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Johann-Philipp-Palm nagrade za slobodu govora i objavljivanja za 2018-tu godinu
"Među dobitnicima međunarodne Johann-Philipp-Palm nagrade za slobodu govora i objavljivanja za 2018-tu godinu, nalaze se aktivisti za ljudska prava Štefica Galić iz Bosne i radio novinarka Josephine Achiro Fortelo iz Južnog Sudana. Nagrada vrijedi ukupno 20.000 eura i dodjeljuje se pod pokroviteljstvom premijera pokrajine Baden-Württemberg, g. Winfried Kretschmanna. Nagrada prepoznaje žene, muškarace i institucije koji su se obvezali podići slobodu govora i tiska na izvanredan način.
Uprava Zaklade, koja odabire nagrađene, već je donijela odluku sredinom svibnja. Bila je u stanju osloniti se na prijedloge partnerskih zaklada kao što su Amnesty International, Novinari pomažu novinarima i Novinari bez granica. Nagrada je dobila ime po Johann Philipp Palmu (1766-1806), povijesno poznatom knjižaru, rođenom u Schorndorfu. Kao rezultat objavljivanja i prodaje pamfleta koji kritiziraju Napoleona, Palm je bio osuđen na smrt, osuda koja je izvršena na lomači.
Štefica Galić bosanska je Hrvatica koja se protivi ponovnom radikalnom nacionalizmu bivše Jugoslavije i nastoji nadvladati granice koje nameće ovaj nacionalizam. Za vrijeme bosansko-hrvatskog rata 1993. godine, ona i njezin pokojni muž, Neđo Galić, pomogli su stotine Bošnjaka koji su deportirani iz svojih rodnih mjesta, da pobjegnu iz logora putem lažnih iskaznica. Danas Štefica Galić podiže svijest o zločinima koju je bosansko-hrvatska vojska HVO počinila za vrijeme jugoslavenskih ratova. Ona vjeruje zajedničkoj budućnosti za sve ljude u Bosni, koja je moguća jedino ako se reprocesiraju užasi prošlosti i zatraži oprost od žrtava. U novinskim člancima, na svom internetskom portalu "" i u razgovaru, navodi počinitelje i opisuje scene zločina u kojima je došlo do etničkog čišćenja. Dakle, Štefica Galić se smatra nekim tko opravdano osuđuje vlastitu zemlju za što je otvoreno podvrgnuta prijetnjama, uznemiravanju, pa čak i napadima reakcionarnih nacionalista. Ona ne prima nikakvu zaštitu ni pomoć od bilo koje državne institucije. Ipak, ona ostaje postojana i nastavlja raditi nesputano kako bi pomirila sve dijelove stanovništva u svojoj zemlji, postavljajući tako izvanredan primjer u pogledu cijene koju plaća za svoje plemenite radnje."
Award for Štefica Galić from Bosnia and Herzegovina
Johann-Philipp-Palm-Award for Freedom of Speech and the Press 2018
The international Johann-Philipp-Palm-Award for Freedom of Speech and the Press 2018 will be awarded to human rights activist Štefica Galić from Bosnia and radio journalist Josephine Achiro Fortelo from South Sudan. The prize is worth a total of € 20,000 and is under the patronage of the Prime Minister of Baden-Wuerttemberg, Mr Winfried Kretschmann. The award recognises women, men and institutions who have committed themselves to stand up for freedom of speech and press in an outstanding manner.
Štefica Galić is a Bosnian Croatian who is opposed to the resurging radical nationalism of the former Yugoslavia and is seeking to overcome the boundaries imposed by this nationalism. During the Bosnian-Croatian war in 1993, she and her now deceased husband, Neđo Galić, helped hundreds of Bosniaks who had been deported from their hometowns, to escape from prison camps by means of false identity papers. Today, Štefica Galić raises awareness about the crimes committed by the Bosnian-Croatian HVO army during the Yugoslav wars. She believes a shared future for all the people in Bosnia is only possible if the horrors of the past are reprocessed and the victims are asked for forgiveness. In newspaper articles, on her Internet portal "" and in talks, she names perpetrators and describes crime scenes where ethnic cleansing occurred. Štefica Galić is therefore regarded as someone who justifiably denigrates her own country and is openly subjected to threats, harassment and even assaults by reactionary nationalists. She receives neither protection nor assistance from any state institution. Nevertheless, she remains steadfast and continues to work unflinchingly to reconcile all sections of the population in her country, thereby setting an extraordinary example in terms of the price she is paying for her noble actions.
Johann-Philipp-Palm nagrade za slobodu govora i objavljivanja za 2018-tu godinu
"Među dobitnicima međunarodne Johann-Philipp-Palm nagrade za slobodu govora i objavljivanja za 2018-tu godinu, nalaze se aktivisti za ljudska prava Štefica Galić iz Bosne i radio novinarka Josephine Achiro Fortelo iz Južnog Sudana. Nagrada vrijedi ukupno 20.000 eura i dodjeljuje se pod pokroviteljstvom premijera pokrajine Baden-Württemberg, g. Winfried Kretschmanna. Nagrada prepoznaje žene, muškarace i institucije koji su se obvezali podići slobodu govora i tiska na izvanredan način.
Uprava Zaklade, koja odabire nagrađene, već je donijela odluku sredinom svibnja. Bila je u stanju osloniti se na prijedloge partnerskih zaklada kao što su Amnesty International, Novinari pomažu novinarima i Novinari bez granica. Nagrada je dobila ime po Johann Philipp Palmu (1766-1806), povijesno poznatom knjižaru, rođenom u Schorndorfu. Kao rezultat objavljivanja i prodaje pamfleta koji kritiziraju Napoleona, Palm je bio osuđen na smrt, osuda koja je izvršena na lomači.
Štefica Galić bosanska je Hrvatica koja se protivi ponovnom radikalnom nacionalizmu bivše Jugoslavije i nastoji nadvladati granice koje nameće ovaj nacionalizam. Za vrijeme bosansko-hrvatskog rata 1993. godine, ona i njezin pokojni muž, Neđo Galić, pomogli su stotine Bošnjaka koji su deportirani iz svojih rodnih mjesta, da pobjegnu iz logora putem lažnih iskaznica. Danas Štefica Galić podiže svijest o zločinima koju je bosansko-hrvatska vojska HVO počinila za vrijeme jugoslavenskih ratova. Ona vjeruje zajedničkoj budućnosti za sve ljude u Bosni, koja je moguća jedino ako se reprocesiraju užasi prošlosti i zatraži oprost od žrtava. U novinskim člancima, na svom internetskom portalu "" i u razgovaru, navodi počinitelje i opisuje scene zločina u kojima je došlo do etničkog čišćenja. Dakle, Štefica Galić se smatra nekim tko opravdano osuđuje vlastitu zemlju za što je otvoreno podvrgnuta prijetnjama, uznemiravanju, pa čak i napadima reakcionarnih nacionalista. Ona ne prima nikakvu zaštitu ni pomoć od bilo koje državne institucije. Ipak, ona ostaje postojana i nastavlja raditi nesputano kako bi pomirila sve dijelove stanovništva u svojoj zemlji, postavljajući tako izvanredan primjer u pogledu cijene koju plaća za svoje plemenite radnje."
Award for Štefica Galić from Bosnia and Herzegovina
Johann-Philipp-Palm-Award for Freedom of Speech and the Press 2018
The international Johann-Philipp-Palm-Award for Freedom of Speech and the Press 2018 will be awarded to human rights activist Štefica Galić from Bosnia and radio journalist Josephine Achiro Fortelo from South Sudan. The prize is worth a total of € 20,000 and is under the patronage of the Prime Minister of Baden-Wuerttemberg, Mr Winfried Kretschmann. The award recognises women, men and institutions who have committed themselves to stand up for freedom of speech and press in an outstanding manner.
Štefica Galić is a Bosnian Croatian who is opposed to the resurging radical nationalism of the former Yugoslavia and is seeking to overcome the boundaries imposed by this nationalism. During the Bosnian-Croatian war in 1993, she and her now deceased husband, Neđo Galić, helped hundreds of Bosniaks who had been deported from their hometowns, to escape from prison camps by means of false identity papers. Today, Štefica Galić raises awareness about the crimes committed by the Bosnian-Croatian HVO army during the Yugoslav wars. She believes a shared future for all the people in Bosnia is only possible if the horrors of the past are reprocessed and the victims are asked for forgiveness. In newspaper articles, on her Internet portal "" and in talks, she names perpetrators and describes crime scenes where ethnic cleansing occurred. Štefica Galić is therefore regarded as someone who justifiably denigrates her own country and is openly subjected to threats, harassment and even assaults by reactionary nationalists. She receives neither protection nor assistance from any state institution. Nevertheless, she remains steadfast and continues to work unflinchingly to reconcile all sections of the population in her country, thereby setting an extraordinary example in terms of the price she is paying for her noble actions.
Violations of the ceasefire by the armed forces
of the Republic of Armenia for January 2018

violations_of_the_ceasefire_by_the_armed_forces_of_the_republic_of_armenia_for_january_2018.pdf | |
File Size: | 39 kb |
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by Peter Tase
On February 22nd, 2018, in the International University of Sarajevo (IUS), Bosnia and Herzegovina, was held an international conference to commemorate the 26th anniversary of the Khojaly Genocide. Furthermore, on this occasion was promoted a unique book translated into Bosnian language, entitled: “The children that did not grow up”, written by Mr. Elshad Eyvazli, a distinguished European author. This conference was organized thanks to the strategic cooperation between IUS and the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
This international conference was attended by academicians, prominent international law experts, public figures, members of the parliaments of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Azerbaijan, as well as by representatives of NGOs, members of diplomatic corps and the mass media from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, and Azerbaijan.
Some of the keynote speakers of this conference were: the Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Bosnia and Herzegovina Prof. Dr. Eldar Hasanov; Chancellor of IUS, Prof. Dr. Tahsin Erkan Ture; the author of the book Elshad Eyvazli; Member of the National Assembly of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Head of the working group on inter-parliamentary relations between Azerbaijan and Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr. Chingiz Ganizade; Member of the Writers’ Association of BiH, Serbia and Montenegro; Member of “Circle 99”, Assoc. Prof. Dr. & Dr. Honoris Causa Sabahudin Hadžialić; Professor of the Sarajevo University, Doctor of Law Edin Halapić; and eyewitnesses of the Khojaly Massacre Sabina Maharramova and Murad Huseynov.
The panelists spoke about the surprise attack committed by the armed forces of Armenia on the city of Khojaly in the Nagorno Karabakh region of Azerbaijan in the night from February 25 - February 26 in 1992, as well as the cruel and merciless killing, severe wounding, taking hostages, torturing and disappearance of the civilian population in the city of Khojaly.
The keynote speakers underlined also the following points: the crimes perpetrated in Khojaly were part of the systematic violence policy of Armenia against Azerbaijani civilians; this policy is founded on the nzhdeizm ideology that inculcates racial superiority of Armenians and hatred against Azerbaijanis; the events in Khojaly must be classified as a crime of genocide; and Armenia and its political-military leadership bear responsibility for this crime according to the international law and pertinent resolutions of the United Nations.
During his presentation in the IUS International Conference on the commemoration of the 26th anniversary of Khojaly Genocide; Assoc. Prof. Dr. & Dr. Honoris Causa Sabahudin Hadžialić stated: “At one point I did not ask myself if I should be one of the promoters of this sorrowful saga about the suffering of children who did not grow up in Azerbaijan, because the children of this region did not grow up precisely because of the suffering and cruelty to which they were exposed in the wars of the 1990s on the territory of former Yugoslavia, especially in the area of our homeland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, a cruelty that was equal to the one experienced by our Azerbaijani brothers and sisters. Today, I am here with you, because it is the duty of every man who’s existence does not rely on the exclusiveness towards the other but relies only and only on the directness of the ultimate understanding that we all have a red color of our blood under our skin and precisely that color of blood does not make a difference between people.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. and Dr. Honoris Causa Sabahudin Hadžialić continued with his speech: “The terrible suffering of the Azerbaijani people, as only a portion of the suffering of children and their families, including the people of Azerbaijan is shared in this book, by author Elshad EYVAZLI, is merely a continuation of suffering that encompasses human civilization since its appearance, from the Holocaust orchestrated during World War II, the genocide in Srebrenica, to the present day and - how to name the tragedy were hundreds and hundreds of innocent victims in Khojaly lost their lives, at the end of the last century? A killing, massacre, or ethnic cleansing, having in mind that Quran’s verse says: "Whoever kills an innocent man is as if he killed the whole world! Whoever saves a man, is as if he has saved the whole world! "Where was our civilization when the world was murdered not once but thousands of times in Srebrenica and other strata of peoples in Bosnia and Herzegovina? Where was the civilization when the world was murdered not once but hundreds of times in the Khojaly Massacre in Azerbaijan?”
In regards to the book, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hadžialić states: “Indeed, I have been sincerely touched by the lines of this little - great people, children who never grew up. I'm not going to talk about the individual pain and suffering mentioned in this book because every pain is special to itself and that's why you really have to read through it, not just reading it, because this book is an unfinished, continuous story of suffering. Every new reading creates a new pain, a pain that survives in the eternity of civilization as a continuum.”
This international conference was attended by academicians, prominent international law experts, public figures, members of the parliaments of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Azerbaijan, as well as by representatives of NGOs, members of diplomatic corps and the mass media from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, and Azerbaijan.
Some of the keynote speakers of this conference were: the Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Bosnia and Herzegovina Prof. Dr. Eldar Hasanov; Chancellor of IUS, Prof. Dr. Tahsin Erkan Ture; the author of the book Elshad Eyvazli; Member of the National Assembly of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Head of the working group on inter-parliamentary relations between Azerbaijan and Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr. Chingiz Ganizade; Member of the Writers’ Association of BiH, Serbia and Montenegro; Member of “Circle 99”, Assoc. Prof. Dr. & Dr. Honoris Causa Sabahudin Hadžialić; Professor of the Sarajevo University, Doctor of Law Edin Halapić; and eyewitnesses of the Khojaly Massacre Sabina Maharramova and Murad Huseynov.
The panelists spoke about the surprise attack committed by the armed forces of Armenia on the city of Khojaly in the Nagorno Karabakh region of Azerbaijan in the night from February 25 - February 26 in 1992, as well as the cruel and merciless killing, severe wounding, taking hostages, torturing and disappearance of the civilian population in the city of Khojaly.
The keynote speakers underlined also the following points: the crimes perpetrated in Khojaly were part of the systematic violence policy of Armenia against Azerbaijani civilians; this policy is founded on the nzhdeizm ideology that inculcates racial superiority of Armenians and hatred against Azerbaijanis; the events in Khojaly must be classified as a crime of genocide; and Armenia and its political-military leadership bear responsibility for this crime according to the international law and pertinent resolutions of the United Nations.
During his presentation in the IUS International Conference on the commemoration of the 26th anniversary of Khojaly Genocide; Assoc. Prof. Dr. & Dr. Honoris Causa Sabahudin Hadžialić stated: “At one point I did not ask myself if I should be one of the promoters of this sorrowful saga about the suffering of children who did not grow up in Azerbaijan, because the children of this region did not grow up precisely because of the suffering and cruelty to which they were exposed in the wars of the 1990s on the territory of former Yugoslavia, especially in the area of our homeland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, a cruelty that was equal to the one experienced by our Azerbaijani brothers and sisters. Today, I am here with you, because it is the duty of every man who’s existence does not rely on the exclusiveness towards the other but relies only and only on the directness of the ultimate understanding that we all have a red color of our blood under our skin and precisely that color of blood does not make a difference between people.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. and Dr. Honoris Causa Sabahudin Hadžialić continued with his speech: “The terrible suffering of the Azerbaijani people, as only a portion of the suffering of children and their families, including the people of Azerbaijan is shared in this book, by author Elshad EYVAZLI, is merely a continuation of suffering that encompasses human civilization since its appearance, from the Holocaust orchestrated during World War II, the genocide in Srebrenica, to the present day and - how to name the tragedy were hundreds and hundreds of innocent victims in Khojaly lost their lives, at the end of the last century? A killing, massacre, or ethnic cleansing, having in mind that Quran’s verse says: "Whoever kills an innocent man is as if he killed the whole world! Whoever saves a man, is as if he has saved the whole world! "Where was our civilization when the world was murdered not once but thousands of times in Srebrenica and other strata of peoples in Bosnia and Herzegovina? Where was the civilization when the world was murdered not once but hundreds of times in the Khojaly Massacre in Azerbaijan?”
In regards to the book, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hadžialić states: “Indeed, I have been sincerely touched by the lines of this little - great people, children who never grew up. I'm not going to talk about the individual pain and suffering mentioned in this book because every pain is special to itself and that's why you really have to read through it, not just reading it, because this book is an unfinished, continuous story of suffering. Every new reading creates a new pain, a pain that survives in the eternity of civilization as a continuum.”

Copyright © 2018 Sabahudin Hadžialić & Peter Tase
Design: Sabi / Autors & Sabahudin Hadžialić. Design LOGO - Stevo Basara.
Freelance gl. i odg. urednik od / Freelance Editor in chief as of 2009: Sabahudin Hadžialić
All Rights Reserved. Publishers and owners: Peter Tase & Sabahudin Hadžialić
Whitefish Bay, WI, United States of America
Diogen pro kultura magazin (Online)
ISSN 2296-0929
Diogen pro kultura magazin (Print)
ISSN 2296-0937
Library of Congress USA / Biblioteka - Knjižnica Kongresa SAD
Contact Editorial board E-mail: [email protected];
Pošta/Mail USA: Peter Tase, 5023 NORTH BERKELEY BLVD. WHITEFISH BAY, WI, 53217, USA
Pošta/Mail BiH: Sabahudin Hadžialić, Grbavička 32, 71000 Sarajevo i/ili Dr. Wagner 18/II, 70230 Bugojno, Bosna i Hercegovina
Design: Sabi / Autors & Sabahudin Hadžialić. Design LOGO - Stevo Basara.
Freelance gl. i odg. urednik od / Freelance Editor in chief as of 2009: Sabahudin Hadžialić
All Rights Reserved. Publishers and owners: Peter Tase & Sabahudin Hadžialić
Whitefish Bay, WI, United States of America
Diogen pro kultura magazin (Online)
ISSN 2296-0929
Diogen pro kultura magazin (Print)
ISSN 2296-0937
Library of Congress USA / Biblioteka - Knjižnica Kongresa SAD
Contact Editorial board E-mail: [email protected];
Pošta/Mail USA: Peter Tase, 5023 NORTH BERKELEY BLVD. WHITEFISH BAY, WI, 53217, USA
Pošta/Mail BiH: Sabahudin Hadžialić, Grbavička 32, 71000 Sarajevo i/ili Dr. Wagner 18/II, 70230 Bugojno, Bosna i Hercegovina