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ZORICA SENTIĆ...27.12.2010.
specijalno za DIOGEN pro kultura magazin/
especially for DIOGEN pro culture magazine
Bajka za Božić Paulo Coelho Translated by /Prevod srpski -
Zorica Sentić @ Gordana Vlajić
Stara legenda kaže da je, nekada davno, u jednoj zemlji, koju danas zovemo Austrija, živela porodica Buckhard koju sačinjavahu čovek, žena i dečak. Bili su zabavljači i naročito su imali posla o Božiću: govorili su poeziju, pevali balade starih trubadura, žonglirali da razvesele okupljeni narod...
Ali avaj, nikada im ne bi preteklo novca za poklon njihovom mališanu. Otac je, stoga, tešio sina rečima: - « Znaš li zašto se torba Božić Bate nikada nije ispraznila, a toliko ima dece na svetu? Zato, sine moj, što je od torbe pune igračaka mnogo dragocenija torba puna « nevidljivih darova». I tako, te noći, te radosne Božićne noći, kada Deda Mraz donosi slogu, sreću, spokoj... kada pokušava da razmrsi zamršeno, kada tamo gde nedostaje ljubavi, posejava nadu... kada tamo gde budućnost izgleda mračna, on donosi svetlost..., a u svako dečije srce, lagano spušta semenje vere... u toj noći, nastavljao je otac svoju besedu dok ga je sin netremice slušao, - ne zaboravi nikada, nikada, da kada god mine Božić, treba da smo srećni što smo živi, što je prošao još jedan koji smo proslavili... što je minuo još jedan Božić povodom kojeg smo i mi ljudima darivali radost, našom igrom i našom pesmom. Radost jeu davanju, sine moj.» Vreme je prolazilo. Jednoga dana, kao već poodrastao dečak, prolazio je sa ocem i majkom pored velelepnog samostana Melk koju su vredni neimari tek gradili. - « Oče, da li se sećate, - pitao je dečak koji je postajao mladić, - da li se sećate kada ste mi kao malom pričali priču o Deda Mrazu i njegovim najdragocenijim nevidljivim darovima ? Mislim da sam upravo sada i ja dobio jedan takav poklon. Kako drugačije da objasnim da se u meni probudila želja da postanem sveštenik, da moj poziv bude poziv Božijeg sluge. Da li biste mi zamerili da, evo sada, upravo sada, načinim prvi korak ka mojoj nameri ? Otac je samo klimnuo glavom. Majka takođe. Porodica je poštovala sinovljevu želju. Već narednog sekunda, zajedno pokucaše na dveri samostana i kaluđeri ljubazno i sa mnogo ljubavi primiše mladog Buckharda na početničko tihovanje. Slučajno ili ne, beše to baš veče uoči Božića. I baš tada, te Badnje večeri, dogodilo se čudo u samostanu Melk. Marija, koja nosaše detešce Isusa na rukama, reši da te noći poseti samostan. Poneti ovolikim čudom i čašću, svi kaluđeri stadoše u red, dugi red, i jedan po jedan pokloniše se ispred Bogorodice da odaju počast Mariji i detetu. Ničice padoše na kolena u dugoj koloni. Jedan po jedan bi ustajali i pokazivali Bogorodici lepote samostana i veštine svoga umeća. Prvi je pokazivo freske koje su ukrašavale to sveto mesto, drugi donese Sveto Pismo, pisano i naslikano rukama kaluđera, treći ispriča… sva imena svetaca. Na kraju reda, mladi Buckhard čekao je uznemirno. Njegovi roditelji su bili skromni, behu tako jednostavna porodica, i jedino što su ga naučili, bilo je da žonglira, da baca po nekoliko loptica u vis, da ih premeće iz jedne u drugu ruku, da gleda u onu koja je najviša tačka ka nebu i da pazi da mu ni jedna ne ispadne. Izvinjavao se i izvinjavao siroti Buckhard. Pognute glave i rumenih obraza, objašnjavao je da je sin starog žonglera i da ga je sram što će okaljati ugled samostana i kaluđera. U dubini srca, on je osećao da bi i on... možda... mogao... nešto posebno da daruje Bogorodici i Isusu. Otuda nije izdržao. Pobedio je stid i osećujući prekorne poglede svoje samostanske sabraće, on je lagano izvadio četiri narandže iz džepa i počeo da ih baca i prihvata, jednu, drugu, treću, četvrtu... narandže su formirale lepi polukrug u vazduhu, poput oreola... Buckhard gotovo da nije disao strepeći da ne ispusti neku narandžu, plašeći se da bi nečim mogao da pokvari ovaj savršeni sklad jave i sna. U tom trenu, dete Isus poče radosno da plješće ručicama... Bogorodica pođe prema Buckhardu i pruži mu detešce iz svog naručja. Dete se i dalje neprestano osmehivalo. I ovde se negde završava legenda. Kaže samo da od tada, od tog čuda, svakih dve stotine godina, ponovo jedan novi Buckhard pokuca na vrata samostana. I noć uoči Božiča, Bogorodici i malenom Isusu u čast, pokaže čemu ga je porodica naučila. I kažu da je to uvek nekakvo čudo, koje liči na oreol... za nekog novog sveca koji je za života umeo da ceni nevidljive ali najvrednije Božije darove. *** |
Conte de Noël
Une légende médiévale raconte que dans le pays que nous appelons aujourd’hui l’Autriche, la famille Buckhard – composée d’un homme, une femme et un petit garçon – animait les fêtes de Noël en récitant des poésies, chantant des ballades des vieux troubadours et jonglant pour divertir les gens. Évidemment, il ne restait jamais d’argent pour acheter des cadeaux, mais l’homme disait toujours à son fils : « Sais-tu pourquoi la hotte de Papa Noël ne se vide jamais, alors qu’il y a tellement d’enfants dans ce monde ? Parce que bien qu’elle soit remplie de jouets, il y a parfois des choses plus importantes à livrer, ce qu’on appelle les “cadeaux invisibles”. Dans un foyer divisé, il tâche d’apporter l’harmonie et la paix dans la nuit la plus sacrée de la chrétienté. Là où manque l’amour, il dépose une graine de foi dans le cœur des enfants. Là où l’avenir paraît sombre et incertain, il apporte l’espoir. Nous, quand Papa Noël vient nous rendre visite, nous sommes tous contents le lendemain d’être encore en vie et de faire notre travail, qui est de donner de la joie. N’oublie jamais ça. » Le temps passa, le petit garçon devint grand, et un jour la famille passa devant l’imposante abbaye de Melk, qui venait d’être construite. « Mon père, vous souvenez-vous qu’il y a des années vous m’avez raconté l’histoire de Papa Noël et de ses cadeaux invisibles ? Je pense que j’ai reçu un jour l’un de ces cadeaux : la vocation de devenir prêtre. Cela vous dérangerait-il si je faisais maintenant le premier pas vers ce dont j’ai toujours rêvé ? » Bien qu’elle eût grand besoin de sa compagnie, la famille comprit et respecta le désir du fils. Ils frappèrent à la porte du couvent et furent accueillis avec générosité et amour par les moines, qui acceptèrent le jeune Buckhard comme novice. Arriva la veille de Noël. Et justement ce jour-là, un miracle particulier se produisit à Melk : Notre Dame, portant l’enfant Jésus dans ses bras, décida de descendre sur Terre pour visiter le monastère. Très fiers, tous les prêtres firent une longue file, et un à un se postèrent devant la Vierge pour rendre hommage à la Mère et à l’Enfant. L’un montra les beaux tableaux qui décoraient l’endroit, un autre apporta un exemplaire d’une Bible qu’on avait mis cent ans à écrire à la main et à illustrer, un troisième prononça le nom de tous les saints. Au bout de la file, le jeune Buckhard attendait anxieusement. Ses parents étaient des gens simples, et ils ne lui avaient appris qu’à lancer des balles en l’air et à jongler. Quand vint son tour, les autres prêtres voulurent clore les hommages, prétextant que l’ancien jongleur n’avait rien d’important à dire et qu’il risquait de ternir l’image du couvent. Cependant, au fond de son cœur, il ressentait lui aussi l’immense besoin d’offrir quelque chose à Jésus et à la Vierge. Timidement, sentant le regard réprobateur de ses frères, il retira quelques oranges de sa poche et commença à les lancer et à les rattraper dans ses mains, créant un joli cercle dans l’air, comme il le faisait quand lui et sa famille se promenaient dans les foires de la région. À cet instant seulement, l’Enfant Jésus se mit à battre joyeusement des mains dans les bras de Notre Dame. Et c’est vers le jongleur que la Vierge tendit les bras, lui permettant de tenir un peu l’enfant, qui ne cessait de sourire. La légende se termine en disant que, depuis ce miracle, tous les deux cents ans, un nouveau Buckhard frappe à la porte de Melk, y est accepté, et que, tant qu’il s’y trouve, il peut réjouir le cœur de tous ceux qui le rencontrent. Paulo Coelho |
Christmas tale
By Paulo Coelho
© Translated by James Mulholland. Copyright free – please be welcome to paste/copy and distribute to your friends.
Our Lady's juggler
A medieval legend tells us that in the country we know today as Austria the Burkhard family – a man, a woman and a child – used to amuse people at Christmas parties by reciting poetry, singing ancient troubadour ballads, and juggling. Of course, there was never any money left over to buy presents, but the man always told his son:
"Do you know why Santa Claus's bag never gets empty, although there are so many children in the world? Because it may be full of toys, but sometimes there are more important things to be delivered, what we call "invisible gifts". In a broken home, he tries to bring harmony and peace on the holiest night in Christianity. Where love is lacking, he deposits a seed of faith in children's hearts. Where the future seems black and uncertain, he brings hope. In our case, the day after Father Christmas comes to visit us, we are happy to be still alive and doing our work, which is to make people happy. Never forget that."
Time passed, the boy grew up, and one day the family passed in front of the impressive Melk Abbey, which had just been built.
"Father, do you remember many years ago you told me the story of Santa Claus and his invisible gifts? I think that I received one of those gifts once: the vocation to become a priest. Would you mind if now I took my first step towards what I have always dreamed of?"
Although they really needed their son's company, the family understood and respected the boy's wish. They knocked at the door of the monastery and were given a loving, generous welcome by the monks, who accepted the young Buckhard as a novice.
Christmas Eve came around. And precisely on that day, a special miracle happened in Melk: Our Lady, carrying the baby Jesus in her arms, decided to descend to Earth to visit the monastery.
All the priests lined up and each of them stood proudly before the Virgin trying to pay homage to the Madonna and her Son. One of them displayed the beautiful paintings that decorated the place, another showed a copy of a Bible that had taken a hundred years to be written and illustrated, while a third recited the names of all the saints.
At the very end of the line, young Buckhard anxiously waited his turn. His parents were simple people, and all that they had taught him was to toss balls up in the air and do some juggling.
When it came his turn, the other priests wanted to put an end to all the homage that had been paid, since the ex-juggler had nothing important to add and might even mar the image of the abbey.
Nevertheless, deep in his heart he also felt a great need to give something of himself to Jesus and the Virgin. Feeling very ashamed before the reproachful gaze of his brothers, he took some oranges from his pocket and began to toss them in the air and catch them in his hands, creating a beautiful circle in the air just as he used to do when he and his family traveled to all the fairs in the region.
At that instant, the baby Jesus, lying in Our Lady's lap, began to clap his hands with joy. And it was to young Buckhard that the Virgin held out her arms to let him hold the smiling child for a few moments.
The legend ends by saying that on account of this miracle, every two hundred years a new Buckhard knocks on the door of Melk Abbey, is welcomed in, and for the whole time he remains there he warms the hearts of all who meet him.
By Paulo Coelho
© Translated by James Mulholland. Copyright free – please be welcome to paste/copy and distribute to your friends.
Our Lady's juggler
A medieval legend tells us that in the country we know today as Austria the Burkhard family – a man, a woman and a child – used to amuse people at Christmas parties by reciting poetry, singing ancient troubadour ballads, and juggling. Of course, there was never any money left over to buy presents, but the man always told his son:
"Do you know why Santa Claus's bag never gets empty, although there are so many children in the world? Because it may be full of toys, but sometimes there are more important things to be delivered, what we call "invisible gifts". In a broken home, he tries to bring harmony and peace on the holiest night in Christianity. Where love is lacking, he deposits a seed of faith in children's hearts. Where the future seems black and uncertain, he brings hope. In our case, the day after Father Christmas comes to visit us, we are happy to be still alive and doing our work, which is to make people happy. Never forget that."
Time passed, the boy grew up, and one day the family passed in front of the impressive Melk Abbey, which had just been built.
"Father, do you remember many years ago you told me the story of Santa Claus and his invisible gifts? I think that I received one of those gifts once: the vocation to become a priest. Would you mind if now I took my first step towards what I have always dreamed of?"
Although they really needed their son's company, the family understood and respected the boy's wish. They knocked at the door of the monastery and were given a loving, generous welcome by the monks, who accepted the young Buckhard as a novice.
Christmas Eve came around. And precisely on that day, a special miracle happened in Melk: Our Lady, carrying the baby Jesus in her arms, decided to descend to Earth to visit the monastery.
All the priests lined up and each of them stood proudly before the Virgin trying to pay homage to the Madonna and her Son. One of them displayed the beautiful paintings that decorated the place, another showed a copy of a Bible that had taken a hundred years to be written and illustrated, while a third recited the names of all the saints.
At the very end of the line, young Buckhard anxiously waited his turn. His parents were simple people, and all that they had taught him was to toss balls up in the air and do some juggling.
When it came his turn, the other priests wanted to put an end to all the homage that had been paid, since the ex-juggler had nothing important to add and might even mar the image of the abbey.
Nevertheless, deep in his heart he also felt a great need to give something of himself to Jesus and the Virgin. Feeling very ashamed before the reproachful gaze of his brothers, he took some oranges from his pocket and began to toss them in the air and catch them in his hands, creating a beautiful circle in the air just as he used to do when he and his family traveled to all the fairs in the region.
At that instant, the baby Jesus, lying in Our Lady's lap, began to clap his hands with joy. And it was to young Buckhard that the Virgin held out her arms to let him hold the smiling child for a few moments.
The legend ends by saying that on account of this miracle, every two hundred years a new Buckhard knocks on the door of Melk Abbey, is welcomed in, and for the whole time he remains there he warms the hearts of all who meet him.

Copyright © 2018 Sabahudin Hadžialić & Peter Tase
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Sabahudin Hadžialić
All Rights Reserved. Publishers and owners: Peter Tase & Sabahudin Hadžialić
Whitefish Bay, WI, United States of America
Diogen pro kultura magazin (Online)
ISSN 2296-0929
Diogen pro kultura magazin (Print)
ISSN 2296-0937
Library of Congress USA / Biblioteka - Knjižnica Kongresa SAD
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Design: Sabi / Autors & Sabahudin Hadžialić
Design LOGO - getrhythm as of 1.7.2018O
Design LOGO (2009 - 1.7.2018) - Stevo Basara.
Freelance gl. i odg. urednik od / Freelance Editor in chief as of 2009:
Sabahudin Hadžialić
All Rights Reserved. Publishers and owners: Peter Tase & Sabahudin Hadžialić
Whitefish Bay, WI, United States of America
Diogen pro kultura magazin (Online)
ISSN 2296-0929
Diogen pro kultura magazin (Print)
ISSN 2296-0937
Library of Congress USA / Biblioteka - Knjižnica Kongresa SAD
Contact Editorial board E-mail: [email protected];
Pošta/Mail BiH: Sabahudin Hadžialić, Grbavička 32, 71000 Sarajevo i/ili Dr. Wagner 18/II, 70230 Bugojno, Bosna i Hercegovina
Pošta/Mail USA: Peter Tase, 5023 NORTH BERKELEY BLVD. WHITEFISH BAY, WI, 53217, USA