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Postoje autori koji nerijetko svojom samozatajnošću unutar vlastitog artističkog umijeća prezentacije poetskih, proznih, jednom riječju umjetničkih vizija, ostaju po strani worldwide predstavljanja.
Sigurno ne svojom greškom već, usudiću se napisati, greškom modernih varvara duha. Otiću ću još i dalje i nazvati ih kontrolorima duha koji smatraju da upravo ti autori ne zaslužuju više do usmjerenja unutar vlastitog dvorišta (čitaj: države i uskog okruženja) zadovoljavajući na taj način samo osnovne kriterije opstojnosti. Ni ne shvataju, jadni, da kvalitet otiska tih autora njihovim postankom pokazuje opstojnost umijeća činjenja i stvaranja worldwide. Upravo o njima ova rubrika našeg magazina govori. O autorima sa otiskom. Njihova djela snagom umjetničkog otiska govore umjesto riječi kritičara, pardon, kritizera. Bivajući usmjerenjem generacijama koje dolaze. Sabahudin Hadžialić gl. i odg. urednik DIOGEN pro kultua magazin 22.8.2012. |
There are authors who sometimes within their modesty within their own artistic skills of presentation of poetry, prose, in one word, artistic visions, remain aloof of the worldwide representation.
Certainly not by their mistake but, I will dare to write, by mistake of modern barbarians spirit. I'll go even further and call them mind controllers who believe that it these authors do not deserve more than orientations within their own backyard (read: state and narrow environments) satisfying in that way only the basic criteria of viability. They do not even realize, miserable ones, that the quality of the authors of prints through their origin indicates the existence of quality acts and creating worldwide. It's about them this column of our magazine speaks. Authors of print. Their works with strength of artistic print speaks instead the words of critics, sorry, maul ones. Being a orientation for generations who are arriving. Sabahudin Hadzialic Editor in chief DIOGEN pro culture magazine 22.8.2012. |

Copyright © 2014 DIOGEN pro cultura magazine & Sabahudin Hadžialić
Design: Sabi / Autors & Sabahudin Hadžialić. Design LOGO - Stevo Basara.
Freelance gl. i odg. urednik od / Freelance Editor in chief as of 2009: Sabahudin Hadžialić
All Rights Reserved. Publisher online and owner: Sabahudin Hadžialić
Contact Editorial board E-mail: [email protected];
Narudžbe/Order: [email protected]
Pošta/Mail: Freelance Editor in chief Sabahudin Hadžialić,
Grbavička 32, 71000 Sarajevo i/ili
Dr. Wagner 18/II, 70230 Bugojno, Bosna i Hercegovina
Design: Sabi / Autors & Sabahudin Hadžialić. Design LOGO - Stevo Basara.
Freelance gl. i odg. urednik od / Freelance Editor in chief as of 2009: Sabahudin Hadžialić
All Rights Reserved. Publisher online and owner: Sabahudin Hadžialić
Contact Editorial board E-mail: [email protected];
Narudžbe/Order: [email protected]
Pošta/Mail: Freelance Editor in chief Sabahudin Hadžialić,
Grbavička 32, 71000 Sarajevo i/ili
Dr. Wagner 18/II, 70230 Bugojno, Bosna i Hercegovina