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Publisher online and owner: Sabahudin Hadžialić, MSc Sarajevo & Bugojno, Bosnia and Herzegovina MI OBJEDINJUJEMO RAZLIČITOSTI... WE ARE UNIFYING DIVERSITIES |
Sometimes it seems to me that,
as an old Japanese poem or a “saying”
said, life is a dream in a dream…
What is your greatest pleasure writing?
I was dreaming since I was a kid to travel and to write, because I found so many marvels in books I was reading. For me it is a pleasure to read and to write and because of many things – of the possibility to travel everywhere my mind wants, understanding better some things about animals, countries, people, planet, reading about so many life stories, about history, about… So, my pleasure is in everything means to live, the life and the people and the amazing things we can know, and, if I will be able to do it, to offer interesting, maybe wonderful moments to the readers.
Can you tell us something about your hometown and growing up?
I was born in small and, for me, in that times, very interesting town, Negreşti, where I learn a lot about to be free, to dream, to understand others (there were in that town Romanians, Hebrews, Gypsies, Lipovans – came from Russia centuries ago, dear Tanja – even very few Turks and a Tatar which amazing sweets. I often spent my holidays at the countryside, in a marvelous village, Suhuleţ, were I discovered my paradise – forests, lakes, animals… It had there everything I wish, including books, because my grandma library was full with all kind of books. But I grew up in Iaşi, considered to be cultural capital of Romania (they say it is built, like Rome, on seven hills), a beautiful town where history and culture are present everywhere. You can find a lot of information about Iaşi and its personality.
What is your experience with haiku?
Haiku is an interesting way to approach to a special sort of poetry, and a way to understand you and the nature/ the world. Sometimes many consider it something to “easy” or to “syllable counting”, or, maybe, a not so proper to a different culture than the Japanese one… or I don’t know how. Discussion is not so simple, and to consider it like this is a mistake.
I shouldn’t say it is just a hobby, because I take haiku and its history/ present in serious, but it is not my main path.
Your poetry brings a lot of insight into everyday life: there are so many miraculous twists and turns in a man's life?
Oh, yes! Depends how and what is life for you, but I think, even some of them (or most of them) are smaller and maybe not always you want or you are able to see/ to feel them, there are, as you say, „many miraculous twists and turns in a man's life”.
Could you tell us something about the magazine you publish? What is its concept and what are the contents Romanian cultural magazines: Timpul/ Time?
I worked for „Time” magazine in the beginning of 1990, after the Revolution from Romania. There were interesting and complicate times, with a lot of new paths for our people. Some of them we didn’t know how to manage better, some of them yes…
Now I work for maybe the most important magazine from Romania – „Literary Conversation” (in Romanian „Convorbiri literare”), which had and has an important role in the Romanian literature/ culture, and for „Poetry” (in Romanian „Poezia”).
Here is better to say that I work to build a personal project of work and life, and to join, if it was necessary, to others which helped me to fulfill it. So, I started with „Poezia” (founded by Cassian Maria Spiridon), we can say, which publish original and translated, Romanian and foreign poetry, and essays about poetry. I wanted to „travel” all other the world like this – With „Carmina balcanica” (a project started by two friends, Mihaela Albu and Dan Anghelescu, which invited me to join) I „travel” in South East European mentality and culture/ spirituality. With „Doina” (which I founded in Paris – where is registered – and Iaşi, together with Marilena Lică Massala), I „go” to Africa, Caribbean Islands, to the Western Europe, and as an important place, to Paris, where there is a very interesting cultural life, to the French language and francophone space and the francophonie, especially. With Kadō I „close” my circle, going to the (still marvelous) Orient, through Europe, starting from my country.
An International Review of the Humanities and Social Sciences; Kadō, The way of poetry, Review of Euro-Asiatic Poetry, Poetic Culture and Spirituality?
Yes, I started to tell you about. I founded because I need it to „close” an imaginary cultural/ literary „circle” of the world. I work with some people on this magazine, among these, assistant of editor in chief is Cristina Rusu. Each issue is dedicated to a country or region. So far there are issues dedicated to Crimea, to Turkey, to Armenia, to Japan… an issue is dedicated to Bosnia and Herzegovina, as you know (I collaborated mostly, but not only with Sabahudin Hadžialić – there is, also, for example, Žarko Milenic, which I collaborate with since some good years and, for haiku section, with Đurđa Vukelić Rožić etc.). All issues we realized working with friends form the countries/ regions they are dedicated, and launched there. All issues contain photos from my town and from that country are dedicated. Each issue has 200 pages with poetry, interviews, essays, critical works from some countries, including Romania, but mainly from the country/ region they are dedicated.
You are co-founder of: “Carmina Balcanica” Association, the institutional editor of “Carmina Balcanica”, Review of South-East European Spirituality and Culture?
My friends, I told you about, M. Albu. and D. Anghelescu, and me, after some years of „Carmina balcanica”, seeing what means such a magazine, decided to create an association for better and operational decisions. The main goal of the Association is to edit „Carmina balcanica”.
You are editor „Doina”, Revue de Littérature, Civilisation et Culture Universelle, bilingue, franco-roumaine, Paris, France?
It is an very interesting experience, which we hope we will be able to manage further. I have there such interesting collaborators, from so many cultural spaces (mostly from French language area, but not only), like for each of the magazines I told you about. Each of these is special for me.
You are contributor with articles, poems essay, prose, translations, criticism, interview in various international anthologies, magazines?
And, of course, other national ones. Of course, because I am glad to do this, when I can. I always want to understand and to learn about different cultures, about people, about history, present to understand what sort of future we can have. And, of course, when it is possible, I like to travel. It is a way to understand better the world.
How do you manage all that with so much work that you do? Do you have time for yourself? What inspires you?
It is not easy, but mostly because of shortness of the time. Sometimes I want more, but the Earth day has only 24 hours. My wife understands me and this is wonderful. I have a son, which I consider to be a special gift for me from God. Time for myself? I have, not so much as I wish, but I have. I am inspired by what means our planet, the diversity which make as so interesting one to each other and I hope that the present will not give us a future which will destroy the beauty of the world, as I see it
Have you achieved everything you have ever wanted to and if you could live your life again would you be an artist again?
I believe I have so many to learn and to see yet, but, of course, I would not change this choice in my life.
What are your plans for the creative work in the near future?
I have many projects, I hope I will have time and possibilities to finish them. I want to travel in more places, to learn there about what I want to understand better, and to know people. And I have some books to write.
To what extent do you know about our culture and literature, what have you read that made an impression on you?
„Our” meaning Russian? A lot! Russia has a great culture, it will be a long list to say all of them. And your music is great. I listen often Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff. I like some of your painters…
Marius Chelaru’s career in a few years?
I hope to be healthy me and my family, and if it is so, all will be ok, I will have time for my projects, not so few, about Romanian culture/ literature, about other cultural spaces.
Name: Marius Chelariu, Pen Name: Marius Chelaru,
DOB: 30,08,1961, Negreşti city, Vaslui county, Romania;
Present days – live in Iaşi, where he graduated University “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”.
He is contributor with articles/ poems/ critics and he has been or/ and is as editor & editor in chief, editorial advisor etc. for:
- some famous Romanian cultural magazines: Timpul/ Time; Cronica/ Chronicle; Convorbiri Literare/ Literary Conversations; Poezia/ Poetry; Carmina Balcanica; Agathos: An International Review of the Humanities and Social Sciences; Kadō, The way of poetry, Review of Euro-Asiatic Poetry, Poetic Culture and Spirituality etc.,
- Publishing Houses as: Junimea (1994-1998, editor, 1998-1999: editor in chief, 1999-2000: Director), Sakura (1999-2002, Director), Parnas (2000- 2002), Timpul/ Time (2001-2003, Executive Director),
He is co-founder of:
- “Carmina Balcanica” Association, the institutional editor of “Carmina Balcanica”, Review of South-East European Spirituality and Culture
- „Doina”, Revue de Littérature, Civilisation et Culture Universelle, bilingue, franco-roumaine, Paris, France;
He is founder of:
Kadō, The way of poetry, Review of Euro-Asiatic Poetry, Poetic Culture and Spirituality, Iaşi
He is a contributor with articles, poems essay, prose, translations, criticism, interview etc. in various international anthologies, and in magazines/ journals from Romania and abroad – Albania, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, Crimea, France, USA, England, Italy, Paraguay, Japan, Lebanon, Macedonia, Kosovo, Holland, Hungary, Republic of Moldavia, Turkey, Serbia etc.
He is a member of Romanian Writers Society, member of the famous club “Junimea” (The Youth) from Iaşi, a honorary member of Maison Naaman pour la Culture, Beirut, Liban, a member of Romanian Haiku Society, a member of World Haiku Association, Japan, a member of the Romanian Language Writers’Association, Québec, Canada, of the Haiku Foundation Canada-USA etc.
He published more than 40 books (novels, poems – haiku and tanka also –, critics, essays, translations)
His creations are translated in more than 20 languages; He has personal volumes in Albanian, Aromanian, Arabic, Bulgarian, English, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Japanese, Macedonian, Tatar, Turkish, Serbian, Spanish etc.
He was awarded with some national/ international literary prizes
Name: Marius Chelariu, Pen Name: Marius Chelaru,
DOB: 30,08,1961, Negreşti city, Vaslui county, Romania;
Present days – live in Iaşi, where he graduated University “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”.
He is contributor with articles/ poems/ critics and he has been or/ and is as editor & editor in chief, editorial advisor etc. for:
- some famous Romanian cultural magazines: Timpul/ Time; Cronica/ Chronicle; Convorbiri Literare/ Literary Conversations; Poezia/ Poetry; Carmina Balcanica; Agathos: An International Review of the Humanities and Social Sciences; Kadō, The way of poetry, Review of Euro-Asiatic Poetry, Poetic Culture and Spirituality etc.,
- Publishing Houses as: Junimea (1994-1998, editor, 1998-1999: editor in chief, 1999-2000: Director), Sakura (1999-2002, Director), Parnas (2000- 2002), Timpul/ Time (2001-2003, Executive Director),
He is co-founder of:
- “Carmina Balcanica” Association, the institutional editor of “Carmina Balcanica”, Review of South-East European Spirituality and Culture
- „Doina”, Revue de Littérature, Civilisation et Culture Universelle, bilingue, franco-roumaine, Paris, France;
He is founder of:
Kadō, The way of poetry, Review of Euro-Asiatic Poetry, Poetic Culture and Spirituality, Iaşi
He is a contributor with articles, poems essay, prose, translations, criticism, interview etc. in various international anthologies, and in magazines/ journals from Romania and abroad – Albania, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, Crimea, France, USA, England, Italy, Paraguay, Japan, Lebanon, Macedonia, Kosovo, Holland, Hungary, Republic of Moldavia, Turkey, Serbia etc.
He is a member of Romanian Writers Society, member of the famous club “Junimea” (The Youth) from Iaşi, a honorary member of Maison Naaman pour la Culture, Beirut, Liban, a member of Romanian Haiku Society, a member of World Haiku Association, Japan, a member of the Romanian Language Writers’Association, Québec, Canada, of the Haiku Foundation Canada-USA etc.
He published more than 40 books (novels, poems – haiku and tanka also –, critics, essays, translations)
His creations are translated in more than 20 languages; He has personal volumes in Albanian, Aromanian, Arabic, Bulgarian, English, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Japanese, Macedonian, Tatar, Turkish, Serbian, Spanish etc.
He was awarded with some national/ international literary prizes

Copyright © 2014 DIOGEN pro cultura magazine & Sabahudin Hadžialić
Design: Sabi / Autors & Sabahudin Hadžialić. Design LOGO - Stevo Basara.
Freelance gl. i odg. urednik od / Freelance Editor in chief as of 2009: Sabahudin Hadžialić
All Rights Reserved. Publisher online and owner: Sabahudin Hadžialić
Contact Editorial board E-mail: [email protected];
Narudžbe/Order: [email protected]
Pošta/Mail: Freelance Editor in chief Sabahudin Hadžialić,
Grbavička 32, 71000 Sarajevo i/ili
Dr. Wagner 18/II, 70230 Bugojno, Bosna i Hercegovina
Design: Sabi / Autors & Sabahudin Hadžialić. Design LOGO - Stevo Basara.
Freelance gl. i odg. urednik od / Freelance Editor in chief as of 2009: Sabahudin Hadžialić
All Rights Reserved. Publisher online and owner: Sabahudin Hadžialić
Contact Editorial board E-mail: [email protected];
Narudžbe/Order: [email protected]
Pošta/Mail: Freelance Editor in chief Sabahudin Hadžialić,
Grbavička 32, 71000 Sarajevo i/ili
Dr. Wagner 18/II, 70230 Bugojno, Bosna i Hercegovina