Great men, great and wise scholars (and when I say ''great'' I consider and value their greatness according to their level of humanism and vigorously strong desire to cherish and propagate only humane part of humanism despite the horrible events and atrocities of past decades and centuries) have tackled the human psyche since forever, and in my opinion they have wished to continue with their intention to understand themselves. By doing so they perhaps wanted to advance and improve the world and its people-us, simple mortals. According to Freud the structural model of human psyche is divided into three psychic apparatuses: id, ego and super ego. The id is the unorganized part of the personality structure which contains the basic drives. The id acts according to the "pleasure principle", seeking to avoid pain or displeasure aroused by increases in instinctual tension. The id is unconscious by definition. The ego comprises of the organized part of the personality structure that includes defensive, perceptual, intellectual-cognitive, and executive functions. The super-ego aims for perfection and fusion of all individual's ego ideals, spiritual goals and conscience. Whether or not this is a contradiction is another story altogether. What is happening today is that people are becoming anxious and they are losing self-control, as well as that blissful balance between good and evil. With the lack of these emotions they have disrupted and upset Conrad's Heart of Darkness, Zarathustra’s Good and Evil and they have complied with Aristotle’s Tragedy. Despite the fact that people- well aware of these definitions and explanations- allowed and are still allowing evil to enter. With each action they tend to follow all that which history and mankind declared and categorized as NOT APPROPRIATE because it is not good for us. Neither the East nor the West is to blame, neither technological advancements nor the internet, we are to blame. We are to blame because we neglected ourselves, our identity, our character and our belonging; we are to blame because we allowed our voice, our opinion and our point of view to be guided by the majority, while secretly delivering inner monologues with ourselves saying: '' I cannot affect nor change anything.'' But I say we can, we can redeem ourselves, we can apologize and say we are sorry and pay attention to someone else rather than only ourselves; and I strongly believe that if we do so we will have more than we ever needed or ever wanted in life. We will have the wealth and richness-within and outside ourselves. But let's not ask for more than we truly need. Allow ourselves to Love our ideals, our faith, our religious orientations, but respect other people's orientations as well. Let us be satisfied and content with what we have because in doing so we will know our inner Self, and feel truly and deeply happy and complete. Maybe many of you will not agree with me because I don't consider materialism as important as other people, or because I don't consider it to be necessary in order to complete myself, my ideals and goals. But deep down inside us we all wish for only one thing: to feel good, happy and healthy while residing within this body, in this physical shape, this silhouette of ourselves. So let us not simply watch but approach and help, maybe we are unable to do so but we can at least try by treating others the way we would like to be treated by them. Let us not take the easier road and an easier way out from a certain problem by stealing, lying or gossiping, let us not be competitors but cooperatives. My father often tells me ''to approach each problem calmly and with considerable amount of patience, because, any problem or an issue has a proper and possible solution; we only need to separate and divide it to simplest pieces and particles.'' But the problem of majority of people is finding time for the process itself, because people are constantly in some kind of a rush, they want everything to be achieved over night and as quickly as possible. And during that period I myself, as being not so good of a mathematician thought that mathematics is only a subject dealing with only numbers and figures. But soon I realized that it is very important and is ever present all around us. Good+ Bad= Balance, Good+ Good= Faith, Bad+ Bad=disaster. For this reason I choose to be humanebecause I don't want to give up from the truth that me-myself as an individual am not an island and that I can only function in this world by balancing my emotions, my jin and jang, my id, ego and super-ego, because on one hand we-The people may be different from someone else, but on the other hand we are all unique in the fact that we are all human beings. I refuse to give up because I consider that even those who may want to lure me into their evil flock of materialism and every day empty and trivial talks have once been human and humane. So for this reason I shall continue with and pursue my intention to write even when 'properly nourished’ and when 'starved to death' and I will remain the same, I will never change. No man is an island, so smile, do not laugh, and just smile because you never know when your smile can make someone's day or who can fall in love with that smile!
Copyright © 2018 Sabahudin Hadžialić & Peter Tase
Design: Sabi / Autors & Sabahudin Hadžialić
Design LOGO - getrhythm as of 1.7.2018O
Design LOGO (2009 - 1.7.2018) - Stevo Basara.
Freelance gl. i odg. urednik od / Freelance Editor in chief as of 2009:
Sabahudin Hadžialić
All Rights Reserved. Publisher and owner: Sabahudin Hadžialić
Whitefish Bay, WI, United States of America
Diogen pro kultura magazin (Online)
ISSN 2296-0929
Diogen pro kultura magazin (Print)
ISSN 2296-0937
Library of Congress USA / Biblioteka - Knjižnica Kongresa SAD
Contact Editorial board E-mail: [email protected];
Pošta/Mail BiH: Sabahudin Hadžialić, Grbavička 32, 71000 Sarajevo i/ili Dr. Wagner 18/II, 70230 Bugojno, Bosna i Hercegovina
Pošta/Mail USA: DIOGEN pro culture, 5023 NORTH BERKELEY BLVD. WHITEFISH BAY, WI, 53217, USA
Design: Sabi / Autors & Sabahudin Hadžialić
Design LOGO - getrhythm as of 1.7.2018O
Design LOGO (2009 - 1.7.2018) - Stevo Basara.
Freelance gl. i odg. urednik od / Freelance Editor in chief as of 2009:
Sabahudin Hadžialić
All Rights Reserved. Publisher and owner: Sabahudin Hadžialić
Whitefish Bay, WI, United States of America
Diogen pro kultura magazin (Online)
ISSN 2296-0929
Diogen pro kultura magazin (Print)
ISSN 2296-0937
Library of Congress USA / Biblioteka - Knjižnica Kongresa SAD
Contact Editorial board E-mail: [email protected];
Pošta/Mail BiH: Sabahudin Hadžialić, Grbavička 32, 71000 Sarajevo i/ili Dr. Wagner 18/II, 70230 Bugojno, Bosna i Hercegovina
Pošta/Mail USA: DIOGEN pro culture, 5023 NORTH BERKELEY BLVD. WHITEFISH BAY, WI, 53217, USA