All Rights Reserved
Publishers and owners: Prof. dr. and Dr. Honoris Causa Sabahudin Hadžialić and Peter Tase, MBA Whitefish Bay, WI, United States of America MI OBJEDINJUJEMO RAZLIČITOSTI... WE ARE UNIFYING DIVERSITIES |
Riječ urednika/Editor's word
U uvodniku bilo koje novine, magazina, časopisa odnosno web portala, svi urednici pokušavaju opisati upotrebu samog imena odnosno „nosivog“ znaka upotrebljenih pretpostavki nosioca aktivnosti planiranih unutar medijskih mogućnosti. Urednik ovog site-a, ali i magazina to neće uraditi. Zbog nekoliko razloga: 1. Ovo je slobodni site i magazin, slobodnomislećih intelektualaca prostora šireg od „obuhvaćenog“. Naime, virtualni svijet daje neizmjerne mogućnosti komunikacije ali istovremeno služi i kao nepresušni izvor mnoštva informacija. No, ove informacije, kao i sve predstavljeno na ovom site-u, ali i u magazinu, će biti u službi promoviranja dobra kvalitetnog i/ili kvalitetnog dobra. „Dobra kvalitetnog i/ili kvalitetnog dobra“ u književnosti, filozofiji, umjetnosti, nuci, svijetu karikature i politici odnosno informisanju unutar sveobuhvatnog oblika ljudskoga življenja zvanog kultura, umjetnost, nauka i obrazovanje. Onog zatomljenog i mogućeg. Kvalitetnog. 2. Ovo je slobodni printani magazin, site- web portal osoba koji ne mrze i ne žele mrziti do samo nemogućnost predstavljanja misije slobodnomislećih valjanih nakana. Mi smo ljudonostalgičari koji žele živjeti životom slobodnih ljudi cijeneći drugog i drugačijeg ne na osnovu imena koji nosi/e već na osnovu kvaliteta pretpostavljenog „dobra kvalitete i/ili kvalitetnog dobra“ koji predstavlja. 3. Mi ne želimo obnavljanje bilo kojeg nakaradnog oblika ne samo kulturnog i umjetničkog djelovanja posebnih entiteta uobličenih u jedan vještački, artificial oblik neke zajednice naroda i država. Ne! Mi poštujemo odluke naroda i država da žive, što je moguće više i kvalitetnije unutar svojih država, kako god ih nazivali i željeli to. 4. Mi želimo umjetnike i naučnike svih boja, rasa, nacija, ljudi da nam se pridruže...jednom riječju sa područja planet in whole bez obzira na jezik i Boga kojem se mole/i. 5. No, nećemo nikada objaviti niti dopustiti objavljivanje sadržaja koji na bilo koji način derogira čovjeka per se odnosno sve ono što ga čini čovjekom unutar svekolikog okruženja sopstvenog. 6. Istovremeno, DIOGEN pro kultura magazin je područje otvorenog slobodnomislećeg dijaloga radi opšteg dobra, iznad svega. Da činimo dobro. Jer dobro, dobro daje. 7. Koordinacija je majka uspjeha. Mi smo tu da koordiniramo vaše talente, nadanja, znanje, umijeće i želje. Ne željevši nijednoga trenutka biti iznad vas. Samo pored i sa vama. Zbog svih nas. Pozivam vas da nam dostavljate vlastite radove, informacije i sve ono što smatrate relevantnim za kreaciju mogućeg, kvalitetnijeg življenja, ali i stvaranja. Da učimo zajednički. Dobro došli u naš svijet. Ali i vaš. Svijet. Zbog nas, ali i vas.... Gl. i odg. urednik DIOGEN pro kultura magazina Prof. Dr & Dr. Honoris Causa Sabahudin Hadžialić književnik i freelance novinar Sarajevo Bosna i Hercegovina |
Within the each editorial of any newspaper, magazine and/or web portal, all editors are trying to describe the use of the title itself and in other words „carrier“ of the sign of the used presumptions of the carrier of the activities which are planned within probable media possibilities. Editor of this site, but also of the magazine will not do that. Because of the few reasons: 1. This is the free site and magazine of the free-open-minded intellectuals of the area wider than „encircled“. Namely, virtual world gives numerous numbers of possibilities for the communication but in the same time it is of use for the never dried out source for the huge number of information. But, this information, as well all represented here on this site, as well as within the magazine, will be in services of the promotion quality of good and/or good quality. „Quality of the good and/or Good of the quality“ in literature, philosophy, art, science, world of cartoons and politics and/or information within whole shape of human living called culture, art, science and education. The one put aside and possible. Quality one. 2. This is a free printed magazine, site-web portal of the persons who do not hate and do not want to hate but only to hate impossibility to express/represent the mission of free-open-minded assumed wills. We are human-nostalgic persons who would like to live the life of the free people with appreciation of the other and different one human being. And not to based that on the name he/she caries but only to be based on the character of the assumed „good of the quality and/or quality of the good“ which represents. 3. We do not want renewal any kind of ugly/rude/cruel shape not only of cultural and artistic activity of the special entities shaped up in one artificial shape above all-of some kind super-state of some community of the people and/pr states. No! We respect decisions of the people and states in which they are living at, as much as possible more and in a quality way within their states, whatever they call them and wish to. 4. We would like that all artists and scholars of all races, colors, nations, people to join us...i one word from the area of the Planet regardless the language and God they pray to. 5. However, we will never publish anything (and not even allow to be published here) any kind of contents which derogate the human being in any kind of way per se and in other words anything that makes him human being within whole encircled environment of his own. 6. In the same time, DIOGEN pro culture magazine is the area of the open free-open.minded dialogue because of the common good, above all. To do good. Because good gives good. 7. Coordination is the mother of the success. We are here to coordinate your talents, hopes, knowledge skills and wishes. We do not want to in any moment above you. Just aside and with you. I would like to invite you to send us your own works, information and everything you consider the relevant and important for the creation of the possible, quality living and creation. To learn together. Us. And you. Welcome to our world. But also yours. Because of us. And you. Editor in chief of DIOGEN pro culture magazine Prof. Dr. & Dr. Honoris Causa Sabahudin Hadžialić writer and freelance journalist Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Hotel Hayat, Street Abdestana 27, Sarajevo (BiH)
O djelu Vitomira Lukića
DIOGEN pro kultura muzika & DIOGEN pro culture music
O djelu Nerzuka Ćurka
O djelu Ratka Orozovića
O djelu Branka Popravka
Mogu li budan sanjati?
DIOGEN pro kultura art film
DIOGEN focus
VILLA AMIRA, Street Ante Starčevića 33,
LP vinyl sell from Bosnia and Herzegovina
Copyright © 2018 Sabahudin Hadžialić & Peter Tase
Design: Sabi / Autors & Sabahudin Hadžialić
Design LOGO - getrhythm as of 1.7.2018O
Design LOGO (2009 - 1.7.2018) - Stevo Basara.
Freelance gl. i odg. urednik od / Freelance Editor in chief as of 2009:
Sabahudin Hadžialić
All Rights Reserved. Publishers and owners: Peter Tase & Sabahudin Hadžialić
Whitefish Bay, WI, United States of America
Diogen pro kultura magazin (Online)
ISSN 2296-0929
Diogen pro kultura magazin (Print)
ISSN 2296-0937
Library of Congress USA / Biblioteka - Knjižnica Kongresa SAD
Contact Editorial board E-mail: [email protected];
Pošta/Mail BiH: Sabahudin Hadžialić, Grbavička 32, 71000 Sarajevo i/ili Dr. Wagner 18/II, 70230 Bugojno, Bosna i Hercegovina
Pošta/Mail USA: Peter Tase, 5023 NORTH BERKELEY BLVD. WHITEFISH BAY, WI, 53217, USA
Design: Sabi / Autors & Sabahudin Hadžialić
Design LOGO - getrhythm as of 1.7.2018O
Design LOGO (2009 - 1.7.2018) - Stevo Basara.
Freelance gl. i odg. urednik od / Freelance Editor in chief as of 2009:
Sabahudin Hadžialić
All Rights Reserved. Publishers and owners: Peter Tase & Sabahudin Hadžialić
Whitefish Bay, WI, United States of America
Diogen pro kultura magazin (Online)
ISSN 2296-0929
Diogen pro kultura magazin (Print)
ISSN 2296-0937
Library of Congress USA / Biblioteka - Knjižnica Kongresa SAD
Contact Editorial board E-mail: [email protected];
Pošta/Mail BiH: Sabahudin Hadžialić, Grbavička 32, 71000 Sarajevo i/ili Dr. Wagner 18/II, 70230 Bugojno, Bosna i Hercegovina
Pošta/Mail USA: Peter Tase, 5023 NORTH BERKELEY BLVD. WHITEFISH BAY, WI, 53217, USA